343 Industries makes no mistake taking over a new Halo trilogy, showing why Halo is truly a masterpiece.

User Rating: 10 | Halo 4 (Wireless Controller Bundle) X360
When I was introduced to a new Halo Trilogy, I was a little sceptical to be honest, especially when hearing that the new trilogy will not be developed by Bungie. Nevertheless after seeing reviews, and plenty of research, I decided to take a shot at Halo 4. 343 Industries has put my doubts to complete rest. I absolutely welcome them to continue to develop Halo games. The story is action packed, and completely epic. You feel like you're in the game while playing, and don't ever want to let go of the controller. Checkpoints were somewhat of a bust sometimes, I experienced a one time possible "bug" in which the campaign did not save my progress as I completed one of the missions, so when I turned off my console, and turned it back on, there I was one mission back. Didn't happen again afterwards however, and because of the great storyline, and never ending fun, action packed campaign, it wasn't too much of a hassle to redo the mission all over again. The drama set in the story is completely amazing, it truly brings out emotions in the characters, and facial emotions are so well shown during the game it nearly feels real, like I said before, as if you're in the game itself. Amazing storyline, graphics are out of this world, this game truly is a complete masterpiece, and I wouldn't have skipped a heart beat to buy it if I knew it was this great. Music in Halo 4 is astonishing as well. Fits into the campaign just right. The multiplayer in Halo 4 is hands down one of the most addicting and fun multiplayer I've played. Halo has always been known as a great multiplayer experience and 343 Industries truly did stick to that concept. Unlockables at certain levels, or when certain other "accomplishments" are set. This will keep you in the game, and having fun, trying to unlock that one grenade type, or assault rifle you've wanted to crush your enemies with. The accomplishments do not come easy, and that's what makes the multiplayer in Halo 4 never ending. Game modes are great, and matches also don't take too long to start up, which is not too surprising with the heck of a lot of players online, it makes it a great community. Gameplay will get you hooked, hijacking vehicles from enemies, you turn a corner and notice you're in the crosshairs of an enemy Mantis. Those little things that can have an effect on your experience of the game keeps Halo multiplayer from being dull instead of joining a game, shooting, killing, dying, with Halo 4, you go through a lot before doing any of those things. Overall the best game I've played in a while. Hats off to 343 Industries for making a masterpiece of a game. The best is yet to come.