Are you a fan of Sony's cinematic approach to single player campaigns?

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#51  Edited By PAL360
Member since 2007 • 30574 Posts

I love story driven games, but i think Sony is aiming too much at them! It would be cool to also have some coop exclusives too, like Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, etc.

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#52 mjorh
Member since 2011 • 6749 Posts

@blue_hazy_basic said:

Once in a blue moon I'll want to play one but then I'm one and done. I didn't like UC2 or Gears, which everyone else seemed to adore. Running in a linear line from one set piece to another just doesn't do it for me I'm afraid. However, lots of games I like don't appeal to those who enjoy these games and diversity is a good thing. Would be a horrible world if we all liked the same damned stuff. My guess is that it has alot to do with what you played growing up.

Play its Horde mode, I kinda forced myself to beat the campaign of Gears 4 but man the horde mode is fun as hell!

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#53 ni6htmare01
Member since 2005 • 3984 Posts

Sure if its done right!

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#54 cyberpunk_2077
Member since 2015 • 627 Posts

I love the share of Sony cinematic games, I don't mind it a all and it's fair to say that I wouldn't expect anything from Sony that isn't "Cinematic". It's clearly what they do best and it's why it works.

I leave the multi-plats fill my share of something not cinematic.

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#55 Seabas989
Member since 2009 • 13565 Posts

It has gotten stale for awhile. After Sony's E3 I feel like Sony devs are ripping off Naughty Dog.

I am still looking forward to TLOU2 but that's about it.

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#56  Edited By loe12k
Member since 2013 • 3465 Posts

@storm_of_swords said:

There are only a small handful of cinematic games that I enjoy such as The Last of Us which was amazing, but generally I prefer the focus to be on challenging gameplay and I dislike too much story in video games. When I want a story, books and movies are much better mediums for that. And I feel that Sony focuses too much on the cinematic approach which is one reason why they are my least favorite of the three console makers.

I played the Last of US for about an hour. I also witnessed only two cut scenes, it's not cinematic so far least for me.

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#57 cainetao11
Member since 2006 • 38036 Posts

@anthonyautumns said:
@gordonfreeman said:

It becomes a bad thing when it's the embodiment of almost everything you release, these independent identities that games have start to get lost and blur lines with other games and it becomes a meld of sameness.

I'm not saying you can't like that, but too much of something is never good.

dynamitecop makes sense here.

Yes he does. I like it at times. I expect it from ND and expect it from TLOU. But with the new GoW I see too much derived from TLOU in the little we've seen. And they do seem to want this to be the template of what Sony makes. The masses love them so I cant knock Sony for it. Money is money.

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#58 with_teeth26
Member since 2007 • 11511 Posts

I enjoy the odd one if the story stuff is really well done but I feel they need a bit more variety when it seems like almost all their flagship games are going this route

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#59 mojito1988
Member since 2006 • 4736 Posts

@Pedro said:

Ratchet and Clank has strong gameplay and all the cinematics are skippable with no down time. This new direction Sony is taking is a tiresome and overly samey experience. It is the main reason that I did not enjoy playing UC4 in spite of all the shit reviews stating that the game was less cutscene heavy than UC3 (lying mofos). Story is great but gameplay is the show piece for games and should continue to be the main focus instead of force feeding the gamer story to the point where most of your "gaming" time is spent watching or pushing forward.

This. Ratchet and Clank is gaming done perfect.

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#60 demi0227_basic
Member since 2002 • 1940 Posts

I have a ps4 pro (ps4 before that). I loved HZD, and bought Uncharted 4 after seeing 10s all over. I watched about half of it, and it was really interesting. However, I had some games I wanted to play and have been playing those recently. I hope to get back to watching the last half of Uncharted later. I haven't played it in months...hdr looks great on it though. Don't get me's fun. But you play MAYBE half of that game. Rest of the time you can spend taking a shit, or eating some food, or working, or whatever. case you can't tell...story is good. Half movie/half game isn't my favorite way to spend my precious few moments of free time.

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#61 PurpleMan5000
Member since 2011 • 10531 Posts

I'm a sucker for them. I have a blast playing them 1 time, but then I never go back to them. I really like COD campaigns, too. I just hate the multiplayer in COD. If Activision released a last-gen collection of campaigns for $60, I'd buy that.

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#62 deactivated-5cd08b1605da1
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Not really, no. I dont mind some cinematic games once in a while but when its everything they can churn out then its a big NO. Gameplay is still the most important aspect in a game and if the pacing is horrible then the game suffers because of it. The Order shooting mechanics were actually serviceable but its cinematic pacing dragged it down.

I'm really REALLY not liking the new GoW thus far. Combat looks slow paced and a Dark Souls wannabe combat, like everything these days... I like Souls combat when applied in the RPG genre. When a supposed fast-paced hack'n'slash series tries to implement it then thats a BIG NO in my books

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#63  Edited By jun_aka_pekto
Member since 2010 • 25255 Posts

They're okay in small doses. I stick with the Uncharted games only. Once that niche is occupied, there's no room for similar games like Tomb Raider, for example.

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#64 Netret0120
Member since 2013 • 3594 Posts

@Telekill said:

I prefer games with a good story so Sony's approach is right up my alley.

This. The Last Of Us, Uncharted etc are right up my alley. Cinematic set pieces with great game play.

I tend to play a Uncharted type game along with a multiplayer game eg: COD4 Remaster at the same time to break it up.

I just finished Mass Effect 3 for the first time so If an RPG is good, i'll dabble there as well.

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#65 DrLostRib
Member since 2017 • 5931 Posts

I really like TLOU, UC is alright (only played 1 and 2).

Hopefully play Horizon and new R&C soon

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#66 osan0
Member since 2004 • 17887 Posts

not really. at times sony seem too focused on making a game look like its great to play instead of making a game that is great to play. they make very presentable games (and dont get em started on the absolute dross david cage farts out).

as a result many games they make are not that fun to play. they are not awful or anything. i just rarely find them that enjoyable. you play through a section to see the next cutscene and make progress, not because its just so much fun.

i mean i remember playing uncharted and the cutscenes were great. the voice acting was great. the graphics were great (one of the first games to make the PS3 stretch its legs a bit). even exploring the environments were nice. the start of the 2 uncharted games i have played are my fav bit. the platforming is very basic but using that to explore is grand. but then the gun combat kicks and it just urgh. damage spunge enemies. boring fights that just go on and on. crappy controls that feel really loose and sloppy. whats happening on screen looks great. great to show off to friends and saying "look what my console can do". but ugh....just no. uncharted golden abyss on the vita is my fav uncharted because the combat is a bit less crap and its quick. the vita can only handle so many enemies....thank god :P.

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#67 jdc6305
Member since 2005 • 5058 Posts

Game play comes first in games for me. Most video game stories are like b movies at best. Stories in games are generally dumb anyways. I like to play games not play interactive stories. I don't like being lead down a path with over scripted events and cheesy cut scenes.

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#68 oflow
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As someone that reads a lot I dont really look to video games for their stories. They are mostly all mediocre and contrived. Dumbed down so 12 year olds can understand them, because publishers know thats who the main market is for games just like blockbuster movies. Prime example being in most games that allow you to skip the story part, if you skip all of it you usually can still play the game just fine and not be totally lost. That means the story is not that good.

I think its something they are overusing. One franchise using it is one thing. Every game doing it the exact same way is wearing it a bit thin.

One of the reasons I hate the Witcher is because as soon as I kinda try and get into the gameplay, theres a part with a whole bunch of narrative walking and doing stupid shit like changing outfits that I cant bypass. If it has to be done I'd rather just see a cutscene and get back to the action. I'll pass on the LARPing in my games.

And now Sony are pigeonholing it into every game they make. Spiderman has it. God of War now has it. Days Gone has it. Bleh.

I think it wouldnt be bad if the gameplay had as much attention to detail as the story part with really interesting mechanics and/or depth in the gameplay. But the actual gameplay in these games isnt innovative at all.

And to be fair I think Anthem will be the exact same way. The only reason I want to play it is for the co-op.

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#69  Edited By Pikminmaniac
Member since 2006 • 11514 Posts

I generally rather dislike the cinematic approach to gaming.

If a game is linear, then it has to have tight and engaging gameplay that's mostly uninterrupted.

If a game is open, then the world and exploration should be rewarding.

Linear games that use uninteresting, compromised gameplay to bridge you to the next non interactive cutscene does nothing for me.

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#70 blue_hazy_basic  Moderator
Member since 2002 • 30854 Posts

@mjorh said:
@blue_hazy_basic said:

Once in a blue moon I'll want to play one but then I'm one and done. I didn't like UC2 or Gears, which everyone else seemed to adore. Running in a linear line from one set piece to another just doesn't do it for me I'm afraid. However, lots of games I like don't appeal to those who enjoy these games and diversity is a good thing. Would be a horrible world if we all liked the same damned stuff. My guess is that it has alot to do with what you played growing up.

Play its Horde mode, I kinda forced myself to beat the campaign of Gears 4 but man the horde mode is fun as hell!

Talking purely about single player here. The horde mode on Gears 2 was great, but I found regularly MP almost as bad as the first one. Not played any of them since.

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#71 bussinrounds
Member since 2009 • 3324 Posts

I could possibly enjoy the odd one here or there if the stories actually appealed to me, but they don't the same way 98% of modern Hollywood bs doesn't.

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#72 sonic_spark
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The original idea was for cutscenes or end-game credits, were to reward the player for their efforts - something outside of "high scores." I have nothing against it. In fact, I enjoy them. Now I don't want the game littered with too many QTE's or constant break-ups in gameplay (looking at you Metal Gear). But to me, these are still rewards for progression and gives me context to the game.

When gamers go "oh I hate it" I just roll my eyes.

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#73 whalefish82
Member since 2013 • 511 Posts

I just find it bizarre the praise for Naughty Dog when it comes to stories. The Last of Us is their best effort, but it's still nothing special, and if it was a film it would be a 5-6 out of 10 at best. Uncharted is the biggest joke - it's a terrible b-movie yarn, reminiscent of those dreadful Jack Hunter films.

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#74 waahahah
Member since 2014 • 2462 Posts

Its not the cinematic approach thats the issue, its the lack of freedom at any given point to essentially play within the mechanics of the game.

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#75 scatteh316
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I'm playing through U4 at the moment ( Chapter 13 ) and find it quite boring at the minute and I just wish for some gun fights..... I don't remember the first 3 games being this slow.

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#77 sailor232
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@whalefish82 said:

I just find it bizarre the praise for Naughty Dog when it comes to stories. The Last of Us is their best effort, but it's still nothing special, and if it was a film it would be a 5-6 out of 10 at best. Uncharted is the biggest joke - it's a terrible b-movie yarn, reminiscent of those dreadful Jack Hunter films.

Shhhh, don't let them hear anything bad about TLOU, there coming...........

I felt the same way as you did, I voiced my opinion back when it released only to be called a rabbid Sheep or Lemming.

After Uncharted 3 is when I gave up on Sony's 1st party movie ways.

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#78  Edited By jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64040 Posts

When it doesn't get in the way of the game mechanics (say Ratchet n Clank) it's all good, but when it's the selling point, yeah. Too often Sony's first party games have mediocre as **** gameplay, and with no due respect the stories they tell are shit. They appeal to gamers because you clowns are ignorant towards story telling mediums that don't suck.

I think Naughty Dog is actually solid, as The Last of Us is quite good, and the shooting in UC4 was improved a significant amount and the encounter design spaces are well thought out. But the rest of that game is just wall to wall nonsense. The platforming has you do is mindless, the puzzles that show up basically solve thsmelves, the story is like a sequel to National Treasure 2, but I'm supposed to be impressed because why? A tree looks nice? **** outta here.

My larger issue with Sony's studios is the gameplay itself though, like Horizon has been a fucking bore. Why the **** does every game now need a stealth bush?

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#79 deactivated-5acbb9993d0bd
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Sony's first party has largely bored me... then again, same with Microsoft's outside of halo back in the day... never liked gears... pathetic franchise.

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#80 hrt_rulz01
Member since 2006 • 22416 Posts
@anthonyautumns said:
@gordonfreeman said:

It becomes a bad thing when it's the embodiment of almost everything you release, these independent identities that games have start to get lost and blur lines with other games and it becomes a meld of sameness.

I'm not saying you can't like that, but too much of something is never good.

dynamitecop makes sense here.

He certainly does.

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#81  Edited By xantufrog  Moderator
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It really depends. I like variety. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something very "gamey" or whatever the hell you folks would say. Other times I'm looking for something more laid back and cinematic. Sometimes I want something chill and cute, sometimes I want something bro-tacular and bombastic. Sometimes I want something utterly gory. Sometimes I want something hard as hell mechanically, sometimes I want simple mechanics but hard as hell brain puzzles. I mean really, I'm all over the place here. I like owning multiple platforms and supporting many publishers because I can do any of these things as the mood suits. I think the hardest coreiest purists on here try way too hard to define what's a good experience or worth someone's money.

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#82 lrdfancypants
Member since 2014 • 3850 Posts

@xantufrog: ^ this times 1000

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#83  Edited By whalefish82
Member since 2013 • 511 Posts

@sailor232 said:
@whalefish82 said:

I just find it bizarre the praise for Naughty Dog when it comes to stories. The Last of Us is their best effort, but it's still nothing special, and if it was a film it would be a 5-6 out of 10 at best. Uncharted is the biggest joke - it's a terrible b-movie yarn, reminiscent of those dreadful Jack Hunter films.

Shhhh, don't let them hear anything bad about TLOU, there coming...........

I felt the same way as you did, I voiced my opinion back when it released only to be called a rabbid Sheep or Lemming.

After Uncharted 3 is when I gave up on Sony's 1st party movie ways.

Story-wise, the main hype and praise about it, here in the UK at least, seemed to be because the virus in the game was loosely based on a real one, that affects ants, and could theoretically hit humans in a mutated form. I mean, I can watch a BBC nature documentary too, but it doesn't make me a great scriptwriter. The majority of the game was clichéd interactions between a young girl and her surrogate father.

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#84 Archangel3371
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I enjoy story driven or cinematic type games as much as any other. Of course that depends on whether or not I am interested in the story that they are telling.

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#85  Edited By CanYouDiglt
Member since 2009 • 8474 Posts

Games with a good story is not the problem. The problem is more and more the gameplay is being taken out or it just an after thought. Also the ones with gameplay most times it is average at best. Most ignore the poor enemy types, poor AI, poor shooting, or whatever because all they care about is the next cutscene.

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#86 Sancho_Panzer
Member since 2015 • 2525 Posts

No. They cost a lot to produce and market, they cost a lot to buy, and they leave a lot of customers with a sour taste. Honestly I'm sick of them, and I think the console industry would be in a much healthier state if publishers were spending less on them.

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#87 darkangel115
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I appreciate what they do, but i can't say I'm a fan. Maybe i would be if it wasn't so much but it's got to the point where every game of theirs is near identical. God of War one of my favorite series is now ruined. Days gone is a clone of TLOU and most of their games are way too much walking, talking, cutscene, Press 1 to aweomse, , QTE events, no CQC systems etc. they need to focus more on the gameplay itself

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#88 Valgaav_219
Member since 2017 • 3130 Posts

@darkangel115 said:

I appreciate what they do, but i can't say I'm a fan. Maybe i would be if it wasn't so much but it's got to the point where every game of theirs is near identical. God of War one of my favorite series is now ruined. Days gone is a clone of TLOU and most of their games are way too much walking, talking, cutscene, Press 1 to aweomse, , QTE events, no CQC systems etc. they need to focus more on the gameplay itself

How can you say God of War is ruined when all you saw is a trailer? Y'all be so quick to jump the gun and say GoW is ruined when you have no idea what the final product will be. Give it a break and let the damn game come out first before you jump on the hatin ass hipster hype train smh

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#89 clone01
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Sometimes, just depends. The last of us, for example, was a masterpiece imo.

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#90 Pedro
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@valgaav_219 said:
@darkangel115 said:

I appreciate what they do, but i can't say I'm a fan. Maybe i would be if it wasn't so much but it's got to the point where every game of theirs is near identical. God of War one of my favorite series is now ruined. Days gone is a clone of TLOU and most of their games are way too much walking, talking, cutscene, Press 1 to aweomse, , QTE events, no CQC systems etc. they need to focus more on the gameplay itself

How can you say God of War is ruined when all you saw is a trailer? Y'all be so quick to jump the gun and say GoW is ruined when you have no idea what the final product will be. Give it a break and let the damn game come out first before you jump on the hatin ass hipster hype train smh

The trailer gives a very strong indicator of the game's direction and gameplay. The vast majority of folks on the forum are not noobs. They can tell whether a game is going to be for them or not from gameplay footage.

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#91 DarkTower
Member since 2017 • 201 Posts

lol so many haters

I think cinema in gaming great, that is why they are called VIDEOgames after all... look at the metal gear solid games, cinematic experiences make the game so much more appealing IMO. As long as the gameplay is not sacrificed. I personally think the very cinematic game TLOUR had great gameplay

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#92 Pedro
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@darktower said:

lol so many haters

I think cinema in gaming great, that is why they are called VIDEOgames after all... look at the metal gear solid games, cinematic experiences make the game so much more appealing IMO. As long as the gameplay is not sacrificed. I personally think the very cinematic game TLOUR had great gameplay

They are called video games not cinematic/movie games.

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#93 Jebus213
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@darktower said:

that is why they are called video GAMES after all...

I fix'd your post.

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#94 ConanTheStoner
Member since 2011 • 23734 Posts

I don't mind a cinematic game, of course I like my MGS games, stuff like that.

But no, I'm not a big fan of Sonys approach. Not always, but a lot the time, the gameplay ends up in the back seat for the sake of telling a lulz-worthy story with shiny graphics. And it's not just the amount of gameplay, but the quality of gameplay that can suffer as well. It's often treated as an afterthought, serviceable sure, but not the driving force behind the game. Just a vessel to get you to the next cutscene or set piece. It's like the roles of playing and watching become reversed priorities.

Just not my thing at all. I know some people see that stuff as the reason or motivation to play a game, but to me, the gameplay itself should be enjoyable enough to be the sole motivator. If it also happens to tell an enjoyable story with some awesome production values, hey that's a nice bonus.

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#95 BigBadBully
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I dont mind them, just miss the simpler games that were a lot of fun (Twisted Metal, Resistance,Socom/MAG , Warhawk and Motorstorm). Average games but online multiplayer was a lot of fun in those games.

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#96 darkangel115
Member since 2013 • 4562 Posts

@valgaav_219 said:
@darkangel115 said:

I appreciate what they do, but i can't say I'm a fan. Maybe i would be if it wasn't so much but it's got to the point where every game of theirs is near identical. God of War one of my favorite series is now ruined. Days gone is a clone of TLOU and most of their games are way too much walking, talking, cutscene, Press 1 to aweomse, , QTE events, no CQC systems etc. they need to focus more on the gameplay itself

How can you say God of War is ruined when all you saw is a trailer? Y'all be so quick to jump the gun and say GoW is ruined when you have no idea what the final product will be. Give it a break and let the damn game come out first before you jump on the hatin ass hipster hype train smh

because they had to add in the sappy kid and make it a father son sob story. That's not god of war. that's not kratos. He's an angry dude who slaughters gods. That's what I wanted more of. That's what i liked. Plus the trailer shows you have to play as the kid. i can already safely say that section will be the worst in the game. I hate shit like that

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#97 darkangel115
Member since 2013 • 4562 Posts

@ConanTheStoner said:

I don't mind a cinematic game, of course I like my MGS games, stuff like that.

But no, I'm not a big fan of Sonys approach. Not always, but a lot the time, the gameplay ends up in the back seat for the sake of telling a lulz-worthy story with shiny graphics. And it's not just the amount of gameplay, but the quality of gameplay that can suffer as well. It's often treated as an afterthought, serviceable sure, but not the driving force behind the game. Just a vessel to get you to the next cutscene or set piece. It's like the roles of playing and watching become reversed priorities.

Just not my thing at all. I know some people see that stuff as the reason or motivation to play a game, but to me, the gameplay itself should be enjoyable enough to be the sole motivator. If it also happens to tell an enjoyable story with some awesome production values, hey that's a nice bonus.

very well said! it's the equivalent to buying a luxury car with leather, and GPS, and TVs and voice commands and stuff but then you look under the hood and the engine is crap. the most important part is an afterthought. Sure it looks great on the outside and impresses easy with video's but when you actually play it you realize it's just not fun and stop.

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#98 scatteh316
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I miss the Xbox and PS2 days to be honest..... Have been watching some CRT TV's on eBay and have thought about buying them to play the old stuff again.

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#99  Edited By lglz1337
Member since 2013 • 4959 Posts

spiderman will be the biggest game!

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#100 CanYouDiglt
Member since 2009 • 8474 Posts

@lglz1337 said:

spiderman will be the biggest game!

No way.

First off it is not even the real Spider-Man it is that miles morales. So it will turn off people for pushing the SJW Spider-Man instead of the real Spider-Man Peter Parker. It is the same reason Marvel comics sell like crap now. It is to the point they are doing a big event to bring back all the characters they got rid of to replace with some SJW character. Like the Hulk, Spider-Man, Thor, Captain America, Wolverine, ect. So your not going to get the majority of comic fans buying this

Also just watching that E3 show it looks like another game with very little gameplay. It is Sony so of course lies are to be expected but we were all told huge open world. It is clearly a very scripted linear quick time game. The majority of the gameplay was hit a button at a certain time to continue the cutscene.