Amazing game. Everything I hoped and wished it could be. Multiplayer is stellar, mechanics are smooth.

User Rating: 10 | Halo 4 (Wireless Controller Bundle) X360
Great graphics and amped up new Master Chief. Multiplayer is stellar, mechanics are smooth and remind me of Halo: Reach so it keeps things pretty much the same with controls so there is no confusion there. I wouldn't change anything about what 343 did to the Halo series. If I can expect even better from 343 in the future than I will definietely be a buyer of Halo 5 and 6. Spartan Ops just seems to linger on the main menu screen of Infinity, just don't seem interested in it enough. I have heard good things about the Spartan Ops series though, just not enough time for everything if your focused on your multiplayer rank. For anyone interested in how the Halo trilogy might turn out this will set the stage for what you can expect in the future. The cutscenes are spectacular by the way, I thought I was actually watching real actors playing out the roles of the series characters! New abilities in the game allow more diverse combat in campaign and multiplayer, and the new vehicles such as Gremlin are just down right amazing. Also old vehicles like Warthog are revamped to look extra BA.