They really mean next gen!

User Rating: 8.5 | Lair PS3
remember the good old days, playing crash bandicoot on the ps1? I remember using the d-pad, only thinking the anolog sticks got in the way. Then out of nowhere games start making you use analog sticks (dam you ape escape).

well atleast lair is introducing the new control system in a much prettier way than ape escape. Sure everyone sucks at lair, but now that you know everyone does, its ok to suck yourself. I still can't master the control scheme, but it makes everything so much funner. One day we will be using the sixaxis and there will be a new control system to get used to but remember, once you get good you will appreciate lair.

The graphics are stunning, and the sound is phenomenal, something that makes u want the high def cables :)

Game play is solid, not as easy as warhawk's flying but i find much more amusing.

Remeber, this game is brining you into the next gen of control schemes for playstation, so maybe you just want to rent it first, but then when they release a game thats sixaxis only and online, You are going to get plowed!