The Prince should consider running instead of fighting.

User Rating: 6.5 | Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands PS3
So, we have the Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time-trilogy, which taught us something very important: THE PRINCE CANNOT FIGHT!

Don't believe me? Go back, play them again.
The Sands of Time's combat was too slow and simply wrong.
Warrior Within was a pain in the ass, getting too near a wall and you would unintentionally make wall-attacks.
Two Thrones made it easier with the stealth-kill, and even though it was improved from SoT and WW, it still sucked.
And don't get me started on 2008's Prince of Persia.

Now, they wanted to take the easy way out and make the God of War's Hack'n'Slash everything that moves.
"That must be good, right, since God of War was good!"
NO. It's hack and slash in the likes of you have one button against 100 enemies every freaking time, and when you finally get the good stuff (as in Whirlwind), it becomes easier. What is the point of having automatic finishing moves, when you can make enemies fly like superman and fall like... well, sand?

The other part of the game is moving from place to place while jumping, swinging, graping etc. The new abilities you get throughout the game are interesting and something I would like to see more of, but the controls feel "heavy" (sticky might be a better word). I find the Sands of Time-trilogy makes it "flow" the right way (especially in TT, but that's just my opinion).

When I play this game, I miss Assassin's Creed 2, heck, even Assassin's Creed. The climbing and fighting aspects of that game is superior than Forgotten Sands. It is a bit embarrassing that I would rather go back to some of the old Ubisoft games than playing the new ones. Then again, nostalgia is a strong thing.

To sum up: The best Prince of Persia-titles are still Sands of Time and the Two Thrones. The Forgotten Sands gambles on the kill-hell-loads-of-enemies and regrettably loses, meanwhile the parkour-part of the game is a step down. However, if Ubisoft will make another Prince of Persia with the parkour-abilities (freezing water, e.g.), I would look forward to it.