Do you grow out of gaming?

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#101 xboxplayer1990
Member since 2008 • 941 Posts
I don't think I'll ever grow out of it. I don't take games as my life like some people do. I just find it to be fun time killing entertainment like watching a movie or playing online poker.
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#102 Ghost_702
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#103 mohfrontline
Member since 2007 • 5678 Posts

I think we do. I remember my dad used to play DOOM and Duke Nukem all the time. Now he shows absolutely no interest in games whatsoever.

I think we need to remember gaming is something for young people. Plus it's very time consuming. Of course I doubt anyone cares about my opinion...

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#104 Zyllus_
Member since 2008 • 1509 Posts
I am 16, i really hope by the time i graduate high school and go to college i wont leave my gaming life behind.
I have played since the SNES, and i havent got bored of gaming yet.
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#105 Talldude80
Member since 2003 • 6321 Posts
i dont think our Generation will. True some people played who atari and other older consoles years ago dont anymore, but those games weren't as complex as new games. You can never really beat some of those old games. new games are much more difficult, more complex, and aimed towards a mature audience a lot of the time. and I like to think when i get married and have kids, my kids will want to play against me in games on whatever new console we have.
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#106 reo-117
Member since 2007 • 478 Posts
depends who you are or what your doing and your circumstances
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#107 DTJ77
Member since 2006 • 25 Posts

im 20 yrs old and i have been gaming for as long as i can remember. if games would have never grown from the nintendo or the geneses. we all may have gotten sick of games by now. but look at where we are now, gaming in HD, online with millions of people, motion sensing controls, etc. imagine how games are gonna be 10-20 yrs from now. u can't outgrow video games.

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#108 phlynhy
Member since 2004 • 790 Posts

I think we do. I remember my dad used to play DOOM and Duke Nukem all the time. Now he shows absolutely no interest in games whatsoever.

I think we need to remember gaming is something for young people. Plus it's very time consuming. Of course I doubt anyone cares about my opinion...



Its not that no one cares about your opinion, its that your opinion is flat out wrong. "I think we need to remember gaming is something for young people." Really? Rreeaaallllyyy?

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#109 backinthekrak
Member since 2005 • 756 Posts

I'm 37 and I still love gaming - playing (obviously) and reading about it (at work right now but sneaking a look at Dead Space reviews).

How attached to it you remain as you get older depends on lots of things, mostly the decreasing amount of time you have to dedicate to it. I find myself drawn to games that I can pick up and put down 30 min later if I need to. It's just harder to sit down and say, "Ok, today I'm putting 12 hours into Legend of Zelda". Wish I could, but things get in the way - family, work. Speaking of work...

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#110 makemeweak
Member since 2005 • 1137 Posts
As with any other hobby, some people choose to abandon their interests when presented with alternatives (either by choice or by necessity). So sure, anyone could "grow out" of gaming - but it not simply because of age. I know guys that used to game alot that don't anymore because they play football. (I also know quite a few that used to play football and now game). I'm 26, married, have a child and I still game frequently (though not as much as ten years ago). My father is 57, married, and my brother (13) still lives at home, and dad still plays quite a bit (both PC and console).
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#111 makemeweak
Member since 2005 • 1137 Posts

I'll second that phlynhy.

mohfrontline - you're incorrect and ill informed.

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#112 Maqda7
Member since 2008 • 3299 Posts
I think eventually everyone grows out of it. Some people do grow out of it before other people. I hope when I grow up i'd still have the chance to play and hour or so a week.
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#113 Marty_Mo
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Started gaming when I was 5 I am 19 now and when I am around 40 I am sure I still will game :]
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#114 Andru97
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Well, my 28 years have taught me that you never really grow out of anything...your tastes just evolve...I still game, and I always will game...But I play different games now then I used to 5, 10 or even 15 years ago...For example, I used to really hate FPS's. I hated the controls, the perspective...everything...Now I'm into those games almost more than any others.

I think this can be applied to many things in life, whether it's food, music, movies...You will always game, it's just that your tastes and habits will change. I suggest trying out game types that you previously disliked/avoided, give them a fair shot and see if you can get into them.

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#115 anobleloss
Member since 2005 • 757 Posts

Like Andru97 said, your type of games might change but you really never grow out of it. I've been gaming since I was 5 it all started with the NES and been going since then. Now I'm 22 and the type of games I play hasnt changed too drastically. Actually I just realized like this week that I'm tired of sport games, I just cant get into them anymore. So I promised myself that I will never buy another sports game..EVER AGAIN lol.

Besides that I'm all about fps, rpgs, adventure, and the occasional fighting game like tekken or doa

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#116 corb77
Member since 2003 • 464 Posts

I'm now 24 and i'm still gaming lol

What do you all feel about growing out of gaming?

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#117 Megavideogamer
Member since 2004 • 6554 Posts

No I have not grown out of gaming. I'm 38 years old currently play videogames 10 hours a week max. I will always play until carpal tunnel syndrome takes over. I'm as old as the videogame industry itself. I will always play but not as much as when I was younger. I'll be playing when playstation 9 is released!

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#118 Garfiun
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
I wouldnt say ill ever grow out of gaming but its getting harder to get game time, i work all week, I got an 8 day old daughter and thats about all I do. I game about 3-4 hours a week.
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#119 I_am_theOpus
Member since 2009 • 768 Posts

That's a hard question to answer. In this generation, video games are even more popular than ever, so we could see many kids taking gaming with them into their adult years. But there's no question that as you get more responsibilities, your free time (and gaming time), goes down some. The answer will probably differ for each person.

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#120 bALTHar86
Member since 2008 • 567 Posts

My Dad used to love old 2D games but he never adjusted to 3D (which anybody who was gaming at the birth of 3D console games will agree took a bit of adjustment) I just don't think he had the time to adapt to an entirely new way of gaming. I don't think there's going to be an as substancial difference in gaming for us in 20years time. As long as motion contols don't take everything over I think I've still got a few years gaming left.

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#121 brwilliams11
Member since 2010 • 88 Posts
Depends on what you are doing and how into gaming you are. Some of us will wind up way to busy with work/life/etc. to even think about playing video games. Some of us will still find times to play. Who knows what kind of games they will come out with in 10+ years. They might be all crap or the people who have been playing video games this whole time might not like them. You can never say for certain until they day comes. I can say that I think I will be a gamer when I am 40+(24 right now), but I don't know what is going to happen down the road.
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#122 Urban_Flow
Member since 2009 • 721 Posts

Yeah, i would love to hear an professional answer, why older people don't like games anymore, i mean my father loved pong, and now when he's playing halo he just shoots in the air the whole time.

So, is it something in our brains that starts to give other things in life priority?

Thats funny heard lot of gamers are over 25...
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#123 NoDzombie
Member since 2009 • 1483 Posts

its not that you grow out of gaming its just that the older you get the harder and harder it becomes to find the time to game

its not that you want to stop gaming but other things just start to get in the way, im only 23 and already i play way less than i did 5-10years ago, i just find it hard these days to find the time to play as much as i would like, due to other commitments, so i dread to think what i will be like in another 10-20years i will probably be struggling to find any time at all to game......

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#124 IzzieWaru
Member since 2010 • 905 Posts

I'm 22 years old and i love gaming, Its such a huge part of my life and i'm not sure what i'd do without it. I now have a full time job of 48 hours a week and also i have a girlfriend who also takes up her fair share of my time.......

my point in all this is how little time i have to game anymore....I mean as life goes on you'll settle down with kids, work, wife....all this stuff adds up, So what happens to my life syle/hobbie....was my mum right will i grow out of gaming?

There are even games that i would love to play but really dont have the time to go on, Also i'm stating to get bord of games faster than i used too.

I'm abit lucky in one way my missis love's to game, so i'm ok when she come's round because i go online with her.....but still when i'm 30-40 will i still game? ....I hope so.


I don't like it when people associate gaming with maturity. People's interest in gaming wanes because they grow tired of it. My dad works 50 hours a week and plays Battlefield, Civ IV, or WoW at least an hour a night. I know I'll probably be gaming until I go blind. I've had periods where I didn't game for a year because I just had too much going on, but I've always played when I could.

Yeah, you'll have a lot going on in your life where you have to put it on hold, but to me, saying gaming is for kids is like saying people should grow out of books or movies.

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Member since 2007 • 1987 Posts

I'm 22 years old and i love gaming, Its such a huge part of my life and i'm not sure what i'd do without it. I now have a full time job of 48 hours a week and also i have a girlfriend who also takes up her fair share of my time.......

my point in all this is how little time i have to game anymore....I mean as life goes on you'll settle down with kids, work, wife....all this stuff adds up, So what happens to my life syle/hobbie....was my mum right will i grow out of gaming?

There are even games that i would love to play but really dont have the time to go on, Also i'm stating to get bord of games faster than i used too.

I'm abit lucky in one way my missis love's to game, so i'm ok when she come's round because i go online with her.....but still when i'm 30-40 will i still game? ....I hope so.


Well i am 24 and i see no stop in my gaming hobby. If anything i game more then ever before it is a great hobby and stress reliever ( for me anywayz). I admit there have been times where i have gamed way less then i do now and times where i have gamed more it just happens when you have other responsibilities. As long as you love games you will never stop loving them.

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#126 coasterguy65
Member since 2005 • 7133 Posts

If you enjoy gaming, you'll never grow out of it. I've been gaming for quite a while and still enjoy it. Luckily my whole family enjoys gaming. The biggest problem is finding enough time to game once you have a family and work full time.

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Member since 2007 • 1987 Posts

If you enjoy gaming, you'll never grow out of it. I've been gaming for quite a while and still enjoy it. Luckily my whole family enjoys gaming. The biggest problem is finding enough time to game once you have a family and work full time.


I love your sig, so true.

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#128 sizzlingdviper
Member since 2004 • 1818 Posts

I'm 22 years old and i love gaming, Its such a huge part of my life and i'm not sure what i'd do without it. I now have a full time job of 48 hours a week and also i have a girlfriend who also takes up her fair share of my time.......

my point in all this is how little time i have to game anymore....I mean as life goes on you'll settle down with kids, work, wife....all this stuff adds up, So what happens to my life syle/hobbie....was my mum right will i grow out of gaming?

There are even games that i would love to play but really dont have the time to go on, Also i'm stating to get bord of games faster than i used too.

I'm abit lucky in one way my missis love's to game, so i'm ok when she come's round because i go online with her.....but still when i'm 30-40 will i still game? ....I hope so.


Well I'm 47-Been married 3 times and got 5 kids-4 of which love gaming,and I still love my games,both on xbox and PS3.The only thing though,is that,as you get more commitments,then you obviously get less time for gaming.Be sure and marry someone who doesn't mind you gaming though,otherwise you'll be into a cloth cap and slippers before you know it!

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#129 VladJasonDrac
Member since 2010 • 601 Posts

Isn't the average age of gamers 35 or something?

I didn't grow out of it that's for sure. Got older and could afford every console with nice surround sound set ups and HDTVs to make gaming even better!

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#130 MathMattS
Member since 2009 • 4012 Posts

I don't see myself ever "growing out" of gaming. There was a period of a few years when I stopped playing console games, but now I'm back into it. I don't see myself stopping gaming anytime soon.

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#131 Logan1616
Member since 2008 • 3424 Posts

I'm 22 years old and i love gaming, Its such a huge part of my life and i'm not sure what i'd do without it. I now have a full time job of 48 hours a week and also i have a girlfriend who also takes up her fair share of my time.......

my point in all this is how little time i have to game anymore....I mean as life goes on you'll settle down with kids, work, wife....all this stuff adds up, So what happens to my life syle/hobbie....was my mum right will i grow out of gaming?

There are even games that i would love to play but really dont have the time to go on, Also i'm stating to get bord of games faster than i used too.

I'm abit lucky in one way my missis love's to game, so i'm ok when she come's round because i go online with her.....but still when i'm 30-40 will i still game? ....I hope so.

Everyone's different. However, 48 hours a week? That seems like too much, even for a fulltime job! :( Anyways, for myself, I don't think I ever will. First off, I can't stop playing multiplayer games with my friends, and second, I surround myself with gamers. All my friends are gamers, and everyone I know is basically a gamer, so I don't think I'll ever stop gaming. Some of my best friends are people I've met on XBL, and how will I stay in touch with them? I'll play games, and one day, I'll visit them. :) Cheers man, and try to listen to some good music, sounds like you could get out of that gaming slump.:)
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#132 Eternal-Entity
Member since 2008 • 1371 Posts

I'm 22 years old and i love gaming, Its such a huge part of my life and i'm not sure what i'd do without it. I now have a full time job of 48 hours a week and also i have a girlfriend who also takes up her fair share of my time.......

my point in all this is how little time i have to game anymore....I mean as life goes on you'll settle down with kids, work, wife....all this stuff adds up, So what happens to my life syle/hobbie....was my mum right will i grow out of gaming?

There are even games that i would love to play but really dont have the time to go on, Also i'm stating to get bord of games faster than i used too.

I'm abit lucky in one way my missis love's to game, so i'm ok when she come's round because i go online with her.....but still when i'm 30-40 will i still game? ....I hope so.


Note: (Cradd) substitute r for l, and d for s.

First of all, you can not "grow out of gaming" simply because gaming in itself is not a product of a certain age. Nor is it a problem. Like anything done in a mild way, it is actually good for you. When you game, in most games, you have to think quickly, forcing your brain to develop synaptic connections, and those connections are similar to those needed for faster processing of logic, which is most closely related to Math and Street Smarts. Also, aside from the doctor and psychological babble, there is also the obvious effect, release from pent up frustration from anything in life, or a way to cool down from stress that is caused by working full time, a breaking family (I have not experienced working full time or breaking family stress, but that is probably because I come from an upper (cradd) family, I can totally empathise with my other friends though, so this is a real reason), studying, and mass working out (I mean like lifting 400 lbs, and then not doing the thing guys do at night, which causes a lot of physical and psychological stress to accumulate).

Second of all, gaming is simply fun, and as far as fun things go, they have to be non-repetitive. Like you know about eyes, that the shadow of blood vessels is not seen by you (or most of us that are normal do not see it), because it falls on the same spot of the eye everytime (until a doctor shines a light in our eye to test vision, then we see it and are creeped out sometimes). The brain wants stimulation that is new. So try mixing stuff up. Play Gears of War one month (or year depending on how your personality and brain defines "new and old"), Hydro Thunder Hurricane the next, and so on. You would never eat the exact same thing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for your entire life, so do not do that with games either.

That was all. This is posted after my psychology 4000 (cradd), so yea, lot of psychological references. =P I get biased easily. Excuse me if I have offended anyone, because this is supposed to be my working in progress theory, so it does not apply to everyone, and some parts may be extraneous to some people.

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#133 DavidRswii
Member since 2007 • 1210 Posts

I doubt i will ever grow out of gaming i love playing games but really il probobly stop when my friends stop gaming

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#134 skooks
Member since 2006 • 1411 Posts

I'm 25 now and I've been gaming since I was able to hold a controller so I don't see myself growing out of it. Like others have said, the older you get the harder it is to find time to game because life gets in the way but if you really enjoy it then you'll find yourself making the time, even if it's just for an hour a week. Luckily for me, my fiancée is an avid gamer like myself so she doesn't mind me gaming, though the downside is I can't really sink hours into games anymore because now I have to share the console!

I've found that friends of mine who let their gaming days go seem to do so because they think they should be doing something more 'worthwhile' with their time; it would appear that people 'grow out' of gaming because they're associating video games with a young age to begin with. Gaming is a hobby just like any other. It transcends age.

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#135 Fyoung
Member since 2004 • 60 Posts

I'm 46 and still play. I've played games since I was 16. The older you get the less time you have to play.

Sometimes I get tired of playing. I'll stop for awhile and start back playing. I believe I'll play as long as

I live. To me gaming releases stress from everyday life.

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#136 Dudewrsmygame
Member since 2010 • 382 Posts

It actually depends on how much you like gaming, there are different degrees for that, i personally don't know how much longer i'll be able to play, so far i have the same age that you have and i'm about to get a job myself so i really don't know, I'll probably just play on sunday if i have the time.

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#137 Dudewrsmygame
Member since 2010 • 382 Posts

I'm 25 now and I've been gaming since I was able to hold a controller so I don't see myself growing out of it. Like others have said, the older you get the harder it is to find time to game because life gets in the way but if you really enjoy it then you'll find yourself making the time, even if it's just for an hour a week. Luckily for me, my fiancée is an avid gamer like myself so she doesn't mind me gaming, though the downside is I can't really sink hours into games anymore because now I have to share the console!

I've found that friends of mine who let their gaming days go seem to do so because they think they should be doing something more 'worthwhile' with their time; it would appear that people 'grow out' of gaming because they're associating video games with a young age to begin with. Gaming is a hobby just like any other. It transcends age.


ICompletlty agree with you

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#138 corb77
Member since 2003 • 464 Posts

I think your all right i think you have less time to game rather than grow out of it. I truly belive i will game all my life even when i'm old and cont bend my fingers without the hurting lol

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#139 Vault_Monkey
Member since 2010 • 209 Posts

It depends on the person, if you truly love gaming you will make time.:) I will never outgrow video games, I love them. My boyfriend's father and all his friends game with us, they all love to play and he gets to play a few hours a day.

Also I have noticed some people saying that elderly people don't like games....well games weren't around for most of them. For a lot of older people they were not even invented. For the ones that did grow up with games in existence only arcade games were around at the time. Arcade games cost money, people didn't have a ton of money to spend back then. Games were never a big trend for the older generations, that explains why the elderly do not like games. They were not available to them, not that they outgrew them.

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#140 -clippa-
Member since 2008 • 596 Posts

I'm nearly 31 and haven't grown out of gaming. If anything, I've gotten more into it :D Always make sure that you find time for your hobby. Without a little me time, we'd all go crazy.

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#141 craigalan23
Member since 2006 • 15879 Posts

Gaming is no longer my numbwer one hobby but I will still play games when I am in the mood.

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#142 sukraj
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I'm 39 marriedand i've got 2 kids but i always find time to game.

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#143 MazehcS0ul
Member since 2009 • 1773 Posts

I'm 22 years old and i love gaming, Its such a huge part of my life and i'm not sure what i'd do without it. I now have a full time job of 48 hours a week and also i have a girlfriend who also takes up her fair share of my time.......

my point in all this is how little time i have to game anymore....I mean as life goes on you'll settle down with kids, work, wife....all this stuff adds up, So what happens to my life syle/hobbie....was my mum right will i grow out of gaming?

There are even games that i would love to play but really dont have the time to go on, Also i'm stating to get bord of games faster than i used too.

I'm abit lucky in one way my missis love's to game, so i'm ok when she come's round because i go online with her.....but still when i'm 30-40 will i still game? ....I hope so.


Yea, I'm about your age, but hey when your like 40 or something you probabarly play games with your kids that's what my uncle does!

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#144 TrapMuzik92
Member since 2009 • 3424 Posts
I may not have as much time as i want to play games...but I damn sure know I will be playing games for a long time.
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#145 atm0073
Member since 2005 • 3069 Posts
People never really "grow out" of gaming (or the concept of it, at the very least) unless they undergo some kind of major psychological transformation. For most people, it's just a matter of having to set priorities.
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#146 lilasianwonder
Member since 2007 • 5982 Posts
So far I have had no such luck.
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#147 mitu123
Member since 2006 • 155290 Posts

Why would anyone revive a 2 year old topic?

I'm 22 as well and can be tired of them at times but never outgrow them, they're entertainment after all.

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#148 stupid4
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I'm 18, and I'm already starting to get tired of it. It's not the same anymore fellas.

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#149 corb77
Member since 2003 • 464 Posts

I'm 18, and I'm already starting to get tired of it. It's not the same anymore fellas.


Have to admit i feel like that sometimes... It feels like i'm harder to impress with games and i play them for the sake of it...

But still i do love it lol

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#150 corb77
Member since 2003 • 464 Posts

Why would anyone revive a 2 year old topic?


Why not?