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planet puzzle league


anyways.. another thing with that virtual instrument

another reason why it would be neat to call it a virtual instrument even though it maybe more resembles a midi-synth, would be due to the fact that it would have a virtual representation on the tv.. now of course that virtual representation could be something electronic looking, like a midi-synth, but im talking about making something that looked like an old brass instrument, that would be very neat..

anyways, the deal here would also be that u could record melodies with different sounds on that instrument, and also use the virtual drums to record a drumloop, or drum arrangement

in other words, u, the player, would play all these virtual instruments that u recorded.. pretty neat, using a very simple garage band interface maybe

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instead of only imitating real instruments, wouldn't it be pretty cool if they devoted one of the many "areas" in the music / game program to a completely "new vitual instrument"? so that in example the buttons and the d-pad on the remote became buttons on this "instrument" and that it also changed tone simply by moving it, i mean, i guess somewhere in the area of a trombone, but with a lot more variety (tilt it, at what angle etc. etc.), and maybe it should be more comparable to a midi-synth since maybe u should be able to change the "sound bank" on it as well :)

hm.. another thing, is the people behind that puzzle game from nintendo, that game that's similar to meteos, are those people color blind? i would never buy that game when it came out, lol

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hm, well to start a petition by myself for an idea i have, well... it feels a bit egoistic really, so i wont do it

and i just hoped that nintendo of america would dig the idea if i just sent it to them, but... i was wrong :( 

so i guess this topic was more kind of like my lament of not being able to do anything :)

but thanks anyhow :) 

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what ideas i have... well, it doesn't matter here really

but what im talking about otherwise is a slight problem, namely: is it only adaptable people who can get people to sign petitions? you know like that guy in star trek who is the comunique with all foreign affairs, because he is good with people, commander riker

so apart from having ideas, like i have, i would actually also need to be good with people, to have them sign petitions to nintendo?

is that the reason why i can't do anything now? 

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is that only for people who are adaptable?

i mean... if u have some ideas doesn't matter?

well... i guess i wont get an answer to that question here... or anywhere 

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are they planning a quendan game for wii as well?

(maybe it's not called quendan but quenda, i dont know)

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why would 3d have a learning curve?

it's the most natural thing, u live in 3d, why would a 3d interface be awkward?

and considering that a 3d interface only would need to be confined to a box, think of it like as if the tv screen represented one side of the box, so that the lines of the box began from each corner of the tv, and went inward, forming a box...

ok so that idea maybe becomes problematic when u have a wide screen, or does it? well, but why would it be that, just make it compatible with the widescreen format lol

EDIT: the only thing that would be problematic has to do with the fact that, unlike a mouse, ure movement with the remote is direct to scale with your handmovement, resulting in that the "3d icon" in the box would be "running" all over the screen, since the remote is so sensitive, but i guess u have the same "problem" with the current "2d pointing device" function as well, right?


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your saying you want a nunchuck with 2 analog sticks? That would be so hard to use its below stupidhazbazz

well... yes it is, im doubting it myself, maybe u didn't read that

but, well, to explain the "2 analog nunchuck" a bit further and give it a little more credit, the "new", or second, analog stick would be more like a trigger, in lack of a better word, i mean, it would still be an analog stick in function, but ud use it "up side down", controlling it with ure index finger, placing it where the two z buttons (or whatever they're called) on the nunchuck are right now

and the reason i describe it as a trigger is because, if u where to be able to control an analog stick "upside down" ud need to have a circle at the end, where u could "rest" the end of ure index finger.

hope u get it now...

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wii sports? wario? rayman?

doesn't there need to be more?

and as for metroid... if it's going to use only one analog stick (and not be a showpiece for a nunchuck with two analog sticks)

isn't the smartest move then to use a "mouselook" with the wii remote instead of "duckhunt meets clunky one analog character movement scheme?"

since the only 3d movement in the game uses the nunchuck anyways (opening doors)

so in that regard, why not just use a mouselook?

i would have prefered a new nuncuck of course, although it's quite possible that it's too difficult to get the hang of such a configuration

EDIT: it's also strange that nintendo haven't had a really original product to show off what the remotes capable off, like a "3d paint program" where u draw lines in 3d, or something like that

and why is the wii interface in 2d? why didn't they go for a 3d box interface? it would have been a lot more fun, it would have felt new, and kids would have liked it, instead they use a boring 2d interface, only utilising the remotes 2d pointing device capabilities

is the wii brain game only using the remotes 2d capabilities as well? it's not like ud exersise the brains spatial awarness if u threw in some mini-games that used the remotes 3d capabilites, is it?

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#10 CARL
Member since 2002 • 651 Posts

i understand him, i mean, an eyetoy together with a ps3 can detect any motion, that u do with any part of the body, but to call it tiring to use the wii remote has to be wrong, not that i know though...

in a sense the wii is a cheap, lesser console than the ps3, in regards to both controls and horsepower

but its cheaper... oh well... :)