Did EA put a Madden 2007 CD in my Madden 2008 case???

User Rating: 4.5 | Madden NFL 08 PC
This game is a complete let-down. There are few enhancements, and other than having updated rosters, there's no reason whatsoever to buy this game. You don't even get to listen to John Madden annouce games anymore, which is a bit surprising given the title of the game. Some may say that John's getting a little long in the tooth to be recording hours of voice-overs for these games anymore. Given that EA re-hashed every other aspect of the game from previous versions, however, I can't understand why they didn't just re-hash Madden's voice-overs too! The graphics, animations and gameplay are almost exactly the same as 2007.

Unless you absolutely have to play with the current rosters, save yourself the $50...