This is a fun and addicting game.

User Rating: 9 | Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction PS2
Mercenaries is a fun and highly addictive game in which you play a mercenary sent to North Korea to help solve a conflict. There are three mercenaries to play as who have different costumes to be in when you get to the second map.

Now down to business... Mercenaries has good graphics and amazing explosions. While playing you cant marvel at the detail in the smoke effects. This game is gritty and filled with enemies to fight and/or blow the crap up. The sound quality is OK and can glitch or be bad (like 8-Bit sound bad) but overall is pretty good.

The missions are, I mean can be a little repetitive. The missions range from Capturing bases, killing all enemies, capturing a card guy, and destroying stuff (happens a lot in this game).

The only problem with mercenaries that I have is the lackluster AI and the bland building destruction's. Other than that it is fun and the world is highly dynamic. I recommend this game to everyone who likes explosions or lots of shooting.