Able to stand up against Halo as the best of the best on the Original Xbox.

User Rating: 9 | Max Payne XBOX
Max Payne is a classic third person shooter. Let's see why so. Compared to now, graphics suck, but they were at the top during the time of its release. And even still, graphics can impress. The sound is fantastic, and Max Payne has the best theme song I've ever heard. The music makes you feel that the game is so realistic, almost to the point that you ARE Max Payne. One of the best things about the game is Bullet time. The fact that you can slow down time and dive in slow motion makes you want to find other ways you can kill people when in Bullet time.The story is captivating, and sucks you right in.

Max Payne paved the way for third person shooters, and the environment paved the way for games such as Grand Theft Auto. This is possibly the greatest game on the Xbox, maybe even of all time. If you don't get this game, you too will be feeling the Payne (I know, bad pun).