343 Studios exceeds expectations and out does Bungie with Halo 4, the best game in the entire series.

User Rating: 10 | Halo 4 (Wireless Controller Bundle) X360
Caveat: This review is in regards to my experience with the Single Player Campaign only (not much of a MP gamer).

Halo 4 is my personal GOTY for 2012 and perhaps one of my favorite FPS of all time. 343 Studios not only exceeds expectations, but in fact out performs Bungie as Halo 4 is easily the best of the best in the entire Halo series. Everything from intensive fire-fights (some of the best I've experienced in any FPS), punishing enemy AI, jaw-dropping visuals to an emotional story (particularly the ending). Halo 4 is also the most cinematic of entire series and really conveys a sense of placing you, the player, into an epic event. For those that have doubts or feel that the Halo series had run its course, 343 Studios has successfully breathed new life into a decade old series and establishes the perfect stepping stone for the series going forward into the next gen - BRAVO to the hard-working people at 343 studios who obviously put their heart and soul into this game.