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It's going to depend on the succes of Move and Kinect. If they do well you can expect them to come out a little later. If not ... expect them a little sooner.

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My advise would be to wait a little bit. Intel is planning to release Core iX 2xxx series (CPU, new architecture) this fall and ATi is planning to release its HD6xxx series (GPU, new architecture aswell) in October.

Missing out on the new Intel CPUs isn't a big deal but you'll kick yourself for buying a HD5xxx/GTX4xx when HD6xxx releases and outperforms them significantly. So at the very least for till late October.

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Makes sense.

When are they finally going to offer some nice bundles? GPU (HDX830) + CPU (X4) + Motherboard for 299$/EU would be a great bundle for budget gamers.

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I'm a big fan of virtual keyboards. It allows for a larger screen, the phone is lighter&smaller and and it doesn't involve pressing a tiny button with your nail. Trying to type a message with tiny buttons -or even worse phones that put multiple letters on a single button- feels like you're strangling your fingers.

What about you?

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I'm getting it for my PC. PS Move + GlovePie = PC Couch Gaming taken to the next level.

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I just hope that someday we'll get a solid Halo Title for the PC because eventhough Team Fortress 2 is alot of fun, I'm a bit bored with it.HaloReach looks like alot of fun... if only.

I'm probaly one of the few that is totally not excited about Crysis 2 multiplayer.

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My 2 cents worth of speculating.

Most of us are expecting the new consoles by 2013. So, where will the CPU and GPU market be by then?

Let's start with CPU. All big 3 will pick IBM processors formultiple reasons. So you can't run windows on it, Intel does not sell IP, hackz and simply because it's very efficient. Another reason is because IBM is the first to incoperate eDRAM in their CPUs, which is slightly slower then SRAM cache but alot denser, so the chip can be alot smaller which means a higher transistor budget left for the GPU, increased yields etc. By 2013 most silicon manufactuerer's will be at 22nm, so Sony/MS/N will probaly go 32/28nm (higher yields). Expect a modified 4-6 core IBM CPU.

Now for theGPU. It'll be HKMG 28nm for them. Sony might go with NVIDIA, Nintendo and MS will probaly stick with ATI. ATI's current highest end has 1600 Stream Processors but they're changing their Stream Processor configuration with the next architecture, from 5-way to 4-way to increase utilization. What this means is that they'll be able to place 1920 SP on a chip with the same die size as their current flagship. At 28nm that either doubles or atleast increases a significant bit.

If they double up it would put the HD7770 at 1920SP with the same die size as the current HD5770 but running even cooler due to HKMG. The question is, will they double up? Noone knows really. By fall 2013 ATi will launch HD9xxx series on 22nm. We'll be at +5K Stream Processors for the flagchip. So something like 1920SP for consoles isn't too far off I'd say.

Not sure about NVIDIA. Their current 512SP Fermi cards are running quite hot and have alot of stuff that aren't really needed. GF104 seems alot more promosing, so if they decide to continue down that path then at 28nm they'd double up to768SP-(or a bit higher). So that would put the mainstream card somewhere around 448-512SP I guess, which in my eyes seems a fine match for the 1920SP ATI GPU. They also have PhysX but I'd rather have higher framerates then some cape flapping more realistically.

RAM. Probaly 1.5-3GB of DDR3. Somewherebetween 768MB-1,25GB of GDDR5 for the GPU.

BluRay drive.

+250GB HDD. We might also see something like a 32GB SSD chip on the motherboard to load the game off theBR-disc to the SSD to significantly reduce loading times during (besides initial loading times).

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Why does it have to be used in that way? Instead of pointing it at the enemies it needs to be fixed to the middle of the screen and used like a mouse.dkjestrup

I've always said this. However, it wouldrequire another button. The reason is because when we reach the end of our surface area on which your mouse moves we simply lift it up and place it back in the middle. You can't do that with Move or WiiMote so it would require a button that would disable the tracking while pressed so we can straighten up our wrists.

Though, it's understandable why they're not doing that with Move, because it would grant an unfair advantage to Move-users online.

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You have played Deus Ex yes?

Every time you did an action it was through direct input not a button prompt simplifying player choice. What you must realise is this is the foundations of Deus Ex's design principle; emergent gameplay that is foremost about the player finding their own way to solve many of the games problems; not being funnelled into 'three alternative' routes or being given an array of 'two options' when trying to sildently take down a foe from behind.

Emergent gameplay is a design theory where players are given space to break from the confines of the games intended design, and given room to explore. This is why Deus Ex is universally praised and so ahead of its time; it was built around emergent design and a reactive world. I ninja jump off a balcony behind two guys and slice them with the Dragon's Tooth sword - that is my direct input and decision making. I chose my abilities to use, I chose my weapon I executed my plan. I throw a crate of explosives that I had dragged upstairs, off that same balcony to kill the same guys - again me doing things the developer never intended, and me having direct input in my actions.

This is not the 'good old times' this is fundamental game design.

You know the integrity of a game.

I am not saying DE3 is looking bad it isn't, however from everything I have read I am getting much more of a Mass Effect and Alpha Protocol vibe in a game that is 'cutscene heavy' with an emphasis of being 'cinematic'.

This article covers much ground.

This is not Deus Ex, this is ignoring Deus Ex's strengths- you want a contemporary take that works go play the Nameless Mod; which essentially out does Deus Ex in its own formula.


Now the question is can people calling out those criticising as 'haters' at least prove that this isn't a legitimate criticism.

Otherwise you know I suppose you're just a blind praiser.


These are snips of theThe Deus Ex Demonstration, blow-by-blow by PCGamer.

»"I'm not entirely kidding, because this loading screen has a LOADING SCREEN TIP! It tells you that you can upgrade your Cybernetic Arms augmentation to let you move heavier objects, cancel weapon recoil, punch through walls, or increase the size of your inventory."

» "Adam slips into the backrooms and hugs a wall. I finally get to see one of the most worrying details of Human Revolution in action: the third-person cover system.

It works. Adam slinks stealthily along the wall till he hits a corner, and because of the external perspective, I can see round it. A guard is coming."

» "Melee was never really a form of combat in the Deus Ex games: you either knocked them out with one blow, or slapped them repeatedly with your nanosword while they shot at you point blank. Human Revolution cuts out the slapping: if you're close enough to hit them, you just press the key and the takedown happens perfectly – in third person.

It's a little jarring, yes, and people are going to decry it as a mere action game. But the mechanics make sense to me: Deus Ex was allaboutgetting close enough to someone to be sure you could take them out instantly – whether it was with a crowbar or a headshot. This way, at least it looks cool."

» "The next section of the demo takes place at the dock. Adam ducks behind a low wall as he approaches the security gates – again the switch to third person feels useful rather than weird."

» "He picked up a crate! It's Deus Ex! Me and Will Porter from Eurogamer are grinning like idiots. If you want to make a cool looking modern game, this is the feature you scrap: having a big transparent box in front of your face looks weird, and letting the player rearrange the scenery leads to all kinds of AI, level design and testing complications. But if you want to make a Deus Ex game, this is a feature you keep. They kept it."

» "Adam sneaks through the gap, over to a guard hut, and sets the crate down underneath its window. He hops up onto it – Deus Ex! – opens the window and slips through. Deus Ex: Invisible War had a pistol mod that would dissolve glass to let you break windows without setting off alarms. Deus Ex: Human Revolution just lets you open them."

» "He runs into another guard around the corner, and takes him out with a rapid series of punches to all the wrong parts of his body. When you do a takedown like this, you can tap the key to beat them up, or hold it to get your blades out and eviscerate them. So right from the start, you always have a choice of lethal or non-lethal."

» "Its elephant legs crush the puny cardboard boxes it stomps on, while two miniguns protruding like antennae pelt Adam with fire. He dives between pallets with acrobatic commando-rolls and keeps firing back at the bot in short bursts, and I become worried.

In Deus Ex, bots are puzzles. It's completely inviable to fight them with mere bullets, so you have to hide, look at your toolset, and think about how to deal with them. This was starting to look like a boss fight: do enough damage and you win. That only requires – spit –skill. Deus Ex should require thought: can I afford to use up a rocket on this? Can I get away? Do I have any EMPs? If he beats this thing with an assault rifle, I will be sad.


After a lot of diving, shooting and hiding, Adam's found a good vantage point above the droid, and he's rooting through his inventory. He has a rocket launcher. And he has a weapon mod for the rocket launcher that lets him acquire a target, then fire-and-forget.

Boom, whoosh, crash!

The bot is totalled. Phew. This is still about having the right tool for the job, and not just brute skill."

» "That's the end of the demo. I am left confused and excited. It's good? It's good! When did this become good? I thought this was going to be the slightly embarrassing bastardisation of the Deus Ex template that I would play to death anyway, find some underlying virtue in, then spend seven years apologising for. That's what happened with Invisible War.

There are third-person kills, you can shoot from cover, and there are a few mid-mission cut-scenes. But you don't have to clone Deus Ex to stay true to it, and seeing some of the slicker changes here gets me thinking about how silly some of Deus Ex's rough edges really were. I usually defend them, because things like the half-blind enemies and inaccurate shooting were key to making you plan your approach. But here, I can see those things replaced by better systems without reducing the thought required.

It's a sneakier, prettier, more violent Deus Ex. That doesn't mean it'll be better than Deus Ex, but just seeing a game that's comparable gets me buzzing."

It's still Deus Ex, just a little more streamlined, cinematic and modern.

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I'd buy it.