Why The Wii U Might Dominate Next Gen

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#1 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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At first glace, the Wii U probably appears to be a continuation of the same short sighted philosophy that made the Wii lose steam in the end. It doesnt seem to be all that much more powerful than current generation systems. Nintendo is once again counting on using a unique controller, this time a tablet, to sell the system. How will this thing fare once the Xbox and Playstation successors hit?

Thats a fair question. The Nintendo fanboys age old response to the power question when it comes to consoles is that its the games that matter, not the power of the system. But as this generation has conclusively proven, the games wont come until the system is powerful enough to support them, and this leaves us asking the question- will the Wii U find itself similarly dwarfed by the Xbox and Playstation successors when they launch, so that it becomes the next generations Wii? Will third parties, all of which seem to be quite eager to support Nintendos system for now, drop it like a rock because it will be too weak?GamingBolt

With Unreal Engine 4, Epic themselves stated that the engine will be highly and fully scalable to all devices, including mobile devices. If mobile devices can run Unreal 4, then the Wii U can too, although it probably cant support the full feature set. What this means is, third parties can basically put their games as they are on the Wii U, disable the high end physics and graphics setting that the Wii U probably cannot handle, and just sell it on the Wii U for minimal cost, with a minimal amount of copies sold required to even break even. Yes, the Xbox 3 and PS4 versions will most probably be superior but the Gamecube and Xbox versions of multiplat games were always superior to PS2 versions, and that never mattered. As long as the Wii U is getting all the games, its in the race, even if it lacks some of the high end finesse said games will have on the other systems.GamingBolt

Of course, now this brings us to the killer question: yes, the Wii U can run scaled down versions of next gen games. Yes, the online and control scheme arent an issue. But why would you buy a Wii U in the first place to play inferior versions of games, when you can just go to the next Xbox or Playstation instead, and also keep all your friends lists and achievements intact while you are at it?

Why indeed. Because Nintendo is using the same technique Sony used with PS2 to get a headstart, thats why. Because even if you arent interested in Nintendos first party, they are making sure you will want to buy a Wii U anyway, to play a third party developed game that appeals to your sensibilities, that will be available only on the Wii U. From Rayman Legends, the sequel to last years breakout hit Rayman Origins, to Day-Z inspired Wii U exclusive survival horror ZombiU, from mass action title The Wonderful 101, to Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and finally, Bayonetta 2, the ultra violent, super sexed up sequel to one of this generations most hardcore games, whatever that means, all of which are only available on the Wii U youll probably end up buying one, if only to play these games.


Where does that leave us? The Wii U is launching at least a year before any of its competitors. It has a fully traditional control scheme, as well as the hook to sell it to the casuals. It has all the Just Dances and Wii Fits of the world, in addition to core third party support, both exclusive and multiplatform, from Rayman, ZombiU and Bayonetta to Call of Duty and Assassins Creed. It has the formidable backing of Nintendos first party. It has a full featured online suite. Its just powerful enough to support any and all kinds of games.GamingBolt
Read the complete article here.

What do you guys think? Do you think the Wii U is indeed the 'perfect storm?' Do you think that, if handled right, it could become the go to system next generation, if only on the basis of its library?

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#2 psymon100
Member since 2012 • 6835 Posts

Yes. It's science.

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#3 super600  Moderator
Member since 2007 • 33103 Posts

Nice editorial charizard.

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#4 vtbob88
Member since 2007 • 638 Posts

I honestly won't be too surprised, all that needs to happen is for Nintendo to be able to keep third party publishers releasing games for the WiiU and that would solve the main issue that went on with Wii

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Member since 2012 • 604 Posts

it is possible for sure that wii u could dominate next gen. i think that being first to market after such a long gen is going to prove very helpful.

i'm still waiting for ms / sony to announce their next console. cos they haven't said anything yet my eyes are fixated on the wii u with interest. will play one after launch, then decide.

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#7 Namgis
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I think it'll run out of steam just like the Wii did. Millions will sell just for the gimmick of the tablet. Millions more will sell because it's next gen. And millions more still from the people who want their next Mario/Zelda/Metroid fix. After that initial burst and it's competitors drop their machines, we'll see the inevitable "it's too weak" argument/excuse from the 3rd parties when they stop making games for it.


I have no plans at present to ever buy a WiiU. Those plans could be changed down the road if I see many games that I desperately need to play, and can only be found on the platform. I bought the Wii for the same hopes as those, but that turned out to be a waste of good money in the end. So I am more skeptical and hesitant when it comes to Ninty. It could be the first Ninty console I haven't owned.

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#8 SuperFlakeman
Member since 2011 • 7411 Posts

At first glace, the Wii U probably appears to be a continuation of the same short sighted philosophy that made the Wii lose steam in the end.


Stopped reading after the first sentence.

Wii had a typical Nintendo 5 year lifecycle in terms of sales curve.

It also sold 10m units in the past fiscal year, when PS4 sold 14m and 360 sold 14m.


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#9 free_milk
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Wii u could be stronger tehn the ps4 and xbxo 720.It is not weaker or on par with the hd twins.It is to early to judge since the wii u has not reached its potential.

[spoiler] Also it will be more likely since sony is in to much financial trouble to make a really strong system and microsoft is going casual [/spoiler]

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#10 free_milk
Member since 2011 • 3903 Posts


At first glace, the Wii U probably appears to be a continuation of the same short sighted philosophy that made the Wii lose steam in the end.


Stopped reading after the first sentence.

Wii had a typical Nintendo 5 year lifecycle in terms of sales curve.

It also sold 10m units in the past fiscal year, when PS4 sold 14m and 360 sold 14m.


Wow nice sig where did you get it?The gif makes it look better then the actual tech demo :P [spoiler] Also I hate the look of that spider ): twilight princess spiders were horrible hopefully the next zelda will have an art style similar to wind waker and skyword sword the more cartoony the better. [/spoiler]

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#11 SuperFlakeman
Member since 2011 • 7411 Posts



At first glace, the Wii U probably appears to be a continuation of the same short sighted philosophy that made the Wii lose steam in the end.


Stopped reading after the first sentence.

Wii had a typical Nintendo 5 year lifecycle in terms of sales curve.

It also sold 10m units in the past fiscal year, when PS4 sold 14m and 360 sold 14m.


Wow nice sig where did you get it?The gif makes it look better then the actual tech demo :P [spoiler] Also I hate the look of that spider ): twilight princess spiders were horrible hopefully the next zelda will have an art style similar to wind waker and skyword sword the more cartoony the better. [/spoiler]

It is the first (and only) direct footage of the Zelda 11' tech demo, it was shown during the Japanese Wii U launch details Nintendo Direct.

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#12 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
Member since 2006 • 82724 Posts


At first glace, the Wii U probably appears to be a continuation of the same short sighted philosophy that made the Wii lose steam in the end.


Stopped reading after the first sentence.

Wii had a typical Nintendo 5 year lifecycle in terms of sales curve.

It also sold 10m units in the past fiscal year, when PS4 sold 14m and 360 sold 14m.


That's not the first sentence of the article, only the first section that I put here. If you'd read the actual article, you'd know.
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#13 NaveedLife
Member since 2010 • 17179 Posts

That is all well and good, but I (and most others) buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. The Wii was simply a letdown for the first party lineup. Nintendo needs to prove to me that they can still make Zelda and Metroid right. if not, I just don't care. I think I know the answer too. Get rid of Miyamoto.

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#14 gamecubepad
Member since 2003 • 7214 Posts

Solid points.

Hopefully the whole Retro/Epic rumor is true and Nintendo is able to provide better toolkits and documentation early in the cylce. Getting official UE4 support with optimizations would all but guarantee solid 3rd-party support.

Batman, Mass Effect, Bayonetta, and Assassin's Creed are a great start. Now they need to get Rockstar and Bethesda on board. Nintendo needs to look at what MS did early in this gen and use some coin to get key games onto the WiiU. People are hungry for new consoles. If you can come out and say, "Hey we have GTA, AC, ES, and COD. Our controller is the most advanced on the market and our online play is free. We also have the most consistently high quality 1st-party lineup in the industry." That would annihilate the competition.

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#15 TilxWLOC
Member since 2011 • 1164 Posts

That is all well and good, but I (and most others) buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. The Wii was simply a letdown for the first party lineup. Nintendo needs to prove to me that they can still make Zelda and Metroid right. if not, I just don't care. I think I know the answer too. Get rid of Miyamoto.



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#16 Sphensen
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The Wii U is going t be awesome. It's pretty obvious we're not gonna see a ps4 for at least two more years and let's say the Xbox720 comes out next year with better specs than the Wii U. Most of the games released during this time frame will be available on the Wii U, with nextbox games being down graded ports. Game devlopers aren't going to put much effort into creating xbox720 games if they can only be played on that system until the PS4 comes out (assuming that both the next gen consoles will be vastly greater in spec than the Wii U) leaving most devlopers to still concentrate on the PS3/Xbox 360/Wii U platforms until the PS4 drops. Now with the Wii U's ability to be the "inbetween" platform, that gives nintendo the upper hand in having the majority of devlopers support it, giving the Wii U to have a vast gaming libary. Towards the end of the Wii U cycle, the nextbox and PS4 will just be getting warmed up. (just like this gen because they had to go and future proof it again) that let's nintendo drop it's new console with superior hardware at a reasonable price again and continue to dominate the gaming market. It's an obvious choice and that is Nintendo. Now if only they could get a more "adult sounding name" then maybe they would start getting the respect they deserve.
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#17 Shinobishyguy
Member since 2006 • 22928 Posts

That is all well and good, but I (and most others) buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. The Wii was simply a letdown for the first party lineup. Nintendo needs to prove to me that they can still make Zelda and Metroid right. if not, I just don't care. I think I know the answer too. Get rid of Miyamoto.


What the hell?

Miyamoto hasn't directed Zelda and Metroid in years. Why are you suddenly demonizing the man :?

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#18 Heil68
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Dont care personally. It could sell 200 million units and have 40+ AAA exclusives, I wont be buying it.
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#19 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
Member since 2006 • 82724 Posts
Dont care personally. It could sell 200 million units and have 40+ AAA exclusives, I wont be buying it. Heil68
If it has 40+ AAA exclusives, why in the world would you not get it? :?
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#20 super600  Moderator
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[QUOTE="Heil68"]Dont care personally. It could sell 200 million units and have 40+ AAA exclusives, I wont be buying it. charizard1605
If it has 40+ AAA exclusives, why in the world would you not get it? :?

Because he is a cow.

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#21 Nintendo_Ownes7
Member since 2005 • 30973 Posts


That is all well and good, but I (and most others) buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. The Wii was simply a letdown for the first party lineup. Nintendo needs to prove to me that they can still make Zelda and Metroid right. if not, I just don't care. I think I know the answer too. Get rid of Miyamoto.


What the hell? Miyamoto hasn't directed Zelda and Metroid in years :?

Miyamoto never directed Metroid and the last Legend of Zelda title Miyamoto directed was Ocarina of Time.

The last game Miyamoto directed was Mario Artist: Paint Studio for the N64DD in 1999.

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#22 Shinobishyguy
Member since 2006 • 22928 Posts


That is all well and good, but I (and most others) buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. The Wii was simply a letdown for the first party lineup. Nintendo needs to prove to me that they can still make Zelda and Metroid right. if not, I just don't care. I think I know the answer too. Get rid of Miyamoto.


What the hell? Miyamoto hasn't directed Zelda and Metroid in years :?

Miyamoto never directed Metroid and the last Legend of Zelda title Miyamoto directed was Ocarina of Time.

The last game Miyamoto directed was Mario Artist: Paint Studio for the N64DD in 1999.

didn't he direct pikmin?
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#23 Nintendo_Ownes7
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[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]What the hell? Miyamoto hasn't directed Zelda and Metroid in years :?Shinobishyguy

Miyamoto never directed Metroid and the last Legend of Zelda title Miyamoto directed was Ocarina of Time.

The last game Miyamoto directed was Mario Artist: Paint Studio for the N64DD in 1999.

didn't he direct pikmin?

He only produced Pikmin; Masamichi Abe and Shigefumi Hino were the directors of Pikmin.

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#24 JLF1MarkII
Member since 2012 • 1416 Posts

The Wiiu won't dominate next gen for the same reason Wii didn't dominate this one. It might win in hardware sales but third party devs simply aren't interesting in it and Nintendo can't support 2 systems simultaneously alone. We are not looking at a new PS2.

This is the gen were Nintendo can not sit on their asses and simply assume stuff, they need to work it. Sadly they don't even do that for the 3DS so I don't think the Wiiu will be any better. Doing bare minimum isn't enough anymore.

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#25 Shinobishyguy
Member since 2006 • 22928 Posts

The Wiiu won't dominate next gen for the same reason Wii didn't dominate this one. It might win in hardware sales but third party devs simply aren't interesting in it and Nintendo can't support 2 systems simultaneously alone. We are not looking at a new PS2.

This is the gen were Nintendo can not sit on their asses and simply assume stuff, they need to work it. Sadly they don't even do that for the 3DS so I don't think the Wiiu will be any better. Doing bare minimum isn't enough anymore.

the 3ds started off slow but they really picked it up the following holiday season
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#26 Heil68
Member since 2004 • 60723 Posts

[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="Heil68"]Dont care personally. It could sell 200 million units and have 40+ AAA exclusives, I wont be buying it. super600

If it has 40+ AAA exclusives, why in the world would you not get it? :?

Because he is a cow.

Because I bought a Wii, but thanks anyway.
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#27 Joedgabe
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Q) Why is Wii - U going to be First in terms of Sales Next Generation ?

A) Because it has the Nintendo Logo on it.

Q) Will it still reward the customers for their large contribution of their consoles with a decent amount of First party games ?

A) nope because they would be already in first w/o even trying, there's no need no spend more money.

Q) Will The Wii-U regain the respect that the Wii lost?

A) They don't care.

Conclusion: Nintendo = Apple for Gaming consoles.

I'll buy a Wii-U late in the Generation Cycle to play the Mario and Zelda game nintendo will make. Hopefully a metroid.

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#28 JLF1MarkII
Member since 2012 • 1416 Posts


The Wiiu won't dominate next gen for the same reason Wii didn't dominate this one. It might win in hardware sales but third party devs simply aren't interesting in it and Nintendo can't support 2 systems simultaneously alone. We are not looking at a new PS2.

This is the gen were Nintendo can not sit on their asses and simply assume stuff, they need to work it. Sadly they don't even do that for the 3DS so I don't think the Wiiu will be any better. Doing bare minimum isn't enough anymore.


the 3ds started off slow but they really picked it up the following holiday season

I'm not saying it's selling bad, in Japan it's kicking everyone's collective asses. Nintendo have simply stopped supporting it with their own software in favour of the Wiiu. They probably didn't expect every major Japanese pub to abandon the system for iOS this quickly. Spreading out and delaying western releases of their games is not a good sign and is something they didn't have to do with the Wii until 2009.

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#29 NaveedLife
Member since 2010 • 17179 Posts


That is all well and good, but I (and most others) buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. The Wii was simply a letdown for the first party lineup. Nintendo needs to prove to me that they can still make Zelda and Metroid right. if not, I just don't care. I think I know the answer too. Get rid of Miyamoto.


What the hell?

Miyamoto hasn't directed Zelda and Metroid in years. Why are you suddenly demonizing the man :?

He worked with SS closer to the end, changing things cause he didnt like it. And I bet they were not good changes, since he is the same guy who thought blowing monkeys and a single analog stick were a good idea. I don't know who had the idea to put team ninja on Metroid, but that was a terrible one.

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#30 SuperFlakeman
Member since 2011 • 7411 Posts



At first glace, the Wii U probably appears to be a continuation of the same short sighted philosophy that made the Wii lose steam in the end.


Stopped reading after the first sentence.

Wii had a typical Nintendo 5 year lifecycle in terms of sales curve.

It also sold 10m units in the past fiscal year, when PS4 sold 14m and 360 sold 14m.


That's not the first sentence of the article, only the first section that I put here. If you'd read the actual article, you'd know.

Weak comeback, argue my point instead.

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#31 SuperFlakeman
Member since 2011 • 7411 Posts



That is all well and good, but I (and most others) buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. The Wii was simply a letdown for the first party lineup. Nintendo needs to prove to me that they can still make Zelda and Metroid right. if not, I just don't care. I think I know the answer too. Get rid of Miyamoto.


What the hell?

Miyamoto hasn't directed Zelda and Metroid in years. Why are you suddenly demonizing the man :?

He worked with SS closer to the end, changing things cause he didnt like it. And I bet they were not good changes, since he is the same guy who thought blowing monkeys and a single analog stick were a good idea. I don't know who had the idea to put team ninja on Metroid, but that was a terrible one.

Your cat died or something?

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#32 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
Member since 2006 • 82724 Posts


Stopped reading after the first sentence.

Wii had a typical Nintendo 5 year lifecycle in terms of sales curve.

It also sold 10m units in the past fiscal year, when PS4 sold 14m and 360 sold 14m.



That's not the first sentence of the article, only the first section that I put here. If you'd read the actual article, you'd know.

Weak comeback, argue my point instead.

The point you bring up is irrelevant. It has nothing to do with the contents of this thread, so I don't see why I should argue it. But you know what, what the hell, I'll bite. How about the fact that while it did have your 'typical five year' lifecycle for a Nintendo console, game development for it almost completely stopped for it after year four on both the first party front and the third party front?
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#33 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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That is all well and good, but I (and most others) buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. The Wii was simply a letdown for the first party lineup. Nintendo needs to prove to me that they can still make Zelda and Metroid right. if not, I just don't care. I think I know the answer too. Get rid of Miyamoto.


What the hell?

Miyamoto hasn't directed Zelda and Metroid in years. Why are you suddenly demonizing the man :?

He worked with SS closer to the end, changing things cause he didnt like it. And I bet they were not good changes, since he is the same guy who thought blowing monkeys and a single analog stick were a good idea. I don't know who had the idea to put team ninja on Metroid, but that was a terrible one.

That was Sakamoto, one of the co-creators of Metroid. In any case, the stuff that team Ninja was in charge of- the gameplay and the action itself- was well done. It was the stuff that Sakamoto was supposed to be handling- the story, the dialog, characterization, the control setup- that sucked.
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#34 KiZZo1
Member since 2007 • 3989 Posts

In sales maybe. In overal quality of the experience and library - I doubt it.

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#36 SuperFlakeman
Member since 2011 • 7411 Posts



Stopped reading after the first sentence.

Wii had a typical Nintendo 5 year lifecycle in terms of sales curve.

It also sold 10m units in the past fiscal year, when PS4 sold 14m and 360 sold 14m.



That's not the first sentence of the article, only the first section that I put here. If you'd read the actual article, you'd know.

Weak comeback, argue my point instead.

The point you bring up is irrelevant. It has nothing to do with the contents of this thread, so I don't see why I should argue it. But you know what, what the hell, I'll bite. How about the fact that while it did have your 'typical five year' lifecycle for a Nintendo console, game development for it almost completely stopped for it after year four on both the first party front and the third party front?

Exactly. So it's a feat that an SD system with no online to speak of, and non existant support, sold 10m units, 4m less than its competitors with games like MW3, Skyrim, UC2 and ofc Kinect.

"Short sighted philosophy" is simply incorrect. They think long term; in a period of 10 years Wii+Wii U sales will be >>> PS3+PS4 or 360+Xbox3.

The system is going to hit its peak year before its competitors begin to take off.

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#37 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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Weak comeback, argue my point instead.


The point you bring up is irrelevant. It has nothing to do with the contents of this thread, so I don't see why I should argue it. But you know what, what the hell, I'll bite. How about the fact that while it did have your 'typical five year' lifecycle for a Nintendo console, game development for it almost completely stopped for it after year four on both the first party front and the third party front?

Exactly. So it's a feat that an SD system with no online to speak of, and non existant support, sold 10m units, 4m less than its competitors with games like MW3, Skyrim, UC2 and ofc Kinect.

"Short sighted philosophy" is simply incorrect. They think long term; in a period of 10 years Wii+Wii U sales will be >>> PS3+PS4 or 360+Xbox3.

The system is going to hit its peak year before its competitors begin to take off.

I'm sorry, having shorter generational cycles is better how, exactly? I have never actually seen anyone debate in favor of shorter console lifespans, so this should be interesting.
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#38 Shinobishyguy
Member since 2006 • 22928 Posts



That is all well and good, but I (and most others) buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. The Wii was simply a letdown for the first party lineup. Nintendo needs to prove to me that they can still make Zelda and Metroid right. if not, I just don't care. I think I know the answer too. Get rid of Miyamoto.


What the hell?

Miyamoto hasn't directed Zelda and Metroid in years. Why are you suddenly demonizing the man :?

He worked with SS closer to the end, changing things cause he didnt like it. And I bet they were not good changes, since he is the same guy who thought blowing monkeys and a single analog stick were a good idea. I don't know who had the idea to put team ninja on Metroid, but that was a terrible one.

You're still going on about the Blowing? "Oh no, primates can expel air out of their lungs. the game is ruined"

Plus you could still slam the ground like in the older games:?

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#39 JLF1MarkII
Member since 2012 • 1416 Posts

Weak comeback, argue my point instead.



Nintendo doesn't decide the console cycle length alone. Both the PS3 and 360 is alive and kicking were as the Wii is straight up dead. It did not last as long as the other systems. There is no support for the system from any front. It's dead. Nintendo dropped the ball with the Wii. If you want to argue this you're arguing with Iwata's own words.

Most people said this might happen and it will most likely happen again if not sooner this gen with the Wiiu. Third party support are simply not there for either the 3DS or Wiiu and Nintendo will not be able to support them both alone. They couldn't support the DS and Wii simultaneously, they won't with two much more advanced and expensive systems either.


[ There might also be chance that Nintendo has been hit with problems developing for HD systems like so many other devs this gen. Hence the sparse showing on their own Wiiu games outside easier games with little assets like NSMBU and Nintendo Land. The competition will not wait, they will use this to their advantage.]

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#40 JLF1MarkII
Member since 2012 • 1416 Posts

In sales maybe. In overal quality of the experience and library - I doubt it.


What do you mean by this? Hardware or polish in games?

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#41 Shinobishyguy
Member since 2006 • 22928 Posts


Weak comeback, argue my point instead.



Nintendo doesn't decide the console cycle length alone. Both the PS3 and 360 is alive and kicking were as the Wii is straight up dead. It did not last as long as the other systems. There is no support for the system from any front. It's dead. Nintendo dropped the ball with the Wii. If you want to argue this you're arguing with Iwata's own words.

Most people said this might happen and it will most likely happen again if not sooner this gen with the Wiiu. Third party support are simply not there for either the 3DS or Wiiu and Nintendo will not be able to support them both alone. They couldn't support the DS and Wii simultaneously, they won't with two much more advanced and expensive systems either.


[ There might also be chance that Nintendo has been hit with problems developing for HD systems like so many other devs this gen. Hence the sparse showing on their own Wiiu games outside easier games with little assets like NSMBU and Nintendo Land. The competition will not wait, they will use this to their advantage.]

the 3ds is currently the go-to platform for japanese third party developers now though
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#42 Dj-Dampleaf
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Weak comeback, argue my point instead.



Nintendo doesn't decide the console cycle length alone. Both the PS3 and 360 is alive and kicking were as the Wii is straight up dead. It did not last as long as the other systems. There is no support for the system from any front. It's dead. Nintendo dropped the ball with the Wii. If you want to argue this you're arguing with Iwata's own words.

Most people said this might happen and it will most likely happen again if not sooner this gen with the Wiiu. Third party support are simply not there for either the 3DS or Wiiu and Nintendo will not be able to support them both alone. They couldn't support the DS and Wii simultaneously, they won't with two much more advanced and expensive systems either.


[ There might also be chance that Nintendo has been hit with problems developing for HD systems like so many other devs this gen. Hence the sparse showing on their own Wiiu games outside easier games with little assets like NSMBU and Nintendo Land. The competition will not wait, they will use this to their advantage.]

the 3ds is currently the go-to platform for japanese third party developers now though

And IOS. Fro my point of view if the Wii U third-party fails Nintendo will go into a panic and rely on the 3DS to back it up. Which could easily hurt the 3DS as well since the Wii U will have tons of connectivity with the 3DS or so Nintendo says. Right now the 3DS is still not doing super duper amazing outside of japan as the 3DS did, and the Wii U is getting late multiplats and NG3, lol, and that is the extent of their third-party. I will tell you, that keeping the Wii name with a U and surviving with tons of FP Ips won't work for HD budgets so they better surprise everyone at launch because what they have now is meh.
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#43 NaveedLife
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[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]What the hell?

Miyamoto hasn't directed Zelda and Metroid in years. Why are you suddenly demonizing the man :?


He worked with SS closer to the end, changing things cause he didnt like it. And I bet they were not good changes, since he is the same guy who thought blowing monkeys and a single analog stick were a good idea. I don't know who had the idea to put team ninja on Metroid, but that was a terrible one.

That was Sakamoto, one of the co-creators of Metroid. In any case, the stuff that team Ninja was in charge of- the gameplay and the action itself- was well done. It was the stuff that Sakamoto was supposed to be handling- the story, the dialog, characterization, the control setup- that sucked.

Sakamoto did a better job then they did. But neither was perfect. Other M is a good game, but since when is metroid about melee action? This isn't frikkin Ninja Gaiden. I am so happy though that they made it so the shooting was auto aim. That was a great idea. Almost as good as having everything dodgeable all the time. :P seriously why did they need to do this to Metroid? Fun game, but this needed to be changed (along with the health system) and it needed more exploration.

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#44 NaveedLife
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[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]What the hell?

Miyamoto hasn't directed Zelda and Metroid in years. Why are you suddenly demonizing the man :?


He worked with SS closer to the end, changing things cause he didnt like it. And I bet they were not good changes, since he is the same guy who thought blowing monkeys and a single analog stick were a good idea. I don't know who had the idea to put team ninja on Metroid, but that was a terrible one.

You're still going on about the Blowing? "Oh no, primates can expel air out of their lungs. the game is ruined"

Plus you could still slam the ground like in the older games:?

But it was totally unnecessary, adding another waggle oriented control to do something that was necessary at times and needed often to collect things. This slowed down the fast paced action of the game and made its bonus collectibles and such not about being hard to find and fun to obtain, but about keepign your eyes peeled for everything possible to blow on.

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#46 PopeReal
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Dont care personally. It could sell 200 million units and have 40+ AAA exclusives, I wont be buying it. Heil68

Sig worthy.

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#47 AdobeArtist  Moderator
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Charizard... ypou already had the official WiiU thread. And the first one to break the embargo is... you? Why, why? :?

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#48 JLF1MarkII
Member since 2012 • 1416 Posts

the 3ds is currently the go-to platform for japanese third party developers now thoughShinobishyguy

It was.

I mean, I understand you. It has both hardware an software sales to back it up but support have stopped from the big guys. Most Japanese devs are on the iOS not on the 3DS.

Everyone have pushed really hard but few have come back. Marvelous have had hit after hit, SquareEnix not so much. It looks like a straight up repeat of the early-mid PSP days. It will get new entries in already established IPs but not much else. Old IPs like Rune Factory and Etrian Odyssey are selling better then on the DS but new IPs like Beyond the Labyrinth, Time Traveler and Guild O1 have bombed hard.

It's most likely due to the average Japanese dev moving heavily into next gen, (Squareenix have basically said that they can't wait to write off this generation as a big failed experiment and move on into next gen with the Luminous engine) or into iOS or into the PS3 (Falcom, NIS, Acquire).

A lot will probably be back for the 3DS with new games but it will take a while as most of them have moved on to other formats. Honestly the 3DS will be fine in Japan it's the west I'm more concerned about. Third party devs doesn't really care about localizing their games which is really worrying. Nintendo have had to strategically delay a couple of games because of this (LM2 and Paper Mario in EU). They do not take any risk anymore with unknown franchises which is why we are getting AA5 but not E.X Troopers.

EDIT: Just to point out the poor support here in EU, the Vita has a better line-up than the 3DS.

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#49 NaveedLife
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That is all well and good, but I (and most others) buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. The Wii was simply a letdown for the first party lineup. Nintendo needs to prove to me that they can still make Zelda and Metroid right. if not, I just don't care. I think I know the answer too. Get rid of Miyamoto.


What the hell?

Miyamoto hasn't directed Zelda and Metroid in years. Why are you suddenly demonizing the man :?

He worked with SS closer to the end, changing things cause he didnt like it. And I bet they were not good changes, since he is the same guy who thought blowing monkeys and a single analog stick were a good idea. I don't know who had the idea to put team ninja on Metroid, but that was a terrible one.

Your cat died or something?

No not my cat. He is fat and happy. My soul died...My soul died when Nintendo took my favorite franchises and ripped their hearts out leaving but great games, rather than masterpieces :P.