Cheats & Guides

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings Cheats For DS

  1. Alternate Ending

    Beat the game with 100% mission cleared.

    Contributed by: sephirosuy 

  2. Airship Unlockables

    After chapter 4, you can unlock various objects to decorate your airship with. This makes your airship look better, and adds, not to the game completion score, but to your completion score.

    In order to obtain and view the Supreme Crest, complete every single side mission before starting the Final Chapter (you should be on 97%).
    After completing the first two levels in the Final Chapter, you should have 100% complete.
    Create a new save file and then die during the boss fight. It will ask if you want to try again. Say no.
    Go back to the airship and voila, you can apply the Supreme Crest to the airship! And then you have one save file for free exploring and one right before the boss battle!

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Obtain 1,000,000g or more Ald Fountain
    Have a contract with 12 or more espers Arawashi's Statue
    5% missions complete Copper Crest
    Win 100 free battles or more Ever-Summer Flower Bed
    45% missions complete Golden Crest
    Obtain 500,000g or more Granite Fountain
    Obtain 100,000g or more Marble Fountain
    70% mission complete Seraphic Crest
    25% missions complete Silver Crest
    Win 5 free battles or more Sparse Flower Bed
    Have a contract with all espers Stuffed Tomato
    100% missions complete Supreme Crest
    Have a contract with 25 or more espers Viera Goddess Statue
    Win 20 free battles or more Vivid Flower Bed
    65% missions complete Wings of Light Crest

    Contributed by: lewiigi2012, sephirosuy 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by abcd9146 662K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by sephirosuy 274K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by sparksmf 747K
In-Depth FAQs Bestiary by PapillonReel 52K
In-Depth FAQs Game Script by Cremdogz 596K
In-Depth FAQs Side Mission Bestiary by sephirosuy 329K
In-Depth FAQs Tomaj Board Mission Guide by arline6 34K
Maps and Charts Ring of Pacts by sephirosuy 70K