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#1 AngstOverlord
Member since 2008 • 139 Posts

Phht, you damned kids and your Need for Speeds and your Gran Turismos!.. but in all seriousness, the lack of titles actually stemming from arcades is kind of sad.

I am stupidly fond of Virtua Racing, favoring the 32x version most of all. Technically the Saturn version has more stuff but the menus are awful and the added tracks have some bizarre collision problems. Crash on the left side of a divided tunnel and it'll drag you through the wall and reset you onto the right-hand lane. Also, blue mystery cubes. Do not reason why they are there.

Also, I like Hard Drivin'. The full cabinets were awesome. Sure, the controls bit any misstep resulted in the car bursting into flames, but it had three-dee cows and the stunt-track loop. Usually the car'd drop off the apex and explode but that's realism for you.

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#2 AngstOverlord
Member since 2008 • 139 Posts

No new progress on my end- the new combinations failed like the others did. What's kind of funny is that the video shows up as a searchable item though on my video page my only working option is the delete button. It's weeeird. Link for Taito Memories II Gekan- Field Goal it yields in search. Pulls an invalid video error.

Under the supposition that this is never going to be corrected, is there a way to display videos linked from Youtube in blog entries? If not, no big, I can upload a placeholder image and just link it that way. It's a bit ridiculous, but hey, it's a solution.

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#3 AngstOverlord
Member since 2008 • 139 Posts

I don't even get encode error messages, the blasted things just never display which is totally bizarre considering at least one I upped last month (and deleted in hopes of re-upping properly, fat chance) showed up in search. I've tried MP4, WMV and AVI but none seem to take properly despite YouTube having no qualms. It isn't an issue of filesize, either. It's just bizarre. I get no thumbnail but the description and all posts, just no video.

I'll try and dig up another couple of codec/format combinations but unless I get some assistance I'm just going to give up. It's not worth the headache to annoy people with clips from Field Goal if it's going to be so stubborn. I wish I could remember what I used for my videos that actually worked... see if the uploader chokes on them now, too...

Using Firefox 9.0.1, IE 8. Ideas apart from the aforementioned codec/format juggling or animal/human sacrifices? The later is unfeasible as the carpeting would stain too easily.

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#4 AngstOverlord
Member since 2008 • 139 Posts
I cannot presently verify how much space the game's save file takes up but you must either be trying to save a second file or you VMU has major problems- the game takes up most of the space but it will fit on one VMU. The odd part is that the game shouldn't take up much space anyway- perhaps it's because it saves previously used DNA matrixes or something. Have fun outrunning crabs! Once you get outside of the tidal pool things improve a bit. The first boss is a pain, though, and spams unavoidable projectile attacks. Still, any game that lets you make a hideous abomination with a bio-organic car for a butt is worth something.
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#5 AngstOverlord
Member since 2008 • 139 Posts
Is buying the used games through Amazon better than other places out there?jfcundiff
If you can get something from the Warehouse the prices are usually low, shipping for orders over a certain amount is free, the descriptions have been accurate thus far but sometimes their packing jobs are a bit... unsatisfactory. Why would anyone think it was a good idea to pack a PS2 game with a five-pound bag of raspberry candies I'll never know. They do offer a discount if the case gets damaged. The only game I've had issues with was a copy of Blue Stinger DC which the system just refused to recognize and I was reimbursed both purchase cost and return shipping. From private sellers just make sure they don't have complaints about inaccurate descriptions. The nice thing is that if a seller tries to be a dick it is in Amazon's own best interest to settle matters unlike Ebay and Paypal which don't have much motivation to 'investigate' things. I've only needed to do that once, though. It was over a 3DO game whose minor scratches were in just the right spots to make the music skip while cinemas were unaffected. Escape From Monster Manor isn't supposed to have a rap soundtrack. T-t-tread caref-f-fully! I still prefer to buy games in person but sometimes you just cannot find obscure stuff like Culdcept PS2. I've only seen one copy in a store with a mangled case, no manual and a buffed disc for $10. I paid like $5 extra including shipping but the one I got from Amazon is mint and, well, works. The only real advantage Gamestop has is the ability to return games within a week if you really hate it. Oddly enough it's easier to return a defective game via that policy than to return it for being defective. That's just weird.
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#6 AngstOverlord
Member since 2008 • 139 Posts
It's an absolute joke what they constantly pass off on people.billyd5301
I know, it's terrible. The thing is I prefer scratched discs to buffed discs. Every time they buff something it doesn't work. I tried two copies of Sly Cooper and neither were recognized by the console. I was able to obtain a cheap but scratched to hell Vampire Night yet it worked. My $5 Marvel vs Capcom 2 DC disc looks even worse yet it plays flawlessly. I just don't know how they manage to ruin games so often in an effort to make the discs more visually attractive. I've just given up on Gamestop entirely. Either they 'lose' preorder stuff, act irritated if you reject something in poor condition, say they'll do something and never do it or overwork their employees so much that they pray for death. Ebay is alright but I prefer Amazon. Some items are overpriced but as long as you research whatever you won't get ripped off. That's true of an marketplace, really.
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#7 AngstOverlord
Member since 2008 • 139 Posts
You'd be better off paying a little more from Amazon or its Marketplace if quality is important. If a game is in less than described condition you can either accept a price reduction or return it for a refund. My copy of Way of the Samurai got smushed in shipping- the front of the case sheared off and severed the boxart. The disc was fine, though. I could have returned it but I accepted a price reduction, taped the art up and got a new case for it. I've had to return stuff both from private sellers and the Warehouse without problems. Buying locally is best, though, if you inspect the goods on site. Gamestop also has a habit of accepting media in awful condition and attempting to buff out defects. Every PS2 game they've attemped to resurface refused to run on my machine. The PS2 has no problems reading blue discs, however, so I place fault on poor resurfacing practices rather than a faulty system. As for getting a case and manual... the odds aren't good. You'd be lucky to get a working game, let alone a mint one.
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#8 AngstOverlord
Member since 2008 • 139 Posts
I just wanted to pipe up and let you know you'll be alright. I have a Japanese PS2 and it works perfectly fine with its default AC adapter. JP/NTSC are pretty much interchangeable in the electrical department. I'm amazed you got anything to work with Swap Magic- the version that I tried wouldn't work with anything I wanted to play. The side benefit of a Japanese PS2 is that it also allows easy play of most of the original Playstation library. Just watch out for the few PS titles that don't work with the revised bios used by the PS2/PSOne.
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#9 AngstOverlord
Member since 2008 • 139 Posts
These guys are technically correct but there is an alternative for a few games. Any game supporting LAN multiplayer should work through XBConnect. It's a utility that tricks the XBox into thinking it's playing with local machines when it's actually being played through the internet. I haven't tried it myself but I have used a similar program for the PSP with decent results. It's not replacement but it's better than nothing. Good luck!
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#10 AngstOverlord
Member since 2008 • 139 Posts
It's a bit late but those 3 in 1 multi-system power adapters are absolute garbage. They have short working lives and can cause bizarre problems like creeping lines on the screen. If at all possible get an official Nintendo AC adapter. It'll cost more but at least they're much more reliable. What model SNES is it? The old boxy ones can use s-video cables that are compatible with the Gamecube. They're cheap and plentiful. You can still swipe a GC video cable if the SNES is one of the midgets but it'll only output to composite. Nintendo does love to cut features when it revises systems. Good luck and if you've already gotten that 3 in 1 adapter I hope it works better than mine did.