Arch_Angel_21's forum posts

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#1 Arch_Angel_21
Member since 2006 • 1493 Posts
I'd quite happily lose my sense of smell and taste so long as I could keep my hearing, feeling and seeing (kinda rhymes) :P
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#2 Arch_Angel_21
Member since 2006 • 1493 Posts
I didn't know what next-gen gaming was until I played my 360 on my Sony Bravia, so yeah its just you there buddy.
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#3 Arch_Angel_21
Member since 2006 • 1493 Posts

Im currently in my last year of school and work part-time at a shoe shop at the mall in the city centre. I've worked there just over 6 months now. Working with shoes isn't my ideal line of work but hey its money. So I've been feeling ill since Monday and I haven't been at school. I've been full of a really crappy cold and I have felt really weak and had headaches and sweats, sore throat. Just generally when I phoned in to work yesterday to tell him I wouldn't be able to work last night I explained what was wrong with me and said I couldn't come in, to which he replied "Well Josh I think we all feel like that but we're still here, anyway I'll see you tomorrow". I called in sick again today and he just said "Thanks for phoning in and letting him know". I intend to speak to him about it because I reckon it was completely unfair. Any suggestions as to what I should say? Come on OT im expecting logical answers :P

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#4 Arch_Angel_21
Member since 2006 • 1493 Posts

3 weeks tomorrow im going on vacation to visit step-family and my dad in Florida, i would probably use those 2 weeks to have a constructive think about what im going to spend the money on.

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#5 Arch_Angel_21
Member since 2006 • 1493 Posts[/url
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#6 Arch_Angel_21
Member since 2006 • 1493 Posts

the only reason the developers made that game is 'just cause'..

my god it was terrible.

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#7 Arch_Angel_21
Member since 2006 • 1493 Posts

Because I dislike everything about it. I dislike the wiimote, I dislike the graphical capabilities of the machine, I dislike the games released (pretty sad when the best game out for it is the game that came with it (wiisports)). I dislike the fact that it can't play DVD's. It can't even play CD's (my god the Playstation could play CD's!), I dislike that it still costs about 200 GBP, I dislike the fact that the machine looks so attractive to begin with but after the first hour of playing it you get bored, I dislike the fact that the wiimote costs 30GBP and for the Nunchuck attachment thats 15GBP, I dislike the main menu, I dislike the fact that the blue led light around the disc try doesn't stay lit up, I dislike the fact that you don't have an option to sit or stand whilst playing, I dislike the Mario games post-SNES generation, I dislike the fanboys who only have sales to back up any form of argument to do with the console because they know in every other aspect people are 100% correct about its short-comings, Most of all I dislike the fact that Nintendo, the worlds first real game company, made the NES/SNES/Gamboy/DS/Gamecube and then made ...this, and the fact that it payed off so well for them.

P.S. - lolWiiFit


I think you need a hug

It just felt so good to get off my chest!!!! *sobs* :cry:

Wow, I sure hope so if a piece of plastic can evoke such anger. Perhaps writing for Fox news might be a good career move?

Perhaps, I'll keep that in mind buddy ;)

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#8 Arch_Angel_21
Member since 2006 • 1493 Posts

Because I dislike everything about it. I dislike the wiimote, I dislike the graphical capabilities of the machine, I dislike the games released (pretty sad when the best game out for it is the game that came with it (wiisports)). I dislike the fact that it can't play DVD's. It can't even play CD's (my god the Playstation could play CD's!), I dislike that it still costs about 200 GBP, I dislike the fact that the machine looks so attractive to begin with but after the first hour of playing it you get bored, I dislike the fact that the wiimote costs 30GBP and for the Nunchuck attachment thats 15GBP, I dislike the main menu, I dislike the fact that the blue led light around the disc try doesn't stay lit up, I dislike the fact that you don't have an option to sit or stand whilst playing, I dislike the Mario games post-SNES generation, I dislike the fanboys who only have sales to back up any form of argument to do with the console because they know in every other aspect people are 100% correct about its short-comings, Most of all I dislike the fact that Nintendo, the worlds first real game company, made the NES/SNES/Gamboy/DS/Gamecube and then made ...this, and the fact that it payed off so well for them.

P.S. - lolWiiFit


I think you need a hug

It just felt so good to get off my chest!!!! *sobs* :cry:

most people buy the wii course they like the games on that platform !

if those people really get bored so fast or there are not many good games on that system, why you you think they dont switch too the ps3 or x360 then ?

use or brain FTW

No...most people buy the wii because the idea of the motion sensor wiimote sounds so appealing, and the console itself sounds appealing which like i said "I dislike the fact that the machine looks so attractive to begin with but after the first hour of playing it you get bored"..the idea of the machine sounds good but I just don't think Nintendo got it right this time. The reason people don't switch the the ps3 or xbox360 is because a lot of people buying the wii's are casual gamers and they aren't well informed about them, and because the PS3 and Xbox 360 don't quite have a white shiny stick you can use to make things move around on screen. Sure PS3 has SIXAXIS but how well informed do you think these casual gamers really are about that? The Nintendo advertisments GLORIFIED the use of the Wiimote, the PS3 made very strange "This is living adverts" which imo was a weird move on their part.

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#9 Arch_Angel_21
Member since 2006 • 1493 Posts

Because I dislike everything about it. I dislike the wiimote, I dislike the graphical capabilities of the machine, I dislike the games released (pretty sad when the best game out for it is the game that came with it (wiisports)). I dislike the fact that it can't play DVD's. It can't even play CD's (my god the Playstation could play CD's!), I dislike that it still costs about 200 GBP, I dislike the fact that the machine looks so attractive to begin with but after the first hour of playing it you get bored, I dislike the fact that the wiimote costs 30GBP and for the Nunchuck attachment thats 15GBP, I dislike the main menu, I dislike the fact that the blue led light around the disc try doesn't stay lit up, I dislike the fact that you don't have an option to sit or stand whilst playing, I dislike the Mario games post-SNES generation, I dislike the fanboys who only have sales to back up any form of argument to do with the console because they know in every other aspect people are 100% correct about its short-comings, Most of all I dislike the fact that Nintendo, the worlds first real game company, made the NES/SNES/Gamboy/DS/Gamecube and then made ...this, and the fact that it payed off so well for them.

P.S. - lolWiiFit


I think you need a hug

It just felt so good to get off my chest!!!! *sobs* :cry:

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#10 Arch_Angel_21
Member since 2006 • 1493 Posts

Because I dislike everything about it. I dislike the wiimote, I dislike the graphical capabilities of the machine, I dislike the games released (pretty sad when the best game out for it is the game that came with it (wiisports)). I dislike the fact that it can't play DVD's. It can't even play CD's (my god the Playstation could play CD's!), I dislike that it still costs about 200 GBP, I dislike the fact that the machine looks so attractive to begin with but after the first hour of playing it you get bored, I dislike the fact that the wiimote costs 30GBP and for the Nunchuck attachment thats 15GBP, I dislike the main menu, I dislike the fact that the blue led light around the disc try doesn't stay lit up, I dislike the fact that you don't have an option to sit or stand whilst playing, I dislike the Mario games post-SNES generation, I dislike the fanboys who only have sales to back up any form of argument to do with the console because they know in every other aspect people are 100% correct about its short-comings, Most of all I dislike the fact that Nintendo, the worlds first real game company, made the NES/SNES/Gamboy/DS/Gamecube and then made ...this, and the fact that it payed off so well for them.

P.S. - lolWiiFit