Forbes -- Why Steve Jobs Deserves Credit as a Video Game Pioneer

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#101 bri360
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Oh I think you do understand. Things are so much more interesting when people are simply honest. Give it a go.

Threads like these are the only kind of threads that generate responses like these, responses like it's common knowledge that Apple had nothing to do with gaming. Well, the very people that are responsible for creating the games you all play are the ones who did the voting. Maybe the pill is too bitter, I don't know. What I do know is that nobody has taken a real crack at objectively breaking down reasons why Steve Jobs and Apple aren't a major player in gaming and the direction the video game world is headed in. It's all just boring old typical hyperbole and dismissive, self-righteous nonsense.



It's simple as this. Creating a platform that allows for game distribution doesn't make you a VG pioneer. If that were the case, then whoever invented programming languages and created the PC deserve credit as VG pioneers as well. Even with that the thread doesn't do anything for the system wars game, there's no system involved here that we can bash or praise.

Exactly, Steve jobs did not bring gaming to iphones, he made it possible for it to come but the pioneers for cellphone gaming are the people at angry birds, or robo defence etc that have been pushing apps for iphone. This whole article is just to gush over steve jobs and claim he was a god among men.... He was a great buisness man yes, he had good ideas yes, but thats about all.

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Member since 2010 • 8463 Posts

[QUOTE="musicalmac"]So what makes the opinions of forum going gamers more relevant than those of industry professionals? The percentage of people who voted for Steve Jobs really was quite high, unquestionably, out of the range of statistical error high. It wasn't even close.Haziqonfire

It's different.

The survey was more geared towards indie developers and asking them what was their biggest influence in gaming (to get them to where they're at now) and they answered appropriately, as the iOS store has been beneficial for that. In terms of us gamers, the one that go on the forums, Steve Jobs is pretty irrelevant to gaming. when compared to the likes of Miyamoto, Newell, Levine, Kojima, etc. He's not really comparable at all in terms of overall influence.

Edit + Off-Topic: Also if anyone deserves credit for anything, it's Dennis Ritchie. Both Jobs and Ritchie's deaths were sad, but I can't believe how no one cared about Ritchie's death considering he arguably did as much as jobs did, if not more, for the computing world.

Agreed, I find it a real shame how the media completely overlooked his death.

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#103 Zorgax
Member since 2011 • 384 Posts

kill the author. kill him now.

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#104 joshrocks2245
Member since 2003 • 11248 Posts

I highly doubt that the future of gaming is on portable devices. Just because theres a lot of people buying games on those, doesn't mean they are the future. Consoles games sell like crazy, and those are the people who care about games. I don't think many people who randomly play games on their portable devices are gamers like people who play on consoles. How could they be the future?? Most of those games are flash aren't they?? Flash games have always been popular, you can't compare those to games like uncharted, grand theft auto, forza, gran turismo or any other games on consoles and I doubt we will be playing those games on the ipad.

I think people are just saying this about Steve because he died, no one was saying that before he died, well I didn't hear anyone say that.

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#105 Elann2008
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Why he doesn't: Because he didn't actually do anything to pioneer video games.

Why they say he did: Because he died.

He might not have created any video game(s), but the platform is there for said games. So yes, he did pioneer video games for that specific market.
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#106 -CheeseEater-
Member since 2007 • 5258 Posts
Stumbled onto a platform that has the capacity to game. Didn't even support 'Apps'. Clearly a pioneer. Troll Forbes article and thread is troll.
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#107 rastotm
Member since 2011 • 1380 Posts

Touch doesn't even come close to the precision that the mouse or the thumbstick offers, one could claim that touch has a limit on its precision due to the physical aspect of hands. Everyone who tried a game on these mobile devices knows that the games suffer under this, leaving gameplay to compensate for the horrid precision, which results in simplistic games.

It is true that mobile devices offer great games for the occasional gamer, it doesn't come close to offering what consoles like PS 3 / xbox360 offer. A clear example of this is the DS, many gamers didn't enjoy the games that DS offered, not because they were childish, but because it felt simplistic .

Claiming that the future of gaming is in these mobile devices is a huge overstatement and posing that these mobile devices offer hardware that is as powerful as consoles is an outright lie.

The fact that high ranked bosses en journalists from the gaming industry pose these claims isinteresting though. I've always thought that the industry is blind, focusing all their tech and thought on occasional gaming, leaving gamers who play games as a hobby behind.
Stupid move, because there is a huge amount of hobbyists out there, waiting for a developer to realize this

I do however agree that Apple, (not just steve jobs!!!!!!!!!!!) did some important things in gaming. They further widened the gap between occasional and hobbyist gamers, I can only hope that, over time, a clear distinction between the two rises. With each market satisfied by different products and different producers.

Once again, very simply said and the core problem of this industry:

Stop expecting that every gamer out there enjoys mainstream, realize that there are enough profitable niché markets our there. Demon/Dark souls, CS, SC are all proof for that, very mainstream unfiendly games yet very profitable. Games like those would never work on a limited device like the Ipad.

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#108 stvee101
Member since 2006 • 2953 Posts

[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"]"just look at his humble clothing! he wore a turtleneck, jeans, and tennis shoes instead of suits like that arrogant capitalist oligarch bill gates! he's a really down-to-earth guy!" (then he refuses early medical treatment of his cancer for the sake of his company and cuts the donor line for an organ transplant when his cancer gets worse)AdrianWerner

Yeah, the funny thing is that for all the hate Gates gets, he is in fact a lot better person than Jobs ever was and he influences the world in much more positive way too. If there's any justice in the world Gate's eventuall death will be mourned far more than Jobs', but unfortunatelly I don't think the society is mature enough to do so.

Yeah I wonder if Gates will be deified when he dies,the same way Jobs was.Seeing as how he made just as big a contribution to the industry and was many,many times more philanthropic.

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#109 AdrianWerner
Member since 2003 • 28441 Posts

Yeah I wonder if Gates will be deified when he dies,the same way Jobs was.Seeing as how he made just as big a contribution to the industry and was many,many times more philanthropic.


I would like ti think that the biggest philanthrop in history (Gates) will be mourned more than a salesman who just gave us few shiny gadgets (Jobs), but unfortunatelly I doubt that will be the case.

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#110 Mystery_Writer
Member since 2004 • 8351 Posts
I actually agree. But I also believe that It's just so happen that the iPhone coincidentally became a good platform for gaming, and not that he intended to have it for gaming (at least the first iPhone). In any case, he'll be missed for the amazing contribution he did to humanity.
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#111 LovePotionNo9
Member since 2010 • 4751 Posts

Ok, let's all praise Steve Jobs. We know if anything good has ever happened in anything, Steve had his hand in it. So let's get it out of the way and pat good old Steve on the back. Go Steve!

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#112 starjet905
Member since 2005 • 2078 Posts
It's gonna take a loooooooooooooooong (maybe a bit exaggerated here. :P ) time to make a portable device with the power of a proper console. His influence is a good thing for casual gamers, though.
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#113 APiranhaAteMyVa
Member since 2011 • 4160 Posts


Yeah I wonder if Gates will be deified when he dies,the same way Jobs was.Seeing as how he made just as big a contribution to the industry and was many,many times more philanthropic.


I would like ti think that the biggest philanthrop in history (Gates) will be mourned more than a salesman who just gave us few shiny gadgets (Jobs), but unfortunatelly I doubt that will be the case.

Apple fans are a cult, no one will be leaving flowers outside of computer stores or holding up windows phones with a candle picture on them (inb4 no one owns a windows phone). It's also pretty funny that most people didn't even give a second thought about Apple before 2005-7 until the ipod became really popular and the iphone launched. Suddenly Apple are the greatest and most important tech company of all time; curing aids, cancer and giving us the second coming of Jesus.
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#114 SuperFlakeman
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iOS, facebook i.e. "social gaming" is the same form of gaming as PS2 casuals and the Wii/DS blue ocean thing, it's just evolved in a different direction. Apple didn't actually create the genre or gameplay style.

What Steve Jobs did you could say, 10 years from now, was that he merged video games with other devices like smartphones as well as create a new type of business model for the industry. Isn't Playstation Suite Sony's smartphone gaming app? That is what Steve Jobs influenced for better or worse.

Will that lead to the death of dedicated video game systems? Well yes, phones become more like gaming consoles and gaming consoles become more like phones. Now you can browse the net on 3DS/Vita. Nintendo itself has even launched a Video app on 3DS with vids that are not gaming related. Well death is the wrong word, it'll lead to convergence of hardware. The software will still clearly differentiate the products.

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#115 musicalmac  Moderator
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This is what companies have done in the past. At least they create gaming content for their platforms; Mr Jobs would not even be getting considered VG Pioneer if not for other people making games on his platform.

I can see where people are coming from, we get it, it's cool you can DL some disposable game for $1 anywhere and very easy. But did he pioneer music or the way we get our music? You wouldn't say he is a music pioneer, that would go to the creative artists out there who make content so that you can enjoy on his platform. Same with video games.

More like a... software acquirement pioneer...

RIP Steve Jobs, great man, great vision, but no video game pioneer.

I respect your opinion. That's a very objective way of looking at this very unique situation. One could argue, however, that by revolutionizing the way in which content is delivered, created, and consumed, he then also influenced the content itself, the content that we all enjoy. Hm? *smokes corn-cob pipe*
Core gamers buy a lot of $60 games. Non-gamers (on the phone platform) but a few $0.99 games. Which is better for the industry? 20 million $1 sales, or 2 million $60 sales? Non-gamers might outnumber core, but they definitely don't support the industry as much. And what is giving people the ability to play Minesweeper on the go do for the industry other than make investors happy? What benefit does dumbing down the gaming medium for the lowest common denominator do to help push gaming as an artform forward? Sure, there are phone game developers who make some really artistic games, but if their audience has already written off the platform they make games for as a non-legitimate gaming device, then how does that help them? Jobs didn't do anything to "pioneer" in gaming. He just opened the doors for a flood of simple, cheap, money-generators.foxhound_fox

I see where you are going, but you've vastly underestimated App Store game sales. In the United States and six European countries combined, users are downloading more than 5 million games every day. Don't forget that the development teams for many of these games are often no more than a handful of people if not just one person. That equals hefty returns, which is why many games that release at 6.99, 2.99, or any other non-.99 price point will eventually be reduced to .99 cents (holiday sales, anniversary sales, etc). That's a win for gamers.

You would be correct in assuming the same time and energy doesn't go into these handheld games, but more and more are offering deeper, unique, and new game experiences while demanding less time and energy to fully enjoy (as would be appropriate for a game on a phone or tablet). Gaming on a mobile device like an iPhone isn't all about appealing to the lowest common denominator, but about appealing to a broader audience -- an audience that isn't going to invest 60USD into a video game. If people think Nintendo created a new generation of gamers with the Wii, Apple did that 100 times over with iOS.

Also please remember to continue to think objectively. This less time intensive gaming experience is not everybody's cup of tea, but one must acknowledge what has happened since the App Store launched.

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#116 musicalmac  Moderator
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[QUOTE="musicalmac"]So what makes the opinions of forum going gamers more relevant than those of industry professionals? The percentage of people who voted for Steve Jobs really was quite high, unquestionably, out of the range of statistical error high. It wasn't even close.Haziqonfire

It's different.

The survey was more geared towards indie developers and asking them what was their biggest influence in gaming (to get them to where they're at now) and they answered appropriately, as the iOS store has been beneficial for that. In terms of us gamers, the one that go on the forums, Steve Jobs is pretty irrelevant to gaming. when compared to the likes of Miyamoto, Newell, Levine, Kojima, etc. He's not really comparable at all in terms of overall influence.

Just because Steve Jobs is never acknowledged on the forums as someone who has had a big impact in gaming doesn't make it true. The real world of developers have spoken, and Jobs was their top vote, as I said, by a long shot. Perhaps it's time more people on the forums took a step back and thought more deeply about the circumstances surrounding the whole tech universe. It doesn't change just because the platform for the discussion changes.

Steve Jobs either impacted gaming or he didn't, and the ones who make the games seem to think he did.

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#117 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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They'll never be able to sell thin tablets for anywhere close to the cost of a dedicated console or even a PC.ActionRemix
Not yet, maybe in decades though.
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#118 musicalmac  Moderator
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Not yet, maybe in decades though.Stevo_the_gamer
Things only move faster as time goes on. Probably won't even take a decade. Apple and Microsoft have been working on operating systems written with ARM processors in mind. That's quite telling.
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#119 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]Not yet, maybe in decades though.musicalmac
Things only move faster as time goes on. Probably won't even take a decade. Apple and Microsoft have been working on operating systems written with ARM processors in mind. That's quite telling.

The level in which phones, handhelds, or pad-esque devices hold the graphical prowess of next generation consoles or current generation PCs is a long ways off. 10-20 years seems about right.

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#120 Chris_Williams
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[QUOTE="musicalmac"]So what makes the opinions of forum going gamers more relevant than those of industry professionals? The percentage of people who voted for Steve Jobs really was quite high, unquestionably, out of the range of statistical error high. It wasn't even close.musicalmac

It's different.

The survey was more geared towards indie developers and asking them what was their biggest influence in gaming (to get them to where they're at now) and they answered appropriately, as the iOS store has been beneficial for that. In terms of us gamers, the one that go on the forums, Steve Jobs is pretty irrelevant to gaming. when compared to the likes of Miyamoto, Newell, Levine, Kojima, etc. He's not really comparable at all in terms of overall influence.

Just because Steve Jobs is never acknowledged on the forums as someone who has had a big impact in gaming doesn't make it true. The real world of developers have spoken, and Jobs was their top vote, as I said, by a long shot. Perhaps it's time more people on the forums took a step back and thought more deeply about the circumstances surrounding the whole tech universe. It doesn't change just because the platform for the discussion changes.

Steve Jobs either impacted gaming or he didn't, and the ones who make the games seem to think he did.

you love apple, we get it. I'm sure their are people in the game industry who don't agree with forbes, there is just no way this guy should be called video game pioneer, i'm sure gaming was the last thing on his mind
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#121 Darth_DuMas
Member since 2006 • 2687 Posts

[QUOTE="ActionRemix"]Dennis Ritchie died around the same time and he DEFINITELY did a lot more for video games than Jobs.GhoX

No kidding. Just imagine games being built from B. :P

If tablets take over the market, I'll have one less expensive hobby.

All that really needs to be said.


Ditto. I have little interest in portable gaming.

Thirded. I'm going to the PC if this becomes the case. :P

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#122 deactivated-5f6dd6241fdcc
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Just plain silly.

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#123 musicalmac  Moderator
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you love apple, we get it. I'm sure their are people in the game industry who don't agree with forbes, there is just no way this guy should be called video game pioneer, i'm sure gaming was the last thing on his mindChris_Williams
I'm presenting information from outside sources, and challenging people to think more critically. Try to be objective, and not assume that anyone and everyone who points to Apple-positive sources is a kool-aid gulping fanatic.

The level in which phones, handhelds, or pad-esque devices hold the graphical prowess of next generation consoles or current generation PCs is a long ways off. 10-20 years seems about right.

It doesn't have to be as powerful to produce something of comparable quality. See already where we're at with games like Dark Meadow, the upcoming Infinity Blade 2, and Real Racing 2, none of which are really pushing the latest mobile devices to their limit. Low power consumption with high power output is the new rage in CPUs and GPUs.
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#124 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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It doesn't have to be as powerful to produce something of comparable quality. See already where we're at with games like Dark Meadow, the upcoming Infinity Blade 2, and Real Racing 2, none of which are really pushing the latest mobile devices to their limit. Low power consumption with high power output is the new rage in CPUs and GPUs.musicalmac
Those games would look good... in 2005. This is 2011. Mobile has an exceedingly long ways to go.
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#125 Chris_Williams
Member since 2009 • 14882 Posts
[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"]you love apple, we get it. I'm sure their are people in the game industry who don't agree with forbes, there is just no way this guy should be called video game pioneer, i'm sure gaming was the last thing on his mindmusicalmac
I'm presenting information from outside sources, and challenging people to think more critically. Try to be objective, and not assume that anyone and everyone who points to Apple-positive sources is a kool-aid gulping fanatic.

The level in which phones, handhelds, or pad-esque devices hold the graphical prowess of next generation consoles or current generation PCs is a long ways off. 10-20 years seems about right.

It doesn't have to be as powerful to produce something of comparable quality. See already where we're at with games like Dark Meadow, the upcoming Infinity Blade 2, and Real Racing 2, none of which are really pushing the latest mobile devices to their limit. Low power consumption with high power output is the new rage in CPUs and GPUs.

people are giving you reasons and all you say to it is, think bigger. There is nothing to think about, this guy has done nothing for gaming, now he created a medium in which games can be distributed easier "if he even came up with the app store which i don't think he did, he's just the salesmen", he was never at a gaming event, he was never seen talking about how he wants to expand gaming, if he was still alive no one would be calling him a video game pioneer, you got to admit this is all in response to his death and its just people being fake. The did nothing for gaming, i'm sure he didn't even care about it so why should he be called a game pioneer? thats a joke
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#126 illmatic87
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If only there was a poll. >System Wars united.
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#127 musicalmac  Moderator
Member since 2006 • 25098 Posts
Those games would look good... in 2005. This is 2011. Mobile has an exceedingly long ways to go.Stevo_the_gamer
So you admit that something as small as an iPhone is only one generation behind our current generation of consoles, or at least on par with 360 games in 2005? That's not an exceedingly large gap.
people are giving you reasons and all you say to it is, think bigger.Chris_Williams
No, actually. Very few people are doing that. Anyone who has decided to think critically I've given kudos to. Looking at you, @SaltyMeatballs.
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#129 ZombieKiller7
Member since 2011 • 6463 Posts

lol @ iphone revolutionizing gaming

Yeah cuz I really want a critical communcation device to run out of batteries, lose my job and become homeless, as long as I can play Angry Birds.

Or you can just get a Vita and a dumb phone, save yourself $2000 a year in service charges, and live indoors.

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#130 M1KES
Member since 2003 • 750 Posts

kill the author. kill him now.

If we did that.. he would become the greatest author of all time...
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#131 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
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So you admit that something as small as an iPhone is only one generation behind our current generation of consoles, or at least on par with 360 games in 2005? That's not an exceedingly large gap.musicalmac
Sure, if you think games like GUN are impressive visually or worth noting about.

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#132 musicalmac  Moderator
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Sure, if you think games like GUN are impressive visually or worth noting about.

If it's playable on something thinner than a deck of cards -- yes, I think that is indeed noteworthy!
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#133 Heil68
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They didn't become the #1 tech company in the world by not innovating and paving the way in numerous industries, which gaming happens to be one.
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#134 p4s2p0
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Graphics wise phones aren't bad its just the controls that are lacking.
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#135 Riverwolf007
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the way i see it he advanced games by making pc almost the only place you could get the ones you really wanted to play.

seriously, getting to watch history be rewritten right before your very eyes is facinating.

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#136 Metal-8654
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Sure, if you think games like GUN are impressive visually or worth noting about.

If it's playable on something thinner than a deck of cards -- yes, I think that is indeed noteworthy!

I agree, all credits goes to ARM, samsung, ect for making the iphone/ipad and the others possible
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#137 Chris_Williams
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do we call the person who invented the cell phone a video game pioneer? i don't believe we do, but steve jobs dies and he's the savior of gaming now?

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#138 musicalmac  Moderator
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do we call the person who invented the cell phone a video game pioneer? i don't believe we do, but steve jobs dies and he's the savior of gaming now?

Nobody called him the video game savior. You're exaggerating. Even if the untimely death of Steve Jobs was solely responsible for the vote, what does that change? Many great and influential people weren't recognized until after their death. It's not relevant.
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#139 Riverwolf007
Member since 2005 • 26023 Posts

do we call the person who invented the cell phone a video game pioneer? i don't believe we do, but steve jobs dies and he's the savior of gaming now?


gamers and industry professionals pre-jobs death: "omg! whatever you do stay away from apple if you are into games!"

gamers and industry professionals post-jobs death: "omg! game pioneer!!!"

i want to give credit where it is due and the guy was obviously a genius but this whole hero worshipping thing for a guy whose computers gamers knew to stay far away from is just a joke to me.

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#140 p4s2p0
Member since 2010 • 4167 Posts

[QUOTE="princeofshapeir"]"just look at his humble clothing! he wore a turtleneck, jeans, and tennis shoes instead of suits like that arrogant capitalist oligarch bill gates! he's a really down-to-earth guy!" (then he refuses early medical treatment of his cancer for the sake of his company and cuts the donor line for an organ transplant when his cancer gets worse)AdrianWerner

Yeah, the funny thing is that for all the hate Gates gets, he is in fact a lot better person than Jobs ever was and he influences the world in much more positive way too. If there's any justice in the world Gate's eventuall death will be mourned far more than Jobs', but unfortunatelly I don't think the society is mature enough to do so.

Gates was nicer but not better person. He lied a lot to get what he wanted like saying to jobs he was going to make software for mac so he could reverse engineer the gui for windows.
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#141 nitekids2004
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do we call the person who invented the cell phone a video game pioneer? i don't believe we do, but steve jobs dies and he's the savior of gaming now?


Nobody called him the video game savior. You're exaggerating. Even if the untimely death of Steve Jobs was solely responsible for the vote, what does that change? Many great and influential people weren't recognized until after their death. It's not relevant.

There's obivously emotional bias.I mean, people are suddenly comparing him to Thomas Edison and Ford.

Zuckerberg being in the top 10 is proof enough how much the list is lol-worthy. :lol:

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#142 Chris_Williams
Member since 2009 • 14882 Posts

do we call the person who invented the cell phone a video game pioneer? i don't believe we do, but steve jobs dies and he's the savior of gaming now?

Nobody called him the video game savior. You're exaggerating. Even if the untimely death of Steve Jobs was solely responsible for the vote, what does that change? Many great and influential people weren't recognized until after their death. It's not relevant.

its very relevant, i'm just confused that this guy who had nothing to do in the gaming era besides marketing the iphone and ipad is called a video game pioneer, he was the business man of the company, its not like he sat down and helped design the ipad and the iphone and said, hey we also need to give gamers what they want on these phones, no that was done by apples R&D and engineering team, all this guy did was market the products, Its not like we saw this guy at E3 saying, apple wants to deliver videogaming to our customers and blah blah blah, no, i guarantee jobs didn't even care about videogames, but he dies and now he's a video gaming pioneer? I'm not trying to speak ill of the dead and may he rest in peace but all forbes and people in the industry are doing are brown nosing and all that because of his untimely death.
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#143 FallenAngel-
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I think it's rather ridiculous to name this man a videogame pioneer over the likes of other, much more qualified individuals but considering the almost cult-like following he and his company seemed to invoke, I can't say I'm surprised.

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#144 musicalmac  Moderator
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There's obivously emotional bias.I mean, people are suddenly comparing him to Thomas Edison and Ford.

Zuckerberg being in the top 10 is proof enough how much the list is lol-worthy. :lol:

I think the problem here is that people aren't thinking big picture, and this is another example. It's not lol-worthy that Zuckerberg is on the list. He created a social network that did for games what iOS did -- it opened it up to people who would have otherwise never played a game. It's not all about making games so much as it is influencing the entire game universe.
its very relevant, i'm just confused that this guy who had nothing to do in the gaming era besides marketing the iphone and ipad is called a video game pioneer, he was the business man of the company, its not like he sat down and helped design the ipad and the iphone and said, hey we also need to give gamers what they want on these phones, no that was done by apples R&D and engineering team, all this guy did was market the products, Its not like we saw this guy at E3 saying, apple wants to deliver videogaming to our customers and blah blah blah, no, i guarantee jobs didn't even care about videogames, but he dies and now he's a video gaming pioneer? I'm not trying to speak ill of the dead and may he rest in peace but all forbes and people in the industry are doing are brown nosing and all that because of his untimely death. Chris_Williams
You very clearly have no understanding of how Steve Jobs ran Apple. You're right that he didn't care a whole lot about games, it just fell into the company's lap after they created a platform for distributing games to people who had never even thought about playing a game before. That in turn caused a real shift in how games are distributed overall, as well as how games are created and experienced. That's more than just making a platformer, or an especially touching game story, that's changing the world of gaming. More than 5 million game downloads daily from only the US and a handful of European countries. That's a big deal, no matter how much you want to deny it.
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#145 haziqonfire
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Just because Steve Jobs is never acknowledged on the forums as someone who has had a big impact in gaming doesn't make it true. The real world of developers have spoken, and Jobs was their top vote, as I said, by a long shot. Perhaps it's time more people on the forums took a step back and thought more deeply about the circumstances surrounding the whole tech universe. It doesn't change just because the platform for the discussion changes.

Steve Jobs either impacted gaming or he didn't, and the ones who make the games seem to think he did.


Yes, but like I said it's more based on how the iOS store opened up opportunities for developers to break into the industry rather than him and Apple actually having more meaningful influences on gaming as a whole.

The iOS store helps more indie developers break into the industry and in that regard Apple and Jobs are influential to gaming - They helped more developers get their games out to the public.

In terms of overall influence in the industry, I don't think Apple or Jobs have done enough (at this point) to deserve being credited as a 'pioneer', it's actually rather silly and a slap to the face to other developers/companies who have shaped video games as a whole.

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#146 musicalmac  Moderator
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Yes, but like I said it's more based on how the iOS store opened up opportunities for developers to break into the industry rather than him and Apple actually having more meaningful influences on gaming as a whole.

The iOS store helps more indie developers break into the industry and in that regard Apple and Jobs are influential to gaming - They helped more developers get their games out to the public.

In terms of overall influence in the industry, I don't think Apple or Jobs have done enough to deserve being credited as a 'pioneer' - especially when you look at others who have been in the industry longer and have done much more to shape what gaming has becmoe today.

I understand what you're saying, but it's not just indie developers that take advantage of the App Store. EA, id Software, Capcom, and Square Enix all have multiple games available. The App Store has done something traditional consoles and high-end PC games don't do -- and that's create new gamers in mass numbers. That's a big deal. You have to think beyond the core gamer, and into society as a whole.
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#147 Chris_Williams
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There's obivously emotional bias.I mean, people are suddenly comparing him to Thomas Edison and Ford.

Zuckerberg being in the top 10 is proof enough how much the list is lol-worthy. :lol:


I think the problem here is that people aren't thinking big picture, and this is another example. It's not lol-worthy that Zuckerberg is on the list. He created a social network that did for games what iOS did -- it opened it up to people who would have otherwise never played a game. It's not all about making games so much as it is influencing the entire game universe.
its very relevant, i'm just confused that this guy who had nothing to do in the gaming era besides marketing the iphone and ipad is called a video game pioneer, he was the business man of the company, its not like he sat down and helped design the ipad and the iphone and said, hey we also need to give gamers what they want on these phones, no that was done by apples R&D and engineering team, all this guy did was market the products, Its not like we saw this guy at E3 saying, apple wants to deliver videogaming to our customers and blah blah blah, no, i guarantee jobs didn't even care about videogames, but he dies and now he's a video gaming pioneer? I'm not trying to speak ill of the dead and may he rest in peace but all forbes and people in the industry are doing are brown nosing and all that because of his untimely death. Chris_Williams
You very clearly have no understanding of how Steve Jobs ran Apple. You're right that he didn't care a whole lot about games, it just fell into the company's lap after they created a platform for distributing games to people who had never even thought about playing a game before. That in turn caused a real shift in how games are distributed overall, as well as how games are created and experienced. That's more than just making a platformer, or an especially touching game story, that's changing the world of gaming. More than 5 million game downloads daily from only the US and a handful of European countries. That's a big deal, no matter how much you want to deny it.

..are you serious? are you being serious right now? i understand what your saying but people have been playing cheap flash games on the pc for yearssss, you know those free flash arcade games, also phones already had the option to download games to it. If you can provide proof to me that jobs came up with the app store then i would agree with you but this guy didn't do anything on the technological front, he didn't sit down with the R&D team, all he does is sell the product, anyone could have done what he did. When apple first started out, Steve Wozniak created the first apple computer himself, he built it and programmed it his own self and all steve jobs did was sell it for him then they grew and grew, so Steve Wozniak is a bigger video game pioneer then Jobs, technically. But you know what, its whatever because people are just saying that because their still caught up emotionally with his death, so its whatever, but i know and alot of other people agree that Jobs has done nothing for the gaming community.

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#148 musicalmac  Moderator
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..are you serious? are you being serious right now? i understand what your saying but people have been playing cheap flash games on the pc for yearssss, you know those free flash arcade games, also phones already had the option to download games to it. If you can provide proof to me that jobs came up with the app store then i would agree with you but this guy didn't do anything on the technological front, he didn't sit down with the R&D team, all he does is sell the product, anyone could have done what he did. When apple first started out, Steve Wozniak created the first apple computer himself, he built it and programmed it his own self and all steve jobs did was sell it for him then they grew and grew, so Steve Wozniak is a bigger video game pioneer then Jobs, technically. But you know what, its whatever because people are just saying that because their still caught up emotionally with his death, so its whatever, but i know and alot of other people agree that Jobs has done nothing for the gaming community.


Why are you asking me if I'm being serious when you understand what I'm saying?... :?

I said it before and I'll say it again -- you clearly do not understand how Steve Jobs ran Apple (first into the ground, and then into the most successful and valuable company in the world). He was not just a salesman, he was just a very good salesman. Nothing is black and white, there is always more to the story. Assuming people are just caught up in the moment is meaningless and has no bearing at all on the topic at hand by itself.

You should read the biogrphy, because otherwise your assumptions about Jobs' role at Apple will continue to be incorrect.

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#149 haziqonfire
Member since 2005 • 36390 Posts

I understand what you're saying, but it's not just indie developers that take advantage of the App Store. EA, id Software, Capcom, and Square Enix all have multiple games available. The App Store has done something traditional consoles and high-end PC games don't do -- and that's create new gamers in mass numbers. That's a big deal. You have to think beyond the core gamer, and into society as a whole.musicalmac

I agree the iOS store has managed to get more people to play games who normally wouldn't even touch them and that's a great thing, the more people who play games the better. The PS1, PS2, Wii, iOS/iPhone have all helped in this regard, they got more people into gaming.

But I still stand by my point about indie developers crediting the iOS store and Jobs as their biggest influence because that's where they managed to get their games pushed out.

I think the other developers use the iOS store because it's relatively cheap to make games on it and it's easier to make and sell a $0.99 version of Tetris than it is to make a $29.99 version on a 3DS/Vita. However, I also think the biggest developers are using the iOS store to intrigue people into buying their games on other platforms. As far as I can recall, RAGE had an iOS game that was fairly good and free, which probably was used as part of id Software's marketing budget as a means to get more people interested in the world of RAGE and buy the game eventually on another platform.

So, I definitely agree that the iOS store and Jobs have opened up gaming to the masses, but I still don't think he should be credited as a pioneer - at least, not yet. This has been relatively short term and I'm still more interested to see where iOS games head after 5 more years or so and I'm still not sure whether or not those companies are profitable in the long run off of $0.99 games that feel disposable.

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#150 Chris_Williams
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..are you serious? are you being serious right now? i understand what your saying but people have been playing cheap flash games on the pc for yearssss, you know those free flash arcade games, also phones already had the option to download games to it. If you can provide proof to me that jobs came up with the app store then i would agree with you but this guy didn't do anything on the technological front, he didn't sit down with the R&D team, all he does is sell the product, anyone could have done what he did. When apple first started out, Steve Wozniak created the first apple computer himself, he built it and programmed it his own self and all steve jobs did was sell it for him then they grew and grew, so Steve Wozniak is a bigger video game pioneer then Jobs, technically. But you know what, its whatever because people are just saying that because their still caught up emotionally with his death, so its whatever, but i know and alot of other people agree that Jobs has done nothing for the gaming community.


Why are you asking me if I'm being serious when you understand what I'm saying?... :?

I said it before and I'll say it again -- you clearly do not understand how Steve Jobs ran Apple (first into the ground, and then into the most successful and valuable company in the world). He was not just a salesman, he was just a very good salesman. Nothing is black and white, there is always more to the story. Assuming people are just caught up in the moment is meaningless and has no bearing at all on the topic at hand by itself.

You should read the biogrphy, because otherwise your assumptions about Jobs' role at Apple will continue to be incorrect.

SALESMANNNNN, thats my point, thats all he did was just sell the product and he was good at it, he didn't care about videogames so its silly to call him a videogame pioneer, do we call kevin bulter a videogame pioneer? since he's a pretty successful salesman for the playstation brand? Like i said, i know about the start up with apple, I even had to watch a movie and take a test about how apple started and how it affected the world and like i said Steve Wozniak even said all i did was make the stuff and Jobs sold it for me. but you have a great day man, this was a nice debate but steve jobs isn't a gaming pioneer, no where close, he's just a spoke person, the person who invented the app store should be given credit for it and called the videogame pioneer.