Cheats & Guides

Formula 1 98 Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Always win in Grand Prix races

    When you're at a single Grand Prix race or at the championship, select a practice trial. After you've started the trial, open the pause menu and select the option to start the actual race. After the pause menu has gone from the screen and the screen starts fading black, press the Start button to open the pause menu again. The pause menu should appear before the screen has fully gone black, and the race will begin without the pause menu being visible. Make sure you don't press X or Start now, but start pressing Up on the D-pad and you should hear the sound of you pressing Up in the pause menu. Keep pressing until you can't hear the sound anymore (ignore the race itself) and press X two times. A replay should start. Watch it to the end, and after that the pause menu is visible again. Close it and you should be at a race without any other cars, but on the last position. Cross the starting line and you will be at the first position for the rest of the race.

    Contributed by: LaserVacuum 

  2. Misc. Passwords

    Enter the following passwords in the Driver Name field at the Driver Edit screen:

    Effect Effect
    Richard Swinfen Automatic Black Flag
    Force Ten Different weather every lap
    1001001 Display coordinates
    Mr Hankey Lens flare to Psygnosis logo
    29x The Pain Overhead camera
    Abhoria Racing line is distance markers
    Hell Awaits Raining blood
    GO COWS Roman Coliseum Track
    Cheesy Poofs Stunt Track
    Mitsubishi GTO Super Car
    CDP 7 48640 2 Use R1 to follow other cars
    FIRE Wipeout Mode

    Contributed by: psxdriverplayer, KasketDarkfyre, Sappy 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Dai-Hee Ryu 48K