What are the worst missions in GTA franchise history? (AKA GTA V f***ing sucks)

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#101 Seabas989
Member since 2009 • 13565 Posts

@LegatoSkyheart said:

Man, I think ya'll need to play Driver 1 and 2 and then come back and tell me GTA missions suck.

(not saying Driver 1 and 2 suck, I'm saying ya'll are whining)

Driver 1 had the most difficult first level in a game I ever played.

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#102 Netret0120
Member since 2013 • 3594 Posts

Did anyone actually read all of that?

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#103 NathanDrakeSwag
Member since 2013 • 17392 Posts

@Netret0120 said:

Did anyone actually read all of that?

Nope. I read the title and knew it was a troll thread.

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#104 wildaries
Member since 2016 • 499 Posts

I like GTA online I am a rank 91 I don't glitch,cheat,mod,or buy shark cards....I earn it the hard way.....I been a month online just about and just went back from a year ago when I finish the game....I kinda like online as I never did it online last year....

it a fun game ....outside of cheats etc and bad gun stats.....I do hate mission and jobs with noobs who never did the game and then hop online and get killed fast on a mission..allways blowing up the car of what ever with stickys and really sad game play then ask silly questions as the drive around in a 2 million dollar car.....with no idea how to play the game then cry a lot why you leave there mission......

I can see why some go irate in steam on overwatch....

games should not allow you to go online unless you finished the game .....then there be no tools or noobs or wanna be hack players.....

team work is important in any multiplayer .....but most sht ass player want tricks.mods.cheats or buy you way threw the game.....and game companys know this......why the division blows...and no one wants to play it.

online gameplay most important feature is the players.....if they are hack so will the gameplay be.

GTA 5 ps4 online has a lot of wanna be hack gangsta's hood rats who throw out the n word all day long ...but I rather freedom in a game then some nanny nonsence any day.....

FREEDOM BABY ....this is what America is all about.....you don't have to play it if you don't like it......

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#105 Blabadon
Member since 2008 • 33030 Posts

@Juub1990 said:
@Blabadon said:

@Juub1990: it was like 3 o clock at night here lol ;_;

And? Some of us actually take their time to read posts in their entirety before replying to a thread. Think of them before you type a novella. Not all of us are 15-year old with attention spans of 15 seconds.

I mean hell, some of the posters here I actually take seriously just love making long-ass posts as if we had nothing better to do than read them. Look at this for example.

Anyway tl;dr aside. Where do you rank GTA V in GTA games and how do you rate is as an open-world game? I know you like your games straight to the point with no artificial padding which is why you like games like SotC(which made by 31 year old brother beat Ico in like 2 sittings) and hate games like the 3D Zelda. So I suppose GTA V won't be highly regarded by you because it's filled with more filling than a Boston cream donut.

Edit: Oh and it's funny I mention SotC and Ico because my brother ranks SotC among his favorite games and absolutely loves GTA V. Beat it like 3 times in two weeks. I beat it once in 2 months and never touched it again.

Champ and I routinely make bigass posts, it's what we like to do. What's funny is on our Skype chat ever we're pretty much the laziest motherfuckers out there.

Where do I rank GTA V? Not sure. I really enjoy Vice City not taking itself seriously at all and just nailing the aesthetic, but I'm not far in that either. My GTA 3 disc never worked right for me. The only one I've finished to completion is GTA Liberty City Stories on PSP, but that's multiple times, and I actually rather love that game. Not because it's mechanically amazing, but because it provided a smaller world to blaze through, the routes are that much more memorable. Beyond that, it also was more arcade-y like the old GTA games, and I like its sardonic nature better than the edgy nature Rockstar goes with today. A mission in Liberty City Stories may not be too different than V's, but whereas in V that mission may be just driving for the sake of the next cutscene, LCS made you drive around the city campaigning through a loudspeaker for a politician you know is a cannibal. It's stupid, and it's great.

As an open world game, V is a pretty decent sandbox. No major qualms there. Again, the complaints in the OP addressed the mission design.

I do dislike padding, yes. I like a world like Shadow of the Colossus' because you have to use a simple tool to navigate yourself to boss; there's little to no distractions to reaching a described goal. Same thing in games I love like Super Mario Galaxy 2; get to that star by any means necessary given with the mechanics given. There's no egg collecting, there's no distractions from the means to the end.

Don't get me wrong; I can't perfectly describe what makes a mission or an objective good. Most of it comes from the feeling derived from completing it for me. It's something that you know when you see it, or rather play it.

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#106 Sushiglutton
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I remember this mission almost made me lose my hair and/or burn down the city I live in and nuke the entire earth out of existence. Luckily for everyone I finally beat it:

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#107 PurpleMan5000
Member since 2011 • 10531 Posts

I finished the game and I have to say that it was disappointing that there weren't many missions where the cops apply much heat. Everything was way too easy. Maybe the heists are better if you take a more direct approach than I did. I might go through the game again at some point and try that. It was also disappointing that the game is pretty much over when you finally get your big score. You have to go through so many unpaid missions and when you finally get a big payday and can really make some money off of the assassinations and start buying properties and cool vehicles, the game is already over. Sure, I could go back and buy all of that crap, but I wouldn't be using it to actually play the game. What's the point?

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#108 Jag85
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The escort missions.

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#109 Epak_
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I don't know man, it was the first GTA I managed to finish, really liked it, should give it another go sometime.

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#110 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64040 Posts
@Juub1990 said:
@Blabadon said:

@Juub1990: it was like 3 o clock at night here lol ;_;

And? Some of us actually take their time to read posts in their entirety before replying to a thread. Think of them before you type a novella. Not all of us are 15-year old with attention spans of 15 seconds.

I mean hell, some of the posters here I actually take seriously just love making long-ass posts as if we had nothing better to do than read them. Look at this for example.

I capitulate to you people and give you the too long didn't read version at the very beginning, it's the point, the other stuff provides context and more nuance to my opinion. Beyond that I like taking some of the shitty counter arguments out of the equation in advance. And, best part, there is a lower degree of stupid posters in my threads as a result, because they are too dumb too read anything.

It's a win-win-win-win across the board.

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#111 l34052
Member since 2005 • 3906 Posts

Overall i love the GTA franchise with GTA V being my overall fave, however, there was a mission in GTA:SA that had me screaming at the tv in frustration. Those that played it will know exactly what i mean but for those that didnt, it involved flying a radio controlled plane around the city dropping bombs on enemy vehicles and was enough to test the patience of a saint.

That one mission made the radio controlled helicopter mission in Vice City seem easy in comparison. Alongside that im not a big fan of time based missions either, it usually means the game throws some unfair obstacles into your path to deliberately slow you down which i find very frustrating. I dont mind losing a game that plays fair but to lose something because of unfair tactics or gameplay i can do without.

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#112 Juub1990
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@jg4xchamp said:

I capitulate to you people and give you the too long didn't read version at the very beginning, it's the point, the other stuff provides context and more nuance to my opinion. Beyond that I like taking some of the shitty counter arguments out of the equation in advance. And, best part, there is a lower degree of stupid posters in my threads as a result, because they are too dumb too read anything.

It's a win-win-win-win across the board.

I used to but don't do it any more. If you're too lazy to read my tl;dr(too lazy, didn't read) then I won't cater to you. I just stopped doing long-ass posts anyway. You reminded me I never answered that post of yours. I was on a mobile when I was doing it and halfway through my answer I was like "eh **** it, too many spelling mistakes and that tiny phone makes replying hell, I'll do it later" which I obviously never did. I'll get around that. Some day.

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#113 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64040 Posts

@Juub1990 said:

"eh **** it, too many spelling mistakes and that tiny phone makes replying hell, I'll do it later"

Gotta go the champ route, say **** it, I'm not proof reading shit lol

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#114 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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I like writing long posts.

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#115 Bread_or_Decide
Member since 2007 • 29761 Posts

V saved the day with fast travel. I couldn't stand San Andreas. Drive to the mission giver. Drive all the way to the mission. Die. Go back to the mission. Rinse, repeat, good luck, no thanks.

V also saved the day letting you skip missions. Those last three were awful I couldn't take it anymore.

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#116 Johnmclane26
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The mission down at the docks bored me to hell, to many missions that felt like job simulator

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#117 emgesp
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IMHO, none of the 3D GTA games pre GTA lV hold up anymore. GTA lV is pretty much a superior remake of 3 and GTA V is a superior remake of San Andreas. Now we just need a superior remake of Vice City.

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#118 BobRossPerm
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Any assassination mission in GTA 4. The most uncreative missions in any GTA game.

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#119 skektek
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My least favorite mission is the one where I try to keep my customized cars but the game keeps forgetting them. I have never been able to complete that mission.

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#120 jsmoke03
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For me it has to be the side mission on gta:sa where u help out that geek(been too long) try to suicide bomb trucks with an rc plane