Celtic_34's comments

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Edited By Celtic_34

@djkg5: I'm only on this site. What are you talking about? Now you are lying? Read the comments and user reviews. Not everyone likes it.

I am only on this site too. What are you talking about? I have a life. Get a life yourself and stop spreading lies about people.

Some people like and dislike the game. Get a life. Your responses and how you justify yourselves is miserable.

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Edited By Celtic_34

Outside of this being a stylized shooter I feel like the rest of this review is a fluff piece. It's a shooter. How complex can it be? It adds hero classes and updated graphics. It hits right where Battleborn missed. Trying to market lesser graphics and a half baked campaign is kind of difficult. That's the good and bad of marketing though. It's still a shooter. It's still a lot of hype. It's still primarily the same game people will knock battleborn for. It's a shooter. It adds hero classes and updated graphics. Acting like it is this super complex design and battleborn isn't is a bit much. For some reason I feel like both games involve running around shooting people in the face. One has better graphics and is amazing according to some people.

It would be one thing if reviewers didn't trend that way but they definately do. If anything these games are getting less and less complex. Whether that's a good thing or bad thing is debateable on different levels, it's still work to get them working that way, but acting like they are these super complex games to play is a bit much.

The truth is there is a lot of hype and marketing out there right now vs actually good games to play. I could do without all that and the milkage that comes along with this stuff if a game is worth full price. Diablo III was a prime example of this. Sure every so often a game comes out that is worth that but the amount of hype is absurd. I think that's debateable whether that is really progress. I'm not sure these games match the hype that is out there.

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Edited By Celtic_34

@elheber: That's marketing for you though. Hey Battleborn is a great game that accomplished what it set out to do if you like downgraded graphics and meh gameplay. Overwatch has pretty good graphics and gameplay to my estimation. It's being marketed as more than that. But the same could be said about it imo. Hey overwatch is a great game that set out to do waht it did if you like pretty good gameplay and graphics.

They are very similar games. One does what it set out to do better. Both strip away a lot of things that made for better gameplay as far as stylized first person shooters go..

That's the difference between a flop and a success as far as marketing goes. I never said Overwatch wasn't good.

This is the day and age we live in with mass media who can reach more people though. I think as far as a game Overwatch is not as good as the hype. It's a pretty good game that hit its mark better than battleborn did and got a lot of hype behind it. There have been worse things that have have been hyped up more for sure.

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Edited By Celtic_34

@elheber: Halo Combat Evolved was an evolution of the classic shooter and got a 9. Even that is debatable. A lot of people had legitament gripes with it. It took a while before the added back in a lot of stuff. I think the issue with this game is it adds hero classes and updated graphics but it also strips away a lot of what made shooters appealing. It's not the same evolution. Probably over time Blizzard will turn it into an MMO and a massively multiplayer game and all that but again that's been done before.

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Edited By Celtic_34

@elheber: That's debatable imo. Saying it absolutely nailed what it advertised itself to be is taste. Giving hero classes and updated graphics makes for a fun game. I'd give it a 7. I don't see that as seminal overly. I see it creating later developments as far as what Blizzard does with it. But seminal also means groundbreaking. Games have done this before and done it at a level t hat is equal to this. They also didn't necessarily get 9's. Games have also done more groundbreaking things that got the same score as this.

The original uncharted was a seminal game. It didn't get a 9. It got an 8 which to me was a bit high. You are saying this game nailed what it set out to do. That's relative. That's just one example but gamespot criticized the original uncharted for being lacking in areas. Uncharted may have had more things wrong with it but that's just one example. There are plenty of other games like that that didn't get 9's that nailed what they set out to do.

I don't think this game is as groundbreaking as people will lead you to believe. Most of this has already been done in one form or another. Hero classes and a highly stylized shooter yes. Battleborn was advertised as something different. Questionable design choices but is what it's advertised as well. I'd give that game a 6 if that. It's not as successful marketing wise.

Halo:Combat Evolved to me was a much more seminal game than this. IT got 9's on release and backed it up. It was that as a standalone game. It was a much more groundbreaking game. It wasn't without criticism though and even a 9 is debatable for that game too.

I think what overwatch has going for it is marketing muscle. It's not as much a groundbreaking game as Halo:Combat Evolved was.

Even the original Witcher games were highly polished for what they were. They weren't getting the same hype as this. It was more coming from gamers.

Blizzard obviously has a lot of money behind this and marketing backing. That is seminal in ways. It's not just going to go away. Blizzard is definately behind this and will be doing things with it I'd guess.

Thing is I'd give Halo:Combat Evolved an 8 or 9 as a standalone groundbreaking game. I would have given Uncharted an 7 or 8 on release. I think an 8 was a bit high for that game. I think this is around a 7 or 8 game. The marketing muscle behind it is what's giving it a 9 right now.

People have legitament gripes too. Halo: Combat Evolved had things wrong with it. A lot of classic first person shooter fans didn't like it because it took away modding and all that.

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Edited By Celtic_34

@elheber: Also speak for yourself. You throw around words like we when obviously people feel differently than you do. I am talking about we. You aren't. That's the whole point. I respect that people that see this game differently.

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Edited By Celtic_34

@elheber: I don't that's the whole point. The whole reason I write this stuff is because I recognize that some people just like some games and others dont and there are reasons for that. That's the whole point. The stuff people come up with either way is absurd. There are things people like about this game. There are things people don't like about it. To me that's not a 9 but that just makes way too much sense to me. It's a polarizing game that way. It does some things great. Other things not so much. To me that isn't a 9. Critics and reviewers are supposed to take that stuff into account too. That's my whole point if you've read what I've said which makes so much sense it's absurd lol. It's not a conspiracy.

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Edited By Celtic_34

@Scarshi: Actually that's not it at all. I didn't buy the game. I played the beta. Also I'm not a minority. The game sells a couple million and there are 6 billion people in the world who have different viewpoints. That's the problem with people like you is you think because a game sells so much it's the end all be all and you are absolutely right when you are incapable of seeing anything outside of that. There are about 6 billion people who didnt even buy the game. About 60 percent of the people who did actually think it's as good as a the scores and hype its getting which means it's not a 9. A lot of people buy hype. There is a lot of hype out there.

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Edited By Celtic_34

@elheber: Or people are just sheep. Critics as well. Reading the comments here doesn't make me really think otherwise. A lot of commercial sites do advertise the game though. Gamespot included. It's better for business to hype up big releases. Most people don't delve that deep into what the game actually is. Diablo III also got a 9 on release. So did AC syndicate. There is commercial bias in a lot of these games. Most people just go with what they are told vs thinking outside the box.

A lot of people realize the game is not that good. What does that tell you? But I'm sure you will overlook that and all those people are just stupid according to you.

That isn't a conspiracy theory. That is very real. It isn't blatant but marketing and hype is a much more powerful tool than people realize.

These companies have billion dollar budgets which a large percentage of that is spent on marketing. That is very real. A portion of that might go into making the game. A larger portion goes into marketing it.

These media outlets aren't going to hire people who tell it like it is. It's really as simple as that. They'd rather hire some fanboy who is going to tell them what they want to hear vs stirring the pot. It puts sites like gamespot at risk. Hyping the game is better for them. What I'm saying makes way too much sense though. It isn't a conspiracy. It's human nature in action and these corporations doing what is best for them. CBS interactive owns gamespot and sites like metacritic and yeah they try to keep their integrity but the wheels come off.

People trying to keep their integrity when they go with what's good for them not the bigger picture more times than not. It's a facad. Yeah some people genuinally like the game. It's about 60 to 40 though of people who actually played it and that's not a 9. Also about 6 billion people don't even care to even buy it. Think it's junk. Some do. Some don't. Are all of them conspiracy theorists? Fanboy bullies are funny though. Is every person who realizes that marketing is a real thing a conspiracy theorist?

honestly someone gives this game a less than stellar review the amount of crap that comes out is more a conspiracy than anything. People don't like that pressure. They are afraid of whatever it is and the drama that ensues. They don't like constructive criticism. They'd rather hire people who are going to say good job and give them a pat on the back.

I can recognize what the game does right and wrong. But the hype is real. There is no conspiracy.

It's the people who can't recognize what the game does right and wrong who are conspiracy theorists a lot of the time too. I recognize some people just like things about it and some people don't like things about it and there are reasons for that. That's the whole point though. Some of you are incapable of seeing that.

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Edited By Celtic_34

@ILSATS: I like games and am passionate about them. I have some pretty good points. I've listened to enough people too where it's like what the heck after a while. I know what I'm doing when I say that stuff. I honestly go on forums and like and dislike certain things and I've heard it all when more just have good intent.