Completely underrated, very fun and the 1st 3D Mario Kart title.

User Rating: 9.6 | Mario Kart 64 N64
The SNES version may have been claimed 'one of the best games ever' but Mario 64 carries the bare-bones of the charm and revs on a 3D engine with appealing sprites.

Graphics: Great graphics for it's time. No slowdown, nice smoke/effects, pretty visuals and nothing I can fault really.

Sound: From whisltes in the snow tracks to 'country' inspired music for Choco Mountain. Great work put in and have captured the charm and mood of MK.

Gameplay: What can I say? Apart from some balancing issues, multiplayer is great, Grand Prix is awesome has some of the bets replayabillity any game has to offer.

I know this review is quite brief, but I just want to tell everyone that I grew up with this game and still love it as a teenager. Great stuff Nintendo. Great stuff.