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#1 AlbertE-
Member since 2007 • 300 Posts


QFT, 5 stars, and all that jazz.

What are you trying to say? You cannot agree with me?

:| Exactly the opposite.
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#2 AlbertE-
Member since 2007 • 300 Posts

In reality, the developpers are just lazy. It is much easier to code a game for a XBOX or a playstation because it is just one system. PCs are much harder because you have to satisfy all different types of chips, especially the top 4: AMD, INTEL, ATI and nVIDIA. They use piracy as an excuse yet still they're dishing out games each year. If this is a huge "problem", wouldn't they just design the games to act like consoles, running it directly from the DVD? It is definitely possible. Today developpers are getting lazier and lazier each time. I see developpers play videogames while working and they wonder why their games have low reviews. Come on! Wake Up... Don't be like Microsoft and blame pirates of your poor products. PC Games have always been pirated. if it weren't for pirates, people can never upgrade their computers. Do you expect PC Gamers to be millionaires! I personally hate piracy myself but at the same time, i hate these whining developpers who cannot take their own blame into it.

Epic only doing the UT3 Multiplatform because of increasing their profits. Valve have made an effort for anti-piracy and I praise to them. So to all the developpers, DO YOUR JOBS!

QFT, 5 stars, and all that jazz.
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#3 AlbertE-
Member since 2007 • 300 Posts
You know why PC gaming sales are a bit down? Because PC gamers don't buy crappy games.  You don't see PC gamers buying complete crap like Madden every year....why? Because A) They know it's the same, and don't need to buy the new ones, they play the one from 1999 or B) Because they know it isn't fun. 

All of my console-only friends buy games off of impulse, looking at the cover and name going "whoa, this looks cool" and they just buy.  It may not happent to people here, as most of us are a little more hardcore than the casuals in everyday life, but it DOES happen.

All PC gaming needs is some more developers to support it, unlike what iD is doing and releasing crappy games and blaming their crappy sales FROM the crappy games on piracy.
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#4 AlbertE-
Member since 2007 • 300 Posts
Gears of War is that kind of game that makes you think it is sooo great at first and then 10 minutes later it turns to a pile of crap.Mudig
Word.  I can't see the greatness in it, I wish I could so it would justify the 60 dollar price tag. :(
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#5 AlbertE-
Member since 2007 • 300 Posts

"...and with a Direct X 10 card..blah..blah..."

Okay, first thing here, DirectX 10 cards will only work with DirectX 10 written games. Remember kiddies, DirectX 10 is not backwards compatible as was previous DirectX versions, seriously look it up, I'll wait here till you get back.

Secondly, yes that is a decent processor, and coupled with a good GPU, you could still game with it for another 2 years.

Am I reading that wrong?  If I'm not, then no...just no....
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#6 AlbertE-
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Yes, it's great.  I still play it daily, I find it much more enjoyable than the other WWII FPS's out there.  (CoD series, Red Orchestra, etc.)
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#7 AlbertE-
Member since 2007 • 300 Posts
In my opinion, Company of Heroes and Starcraft share the throne as my two personal favorite games.  They both just own so hard.
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#8 AlbertE-
Member since 2007 • 300 Posts
I think that they are supposed to make two announcements this year as to what games they are making and I doubt that it will be a WoW console game.smokeydabear076
Starcraft 2, pweez.
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#9 AlbertE-
Member since 2007 • 300 Posts
[QUOTE="AlbertE-"][QUOTE="Newnab"][QUOTE="Hexum-311"]Crysis. None of those other games are even in the same league as far as originality.Newnab
No offense... But Crysis doesn't look terribly original to me. At all. It looks like Far Cry with very mild Crackdown-ish powers or Deus Ex: Invisible War powers. I'm not saying that's exactly what it's going to be, but from all we know about the games so far, I don't think it's fair to say Crysis is in a different league in terms of original ideas for FPS.

Yeah, and the Halo series is just full of originality. :roll:

Anyway, Crysis.

I wasn't saying it was, was I? I was saying it's unfair to say that any of them are massively ahead of the others in terms of original ideas.

Oh, my bad, I misinterpreted.
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#10 AlbertE-
Member since 2007 • 300 Posts
[QUOTE="musicalmac"][QUOTE="coolguy1111"][QUOTE="AfterShafter"][QUOTE="coolguy1111"] How is it not a proven formula for success? Far Cry wast good? Unlike Bungie, Crytek has shown us gameplay, Crytek has shown us they can do stuff with technology and gameplay, something bungie has yet to do. And MP was boring as hell, for a shooter.

Did you use the Halo disks as coasters or something? They actually do play a very fun FPSs when you stick them in your XBOX...

So youll be fine if Halo3 is the smae as Halo1 and 2?

You have yet to make any sort of worth-while point.
[QUOTE="Newnab"][QUOTE="Hexum-311"]Crysis. None of those other games are even in the same league as far as originality.AlbertE-
No offense... But Crysis doesn't look terribly original to me. At all. It looks like Far Cry with very mild Crackdown-ish powers or Deus Ex: Invisible War powers. I'm not saying that's exactly what it's going to be, but from all we know about the games so far, I don't think it's fair to say Crysis is in a different league in terms of original ideas for FPS.

Yeah, and the Halo series is just full of originality. :roll:

Anyway, Crysis.

And does Originality = AAA? Execution is what really matters. Gears of War isn't the most original game, but the mechanics made it enjoyable to the last drop. Halo has proven mechanics, and a huge storyline (...huge). We haven't seen either of those from Crysis, because it's not been released to prove itself yet.

I never said anything about Originality automatically making a game good, don't put words in my mouth.  I was simply implying the irony in what this guy said.  Halo OR the second did absolutely nothing new, yet he bashes Crysis, it was completely hypocritical.

Far Cry was a great game, and Crysis improves and adds upon literally everything, therefore it has the same proven mechanics that the Halo series has.