Best in the history of console Star Wars games

User Rating: 8.2 | LEGO Star Wars PS2
When I first heard about this game, I was excited. I am a big fan of the Star Wars saga. I also grew up playing with Legos, so there is always a special place in my heart. Definately the best of both worlds! However, there has never been a really good Star Wars game on any console system. All of them are mediocre at best. So who would have thought that a game based on Legos would produce the best console-based Star Wars game to date? I was definately surprised by the innovation of this game. The characters in the game don't talk and despite that, you completely understand what they are trying say. They make facial expressions or hand gestures. You'll here the occasional "Huh?" from them. But that's about it. Also everything is a build from Legos! Well computerized ones that is. Just amazing what you can do with Legos. The sound on this game is awesome. All of the sound effects and music that you hear in the Star Wars movies are all in this game. It makes the game playing more enjoyable. Gameplay on this game was surprisingly good. The characters that you play with respond very well. The controller scheme is very easy. One button to use your weapon, one button to jump, one button to switch characters, and one button to use the characters "special ability". Simplistic, but come on....This game is for kids. Don't except some awesome combo scheme, or special moves. If you want that, try another game, like Devil May Cry, or Tekken. The AI is decent. Nothing spectacular. They respond to what I do, so no complaints there. Also, you don't really die in this game. You just respawn with all your coins gone. Again...this game is meant for kids. I would have given the gameplay a higher rating, but the camera angles can sometimes really not be beneficial. Sometimes, you just can't see where you character is going to go. Will they fall off a cliff? Am I going to get shot? There isn't that many instances where this flaw does happen though. So its not a game spoiler. In my opinion, if you have a child that is a fan of Lego, Star Wars, or you just want a good action game for them to play...Then this is the game to get. Its easy to learn and pick up. I would think that the frustration level of the game would be very minimal, since your character just doesn't die. Now if you are an adult like me, and love Legos and Star Wars. Definately pick up this game...Its worth it. Its fun, it follows the storyline well, and its just....Well...Cute. If you are none of the above, but looking for a good action game, rent it. You definatly won't be dissapointed. You may actually end up buying it.