If you own an Xbox 360 you should try this whether you are a Halo fan or not.

User Rating: 9 | Halo 4 (Wireless Controller Bundle) X360
For starters, I am not a first person shooter fan. Plus I am not a Halo or Black Ops fan. I am a gamer that is willing to try a variety of games when given the chance or feels like trying something out of my comfort zone. After playing a few hours of Halo 4 I was impressed. Thank god for rentals. I was able to see whether this game is a worthy purchase. Fortunately, Halo 4 is a sure buy for me. Now lets review.

The presentation is the best I have even seen in a Halo game. Based on my experience with the past Halo games I tried it was clear that this game is the best looking one. The graphics of this game is so good that it is clear that this game is the best looking Xbox 360 game out right now. The sounds of the weapons are really good as well. For instance, every time I see a DMR I instantly get it; because it sounds lethal and has a really good kick to it. The sense of scale is also amazing. You look as if you are part of a world that is much bigger than your own in size and shape. You will find yourself stopping from time to time to enjoy the view. This game is very vibrant and beautiful.

As for the story it seems as though the story has more of a darker tone to it. I don't want to spoil anything so I will leave you with this. For Master Chief this battle is more personal than ever before. This story doesn't seem like your typical soldiers vs bad guys kind of story. The combination of the facial expressions and emotions is really believable. The pace of the campaign seems a bit faster than the previous games; because to me the past Halo games always seem to start off slow. The increase in pace really did help make the Halo story more interesting. It was like the farther I got into the campaign the more new stuff and memorable things happened. 343 did a really nice job.

The gameplay is similar to the Halo games. Here are the additions. The back melee grabs from Halo Reach returns. The armor upgrades can be used as much as you want as long as you still have it in your possession. Armor upgrades such as deploy shields, holograms, jet pack, reflection shields, camouflage, and etc... There is also new vehicles as well such as a mech called the Mantis. It is also good to note that sprinting is no longer a armor upgrade. Sprinting being an armor upgrade was kinda dumb to me. Sadly, the dual wielding ability was not brought back. I thought that feature was cool and helpful. The animations of the melee grabs looked smoother as well.

I don't know much about the game modes; because I didn't play enough. I know you can the play the campaign with four players online. There is also a new coop mode that takes the place of firefight. It is called Spartan Ops. It consists of episodic episodes that are free to play as long as you have Xbox Live active. That is really cool; because players don't have to pay for them. To be honest I am more interested in the coop options for this game than the multiplayer; because I really enjoy games with an array of coop options. I mainly plan to get Halo 4 to play the campaigns with some friends since we did enjoy Halo 2 and 3.

However, one day I plan on taking part in the competitive modes after I practice my accuracy throughout the campaign modes. The competitive modes are similar to the previous games; however I think the biggest change is that the players who gets a high killing streak earns the right to select extra ammo and weapons. I don't know all the details yet, so I could be wrong. But from what I heard the competitive features of this game is stronger than ever. I think the popular forge mode has also been greatly enhanced as well. I think the bottom line is the fact that this game has something for everybody to enjoy.

Final Thoughts:


+More interesting story due to more of an edgy feel.
+It has much needed faster pace.
+The detail of the game is outstanding.
+Melee grabs make a return.
+Better weapons with more of a kick.
+More coop options; plus free online missions.
+Competitive modes are back in full force.
+The campaign is an enjoyable experience.

+The armor upgrades continues to spice up gameplay.


-Dual wielding didn't return.
-May not be an easy game for noobs such as myself
in terms of competitive modes.
(People might boot me a lot if I don't produce.)
-Based on an article I read I heard Spartan Ops is a bit repetitive
thus far. (Hopefully it gets better in later weeks.)

It was really hard to find flaws with this game. I find this game quite amusing for not being a Halo fan. I also loved how they filled me in on the origins of Master Chief in the opening cinema. I was surprised at how the game played. At first I thought this game wasn't going to show any kind of progress in terms of originality and ensuring the integrity of the overall history of Halo. I don't know much about Halo; but I know enough of it to approve the work 343 studios did.

And one more thing. Any advice for playing competitive matches in Halo 4 would be much appreciated. I am not joking. I am serious here.

This game deserves a 9 out of 10.