Mario Golf is a solid game of golf, that offers hours of fun gameplay to be had.

User Rating: 8.2 | Mario Golf N64
Mario Golf is another of Mario's sports that is certaitnly one of his best. The actual gameplay is very good even if a little boring. It also has tons of options to do, like mini golf, speed golf, tournaments, or even the ball through rings. The gameplay requries you to calculate a lot of different things before you take the shot, which requires a lot of learning to be had. I certaitnly think that even while the gameplay is fun, it still needs some tweaking to make it a little more exciting. A neat mode would be something like people attacking each other with clubs would certaitnly be neat. The game's graphics and music also are top notch as well. But the best part about the game, is the total length, and things to do in the game. It will take you plenty of time to unlock all the courses and unlock all the people, plus all the extra modes to do as well. If you're a fan of golf or of the Mario games, you should certaitnly find an all around solid game experience.