Do you grow out of gaming?

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#51 XCyberForceX
Member since 2008 • 1223 Posts

[46 years old and still game i guess the answer for the TC is no you will not stop gaming but my mums 48 she has played bejewled 2 for 221hours but its nice to meet a more mature gamer on here.


I think that must be a typo. You're 46 and your mums 48? :-)

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#52 deactivated-5e90a3763ea91
Member since 2008 • 9437 Posts
Gaming's a big part of my life. While I want to have a good career and all, I know that I will probably never get married because I am too insecure and self-centered, and even if I did I will always have time for games. Gaming will always be my # 1 hobby. So, years from now, I will be the weird gaming guru playing the latest games with your kids, and you if any of the people my age are like me.
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#53 TM1
Member since 2004 • 7249 Posts
Only time will tell, i recently got into a serious relationship and ever since i have i haven't played games nearly as much as i did when i was single. I finally settled down with a girl and i'd rather be with her then play games. Not to mention the money it costs to go out to dinner, movies etc so thats also taking money out of my gaming funds.
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#54 deactivated-5e90a3763ea91
Member since 2008 • 9437 Posts
Don't worry, ppl will still play games as they get older. I do think once someone gets older they need to make sure they prioritize their life before spending time to play games. Like making sure you work enough to support yourself and family, and definately spending enough time with your family before playing games. As you get older you have more responibilities. Its just that when you were a kid, video games were a natural hobby that you would choose over studying. But now more and more ppl get older, and life carries them away from videogames.ownzone55
Best responce yet.
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#55 bluem00se
Member since 2005 • 2185 Posts
I don't ever see myself growing out of gaming. No matter what responsibilities you have (which come first of course) you can always find time for gaming... I have tons of homework at this point in my life, but I find time for gaming by sleeping less. Problem solved. ;) Probably will wind up giving up even more sleep as I have more and more responsibilities. I can sacrifice sleep for gaming, easy.
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#56 deactivated-5e90a3763ea91
Member since 2008 • 9437 Posts
I don't ever see myself growing out of gaming. No matter what responsibilities you have (which come first of course) you can always find time for gaming... I have tons of homework at this point in my life, but I find time for gaming by sleeping less. Problem solved. ;) Probably will wind up giving up even more sleep as I have more and more responsibilities. I can sacrifice sleep for gaming, easy.bluem00se
Okay, actually that's pretty unhealthy, lol. I hate giving up sleep as much as I do now, I would rather have more time for more sleep.
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#57 freshgman
Member since 2005 • 12241 Posts
older you get less time one has
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#59 caliburgst
Member since 2008 • 153 Posts
Im only 19 now and dont see myself ever stopping gaming i might slow down but never stop. Why would i stop something i enjoy to do
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#60 DJSAV_101
Member since 2008 • 3701 Posts

I don't think you ever fully outgrow video games.

I used to play for eight hours to eleven hours back when I was in middle school. I never had that much homework and if I did I calculated how many assignments I could miss and still pass the class. It was an obsession to beat games for me. There were days when I didn't even eat just to be able to play for most of the day. I wasn't into sports or going out with girls.(hey... I was in 6th grade) :)

High school started and I was still gaming more that the average gamer.(~6 hours). Homework got harder and required more time so I slowly began taking time from gaming to do work. Peer pressure got me to do football so that was another couple of hours that were taken from gaming. I began to like football more that I made gaming a weekend hobby. I played football all four years of high school making varsity on my third year. That same year I met the love of my life, so once again, gaming time was cut off. By the end of my junior year I was playing 2-3 hours a week.:o

Now I'm in a four year university and for some reason I have a lot more time. Took all early classes and I get out at noon at the latest. :D I play more games now but they are no longer my main source of entertainment. Games fell into the third place of my entertainment ranks right after:

  1. Girl friend ;)
  2. Guitar
  3. Video games

You never out grow video games. You simply don't play them as much when you find something else to do. However, whenever you think you DON"T have anything to do, you can always dust off your system and enjoy a couple of rounds in Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, or Gear of War.

P.S. I WILL be gitting Fable 2, Banjo, Gears 2, and maybe Fallout 3 on launch. :D My entertainment rank may look like this for a while:

  1. Girl friend ;) / Video Games
  2. Video Games
  3. Guitar


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#61 hooded1man
Member since 2004 • 1099 Posts
I dont think you grow out of it, as much as it gets boring since youve been doing it forever. Its hard for me to enjoy many games because of this reason, only games Ive every really liked were on SNES.
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#62 jettheband11688
Member since 2004 • 348 Posts

I feel I will never grow out of gaming. I understand how you may feel you get bored with games faster than you used to. I'm 20 and I've been playing games since I was 3. I had one point where I just stopped playing for about 3 months, but I always came back.I have the same problem as you do with time. I work about 30-40 hours a week plus I'm in college 3 days a week. That only leaves me with a few believe most will grow out of gaming, but I know I'll always keep coming back no matter what. It's always kept me occupied when there was nothing else to do.

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#63 OfficialBed
Member since 2005 • 17668 Posts
i doubt i'll grow out of gaming
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#64 HilbillyRokstar
Member since 2007 • 3236 Posts

Well, if it's possible to "grow out of gaming," - I hope to get as much in as possible before I reach that point.

I'm 37 yrs old and have been playing games I was a kid, since the Atari 2600 1st launched - before that, I use to beg to go to my grandparent's house as they had that huge conole that sat on the floor and you could play pong, tennis, squashe, hand ball, etc - basically the same game, just different positions for the 'bar' you contoled.

My wife finds it pathetic that I'm close to 40 and still get excited about games, I just tell her the same thing everytime - "I could have worse habits!!!"

One of the things that keeps me in the mix is the way games have evovled over the years. As an example, find screen shots of the 1st Madden football and put them side by side to the newest Madden '09 - it'll make you laugh. even worse is - I remember a game we use to play for hours on end on the Atari 2600 called "Maze Craze" You're character was nothing more than a colored cursor that you moved around thru a maze - there were different game modes like, tag, cops and robbers, and I seem to remember a time chalange mode.

Today, games have a much more realistic look to them and with games being made in Hi-Def, just makes them that much more attractive to me.

So - again, if it's possible to grow out of gaming - I HOPE NOT !!! Really want to see where it goes from this point !!!!!

Don`t sweat it. I`m 43 and have a half a dozen guys my age (give or take 5 or 6 yrs) and we enjoy gaming on xbl nearly every night. Sharing the experience with other people over live has given me a renewed enthusiasm that won`t die anytime in the near future.
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#65 olschooldu2
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This is a very good subject you brought up, and I believe that I, more than anyone else can answer that question. I am 42yrs. old and YES, I still play my fair share of video games. I own a ps3 and a 360 and I'm a big sports fan and a fps fan. I own a home, my 2 kids are grown and on their on, so it's just me and the wifey. I've been playing video games since 1980 and at one time or another I've owned just about every gaming console that has hit the market. I'm not some kind of nerd or manchild, but playing video games has always been a hobby of mine and sort of a stress reliever at the same time. I work around 60 hours a week and off on weekends but i still find time during the weekdays for an hour or two of gaming and the wife is very helpful to the point where she's went and bought several of my games for me and at $60 a pop, that's saying a lot! At times I may lose a little interest in games and I won't play for a week or so, but then I go right back to it because it's what I like to do. One thing I want to say is never let anyone criticize you for doing something you like to do. Some people have golf as a hobby, rebuilding cars, painting, etc. but I've always been fascinated by anything electronic such as gaming consoles, computers and so on. My wife is also very supportive and she's even tried to play a few games with me and she loves playing uno on the 360, but mostly she just likes to watch me play and get a good laugh at me as i'm leaning to the left/right trying to dodge bullets or running around wildly trying to find that healthpack i need to keep from dying. Do I feel like a kid because I'm playing video games? Heck No!! As I said earlier, everyone has their own hobbies whatever they may be and it makes you no less of a man to do one or the other. I could be out at a bar drinking, swearing and chasing women, but that's nowhere close to my style. I'll say whatever your hobby is, do it to the fullest and enjoy your life in anyway you choose as long as it doesnt cause trouble for anyone else. Some people may eventually grow old and give up gaming altogether and that's okay too. But for me, I will be gaming until arthritis says I can't work the controls anymore. Oh, and by the way, my son is 24 and I can still kick his asteroids in madden and basketball every now and then!!

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#66 olschooldu2
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You hit it right on the money as I'm a 42yr old gamer and will continue to be a gamer as long as I can push the buttons!!
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#67 Wasdie  Moderator
Member since 2003 • 53622 Posts
I don't grow out of it. I just find less time to play :(
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#68 FirstDiscovery
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I think when people have families, jobs and other added pressures, they lose time to play games and care as much
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#69 FunkyHeadHunter
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I think when people have families, jobs and other added pressures, they lose time to play games and care as muchFirstDiscovery

I have been married since 1993 and started having kids in 1994. I have worked my whole life and so has my wife. I dont just work, I work in construction. Very hard work, especially since my boss is too cheap to hire help. So he and I have built over 30 homes, somewhere around 30 garages, aditions, poured enough concrete to circle the earth 2x..

I also workout at least 5 days a week, have 2 boys and every thing else in between....

A gamer is no different from someone who watches football every other day. IF its something you love and something you live for....YOu find time to keep it a part of your life no matter what.

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#70 Strife88
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I'm 19 right now and since there's a LOT of good games out that probably won't happen. I think it really depends on the games that are released, as long as they're there and good, people will always play them.
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#71 tOtalPWNaAe
Member since 2008 • 3375 Posts

sadly i lost my brother for adulthood(joking):P

but really he barley plays with at all the only game he played with me was in 2007 and it was pes 2008

i miss when he used to play wih me:cry:

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#72 Firefly00
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I guess it's different for everyone but as long as you love the industry you'll always find time. I'm only 18 years old but I work and live with my girlfriend but I still find time to play games. My girlfriend loves gaming and watching me too which is great because it's something we can enjoy together rather then it being just me. I can't see myself becoming uninterested in playing games any time soon, because it's not just the playing that I enjoy it's the whole industry I love, I like knowning about all the new things.

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#73 racastro65
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Working 40 hours a week, going to school full time, and I have a girlfriend. But I make it my duty to get some hours of gaming in every week. It's a stress release :).Alan1187

i feel the same

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#74 69ANT69
Member since 2007 • 8472 Posts
I think I've grown out of gaming now, I don't really play much anymore.
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#75 craigalan23
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I still watch cartoons on a regular basis. I don't grow out of things very easily. Not to mention there's so many games that are made for older people.
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#76 khaosmario
Member since 2008 • 45 Posts

NOOOO!!! u never grow out of gaming no matter who u are even if u work or are busy all the time

i seem 2 find myself lost in gaming all the time itz juss enjoyment and game after game after game is juss endless fun

even the classics are still good even though some of the grafix set u off a bit u still play it juss like u did when u were a kid and i couldnt see how any1 could grow out of gaming

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#77 andyrae11
Member since 2005 • 694 Posts
I'm keeping this short. You only out-grow gaming if the games out-grow you. I'm 28 and I'm married and I'm part owner of a metal recycling plant. I actually play more now than I did when I was single. It's a great stress reliever.
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#78 jukieuk
Member since 2006 • 940 Posts

Ok, don't really post on here like but i'm a 33 year old, married with kids and i'm still playing games, is that sad?

I just play more mature games now but i do play a few casual games like Fifa 09, and hyped for Dead Space and Fable 2, i started of playing frogger and ping pong and games have well improved over 100000000000000000000000000 times, and now im asking the question will i ever grow out of games, will i be playing when i'm 60, l awike the guy above my post said, it a great way of releasing stress.

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#79 nightshift2032
Member since 2005 • 41 Posts
i have 3 kids my self i work 78 hurs in one week i have 96 360 games i have had my 360 for about 2 years and the only played my 360 for about 100 hurs and all of that is at work i thnk i like to collect them more then play i have a life now and no time to play but at a $1.50 a game i cant help get a new game every week
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Member since 2007 • 737 Posts

I don't think I'll ever grow out of gaming, but taking a pause now and then (due to school / work / other) happens.superninjarobot

I think thats very true.. and besides there are plenty of adults who still watches cartoons.. stuff like pixar. Theres a level of appreciation for the art and design of games and aslong as you love art, you'll probably be compelled to still play games..

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#81 justin22corona
Member since 2008 • 66 Posts
u might or u might not. alot of ppl with kids and a family still game. they use it as a past time or a hobby. its really no different than siting down and watching a movie or tv. i dont think u really grow out of it cause of age. i dont think age has anything to do with it. i think its just a matter of having other intrest or past times or hobbies that u prefer to do other than game. so if there is a 40 yr old out there that is feeling stupid cause he is still gaming on call of duty for example then that is no different than sitting down and watching platoon. ppl make games out to b just for kids but all in all its just a form of entertainment and should have no age group attached to it
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#82 Tony_McFarlane
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I'm almost 27. Married, but i still playing. I can't see me without playing videogames

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#83 Yung_Thrandy
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It all depends on the game, they do make games for families to hold on to the generation that really made games popular as sort of a tribute. You can maximize ur time playing with ur family, which leaves more time for the misses ;)

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#84 sonj
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I didn't grow out. I have been playing since the end of the Atari erra and starting the Nintendo erra and I am 24 now. I see no end in sight. The only diference now is I am more picky with what games I play and I don't play as offten as I used to. My tasts have changed but I will probably never stop playing video games. Pluse it is the number 1 form of intertainment in the united states right now so I might not be the only one...
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#85 bookerdog1
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I'm 22 years old and i love gaming, Its such a huge part of my life and i'm not sure what i'd do without it. I now have a full time job of 48 hours a week and also i have a girlfriend who also takes up her fair share of my time.......

my point in all this is how little time i have to game anymore....I mean as life goes on you'll settle down with kids, work, wife....all this stuff adds up, So what happens to my life syle/hobbie....was my mum right will i grow out of gaming?

There are even games that i would love to play but really dont have the time to go on, Also i'm stating to get bord of games faster than i used too.

I'm abit lucky in one way my missis love's to game, so i'm ok when she come's round because i go online with her.....but still when i'm 30-40 will i still game? ....I hope so.


Well I can tell you Im 44 and just bought a xbox 360 about a month ago. I use to game all the time with atari then intellivison. Nitindo was my last box for a short time. Marriage, kids, daughters that didn't like gaming put everything on hold. Just to many things going on. The last daughter went to college this year on a softball scholarship. So I decide to take up gaming again. Im having fun with it. So many buttons to push now though LOL.

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#86 snackdaddy
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I'm 32. I have been gaming since the Commodore 64 and I have never gotten bored, however, I have had much less time.

When I got married, 5 years ago my wife obviously warranted time. I did however find time and ways to play. Heck, I was in a full time raiding guild on WoW and loving every minute. It wasn't until we had our first child that I dropped WoW. I just didn't have time. Now we have the 3 year old and a 5 months old. Time is scarce. However, I still have a Xbox, PC, Mac, Wii and a 360.

Due to the lack of time I have, I have trouble getting into games that require longer sit down times. RTS's, some RPG's, both of which I have always been a fan of. So for me, it's not that I have gotten bored, it's more that I have just gotten pickier about how I spend those precious minutes playing games.

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#87 iam2green
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Its really up to you. Most of my friends on Live are married and have children. They always find time to game. RoslindaleOne

i don't think i'll get old of gaming. a cousin of my dad plays video games. also their son do to. he was telling me how his son got to the castle on re4 he sounded like he knew what he was talking about

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#88 AtlanticRock
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I know when I get older I'll still be playing games... I can't see myself as an old man at the park playing chess, when games like Street Fighter IX, Final Fantasy 30, and Duke Nukem Forever are released in the future
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#89 Kittendestroyer
Member since 2008 • 44 Posts
All depends on your own priorities, but why would you feel sad about it ? Nobody forces you to give it up.
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#90 unc386
Member since 2005 • 211 Posts

Naw man. I'm 22 as well, married, own my own home, all that grown up stuff. haha. But i always have time for video games. I'm on xbox live and two of my best friends that i play with on there are in their 40s hahaha. game it up man. moms usually right but in this case i have to disagree with her.

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#91 drgoth2006
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This may not be entirly relevant as its the perspective of a 17 year old, but the way I see it is that as long as you enjoy gaming and have at least a little bit of time in which to play; go for it my friend =)

That's really all there is to it. If people say your too old for gaming, stuff em, if you enjoy it then thats what counts.

Hope you keep gaming man.

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#92 Bloodbath_87
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I've been gaming my whole life and it's a major part of who I am. I don't think I will ever grow out of it.
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#93 InfinityMugen
Member since 2007 • 3905 Posts
I'm 21 in college and I got tired of gaming and took a break from it. Now I'm gaming again. I dont think I'll ever stop playing games but sometimes you need to separate yourself from it so you wont get sick of it. You know what they about too much of a good thing...
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#94 xxxMoreBeerxxx
Member since 2006 • 993 Posts
I grew out of gaming and into uber gaming.
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#95 kgansor
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I think with the older generation growing out of gaming, i think it was almost more of a "have-to" type situation. Times were hard, they had kids had to support their family, feed themselves, pay for a house, car, kids college, etc. So I can understand how you can grow out of it. And if you think that they grew up with games like Pong, when they are finally able to game again they have a game like Call of Duty 4 or Grand Theft Auto. It's probably just too big of a change for them and they'd rather just not get back into it?

I am 21 and my boyfriend is 22. We've both been into gaming since .. as long as we can remember. There is never a time when we get bored with gaming, there's always something new, we have a ton of games between us to keep us busy. We both have full time jobs and bills to pay but its just almost like an escape. It's nice to come home from a long day at work, turn on whatever system, check for new downloadable content, put in your game and just escape. And there are a ton of multi-player games for when you have friends around, or girlfriends/boyfriends over. I don't know what I would do, personally, without gaming in my life.

Whether our generation of gamers will grow out of it in 5, 10, 15 years is up to the person and their life circumstances. There's really no way of telling now what will happen years from now. You could wake up tomorrow and decide you would never want to touch another game again or you could be 80 years old still playing video games. It's just all really up to that individual.

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#96 Kentisc
Member since 2008 • 469 Posts
I'd say .. no
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#97 celtic1962
Member since 2004 • 13200 Posts
I wouldn't say that people necessarily "grow out" of gaming, as I don't think it has anything to do with maturity. It can just be a case where over the years people's hobbies can change, and not everyone that enjoyed videogames as a kid will necessarily continue to enjoy them into adulthood, but there's still many that do. I'm almost 46 and have been into videogames since Pong but I'm also a responsible adult with a wife and 3 kids that just happens to enjoy videogames as a hobby. As others hav said it's a geat stress relief after work. My son is almost 19 and we have a lot of good times together playing videogames, though I'll admit he became better at them than me a long time ago:P
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#98 phlynhy
Member since 2004 • 790 Posts

When I was in elementary school, I wondered if I would be still playing video games when I would become a cool high schooler.

When I was in high school, I wondered if I would still be playing video games when I was living up the sex, drugs, rock n roll, and education in college.

When I was in college I wondered if I would still be playing video games when I graduated, moved into a home (roomies or not) and started "real life".

Now, I sit here at work, still wondering if I will still be playing video games while once I get married and have kids.

I think, yes.

Throughout my whole video game life, the amount of time I dedicate to games fluctuates GREATLY. There are times when it seems I will never pick up a video game again because my priorities are different, then there are times when I wonder if my video game play time is getting unhealthy.

Video games have ALWAYS been in my life, just in varying degrees. My love for video games has lasted through many girlfriends, many jobs, much schooling, drugs, alcohol, rehab, spiritual changes, lifestyle changes, you name it.

I don't credit video games for much in my life, other than it being a blessing in my life that continues to give, despite myself.

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#99 lost_cheeto
Member since 2007 • 272 Posts

I stopped gaming for about 10 years. Then I moved in with a bunch of roommates that were all in college and they gave me the gaming bug again. I still game every now and then at 32 just in short bursts.

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#100 mankvill
Member since 2003 • 862 Posts

My parents said ever since I was about 16 "Oh, when are you going to grow out of that videogame fad?"
