If you've enjoyed the previous LiS entries, you won't be disappointed

User Rating: 8 | Life is Strange: True Colors PC

Keeping it short (and no spoiler free), the game carries on the Life is Strange tradition of being more about characters and yours/their "feelings" (and your interactions with them) than about gameplay. Choices are "meaningful", in that they do affect how others perceive you, but the story is remains linear in where it ultimately goes.

The voice acting is, as usual for this series, extremely good - top tier stuff, (seriously, you won't find better). The story is solid, although a little less hard-hitting than we got in previous LiS games. Animations are a bit janky at times, and there is some texture pop-in after a loading screen.

I'm pretty sure it would really help if you enjoy indie folk music (there is a LOT of it in this game's extensive soundtrack). I liked it well enough, but it's a little samey and there are no real stand-out tracks imo.

True Colors does not let you rebind WASD to Arrows for left-handed players (which is not good!), and I had to resort to using Razer Synapse to force it, but many won't have that option.

All in all, another solid Life is Strange entry. Alex Chen is a likeable (imo) character that is easy to get invested in and relate to (despite her "Karen" haircut which is a very cliché design choice btw), all of the supporting cast do a fine job, and the story is easily sufficiently compelling to keep fans of this genre engaged throughout.

Highly recommended.