Valve: MS needs to be 'comfortable' in opening up Xbox Live

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#101 tormentos
Member since 2003 • 33784 Posts

That argument doesn't make sense. You're saying that because Sony doesn't charge for online, they never will? There's no way you can know that. They are attempting to keep as many things free as possible, but it's only because they have to in order to have anything to brag about. It's not the best, it's not great, but it is free. That's something to be proud of.


But some how means they will charge.?

Is free because it has always been free,even before xbox live started oin 2002 online on PS2 was already free,on DC free on PC free,on GC free,on Wii is free on DS,PSP,PS3 on Cell phones is free even on Vita with cross game chat will be free.

So is not about braging is about fallowing a guide line that has been present since i long time.

Is may not be the most integrated or had all the features,but core gaming is the same all around,PSN has lag just like live,cheaters and problems just like live.

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#102 Pug-Nasty
Member since 2009 • 8508 Posts

lol, it's soooooo entertaining to watch all the guys that hated valve and gabe a few years ago when gabe badmouthed sony want to cuddle up with them now.

cows have a short memory so i will help you out with a quick trip down memory lane.

"The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think it's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted," said Newell. "I'd say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a 'do over.' Just say, 'This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it.'"

your welcome. :)


I don't know. I remember people calling him many things, from foolish to lazy to shortsighted, and a few much worse things not worth repeating. Apparently, ol' Gabe agrees and has done a 180 to attempt to correct his own mistakes.

I still don't really care as long as Portal comes out on the ps3, since that's the only game of theirs I even like. I'm curious as to what these updates are going to include.

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#103 Riverwolf007
Member since 2005 • 26023 Posts


lol, it's soooooo entertaining to watch all the guys that hated valve and gabe a few years ago when gabe badmouthed sony want to cuddle up with them now.

cows have a short memory so i will help you out with a quick trip down memory lane.

"The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think it's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted," said Newell. "I'd say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a 'do over.' Just say, 'This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it.'"

your welcome. :)


I don't know. I remember people calling him many things, from foolish to lazy to shortsighted, and a few much worse things not worth repeating. Apparently, ol' Gabe agrees and has done a 180 to attempt to correct his own mistakes.

I still don't really care as long as Portal comes out on the ps3, since that's the only game of theirs I even like. I'm curious as to what these updates are going to include.

pretty obvious what changed his mind, $$$.

now that the ps3 is a viable money maker gabe is all over it.

one min dude is all "total disaster" the next he's all gushing about it? pffft, it's all so shallow and obvious.

he should have just kept his mouth shut in the first place so he didn't have to mend fences.

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#104 kuu2
Member since 2005 • 12067 Posts

Go pound sand Gabe. Just put your games on Live, there is no reason to open it up.

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#105 tempest91
Member since 2003 • 2411 Posts


That argument doesn't make sense. You're saying that because Sony doesn't charge for online, they never will? There's no way you can know that. They are attempting to keep as many things free as possible, but it's only because they have to in order to have anything to brag about. It's not the best, it's not great, but it is free. That's something to be proud of.


But some how means they will charge.?

Is free because it has always been free,even before xbox live started oin 2002 online on PS2 was already free,on DC free on PC free,on GC free,on Wii is free on DS,PSP,PS3 on Cell phones is free even on Vita with cross game chat will be free.

So is not about braging is about fallowing a guide line that has been present since i long time.

Is may not be the most integrated or had all the features,but core gaming is the same all around,PSN has lag just like live,cheaters and problems just like live.

But free is not a feature. It's not something that makes gaming fun. Cross game chat makes gaming fun. Playing halo with my friends makes gaming fun. Not having to wait a half hour to play games because of unusually large and slow updates makes gaming fun. Free is just free. It doesn't add to the enjoyment of gaming at all, that is unless people simply can't afford to pay it, then I can sympathize. XBL is the better service, this has been proven time and time again. Is it more expensive? Yes. Does that matter in the long run? No. Also, mentioning Sony's online before 2006 does nothing for you. It wasn't even a true service before then, it was just online for the PS2 and had no unified features and was not even labeled as PSN. You can downplay this all you want, but having a unified service from day 1 is the reason that MS gets more multiplat sales and is the preferred system for games like call of duty. Building a patchwork service that wasn't really anything of note until a couple years ago is nothing to brag about. Free is also nothing to brag about. I mean when the best argument you have is that you're "just as good (also not true, but no the point) and that you are free, that's a pretty sad state of affairs.

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#106 tempest91
Member since 2003 • 2411 Posts

[QUOTE="tempest91"]Steps to establishing a sound argument for Cows: 1. Downplay xbox live's seamless experience that Sony and Nintendo both want to have, and Sony has clearly tried to emulate.2. Complain about paying for live when they never have.3. Accuse XBL of being an unplayable cheating mess when it's perfectly playable and when just recently PSN was hacked and taken down for a month right after having a well known uplayable experience on MW2 because it was easily hacked.4. Blame PSN's widely known slow downloads on the person's internet. Steam and Live are always faster, but it must be the ISP because the process of eilimination isn't a sound way to come to a conclusion on the matter.5. Talk about broken 360's. An argument that is so tired and outdated that it can be equated with the PS3 has no games argument.tormentos

1)Seamless experience that in nothing stop games from sucking online,been broken,lagging or been full of cheaters,which is the real problem that plague games.

2)I have pay for xbox live.

3)Xbox live has cheaters,lag,host advantage issues,bugs just like PSN,denying this is useless.

4)Live OS upgrade = like 32 MB PSN update = like 170 MB,no matter in what connection you download 32 MB will always download faster than 170 MB.

5)The PS3 has games and more exlcusives than the 360 this past few years,RROD still a problem to this day,and old costumers are out of warranty.

thanks for proving my point. When you have no argument, resort to tired arguments that hold no weight anymore.

1. Seamless experience is everything and why live is still the best service on consoles.

2. You wouldn't take live if it were free.

3. The only games that are unplayable are ones the devs havent' patched. Cheating makes up a tiny minority of the online experience that I've put hundreds of hours into. Host advantage is very negligable as well. True skill will always shine through. This point is extremely overexaggerated and mostly relegated to CoD in the first place, the fault of which lies mostly on the devs.

4.PSN servers have always been slower so the size of files don't matter (they have gotten better from being 40-50% slower to more like 20%, but it's still annoying).

5. I never said the PS3 has no games, just that the RRoD argument is just as tired and irrelevant as saying the PS3 has no games as people did when it launched. 360's have nowhere near the fail rate that the launch systems had contrary to what many Cows wish was still the case.

These are simply arguments for those that really have none. It's as simple as that. I can copy and paste these into every damage control thread or post cows have created for the past 3 years and that's a sad fact. Some new material would be fantastic.