Most unsatisfying ending ever...

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#51 Iffy350
Member since 2004 • 8345 Posts
Neverwinter Nights 2 sounds pretty good so I might pick that up next week at EBGames.
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#52 Ein-7919
Member since 2003 • 3490 Posts
I didn't mind the ending of Half-Life 2, myself. The story wasn't intended to end there, as it continues episodically now.

How about Dreamfall for worst ending? So many loose ends... They better damn well finish that trilogy or I'm gonna be pissed off!


Dreamfall is going episodic too
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#53 Swiftstrike5
Member since 2005 • 6950 Posts
Endings seem to be an after thought of most game developers... the worst ive seen would be Penumbra (spelling?).
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#54 Nikalai_88
Member since 2006 • 1755 Posts

[QUOTE="Orpheus_1986"]Obsidian can PS:T is a testiment to that and KOTOR2s first few hours are really gripping as story elements, great characterization too. Obsidian just haven't ever had a publisher that doesn't push them to release to early. Iffy350

Breaking droids with a blow torch is not "gripping" enough. Taris felt alive and both telos and paragus both felt like a dead waist of time. No atmosphere, telos station didn't fill alive and breathing and a lot of the random npc shared the same text and had the same voice over. I doubt any rumored game mods that complete the story could persuade me to wait 20+ hours of boring gameplay to finally get my hands on a lightsaber.

What the heck is PS:T?

Although Peragus was kind of boring I have never played an rpg with a great begenning. As for the feel of the worlds, in a way I agree, everytime I came to a place in KOTOR II I was immidiatley dissapointed, however by the end of it they felt much more 'alive' than the planets in KOTOR 1 which left you with the same feeling.

Special credit should be given to Obsidian for coming up with original side-quests rather than ripping off other ones from their previous games, like Bioware. Not only that but Obsidian did much better with Atari as a publisher for NWN2 than did Bioware, if you remember they used TSR and Atari as excuses for the lame story. As I said I am looking forward to their SEGA published game.

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#55 cayne_phoenix
Member since 2002 • 2440 Posts
Legacy of Kain: Defiance thats NOT an ending, thats a frickin cliffhanger. and a curse upon the people at Crystal Dynamics for leaving me hanging so badly KOTOR 2 come on, it just sucked...
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#56 Staryoshi87
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My most unsatisfying ending was the end of KOTOR matter what you choose it ends up the same way...lame :(
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#57 Unstoppable_1
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Hm I would have to go with Half Life 2. Never really got to the ending but heard it sucked so yea.
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#58 akeanon
Member since 2006 • 93 Posts
I am not fond of the ending to KOTOR2.  However, I think the ending to Phantasmagoria 2 is much worse, and I don't like the ending to Phantasmagoria 1 either.  It may have just been that game series overall, though I did enjoy playing the first Phantasmagoria a lot.
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#59 timma25
Member since 2005 • 1131 Posts
Worst ending... deffinetly diablo 2. Like everythings dead but you go back just to make ur guy more uber. If everythings dead y and how would u go back?

Best ending on the other hand.. deffinetly cs no questions asked.
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#60 Ebougile
Member since 2005 • 2168 Posts
I dunno since I played a lot of games over the years, but maybe Medal of Honor Allied Assault.  Even so, that was still a pretty good game overall other than the snipers.
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#61 deactivated-59d151f079814
Member since 2003 • 47239 Posts

[QUOTE="Iffy350"][QUOTE="Orpheus_1986"]Obsidian can PS:T is a testiment to that and KOTOR2s first few hours are really gripping as story elements, great characterization too. Obsidian just haven't ever had a publisher that doesn't push them to release to early. Nikalai_88

Breaking droids with a blow torch is not "gripping" enough. Taris felt alive and both telos and paragus both felt like a dead waist of time. No atmosphere, telos station didn't fill alive and breathing and a lot of the random npc shared the same text and had the same voice over. I doubt any rumored game mods that complete the story could persuade me to wait 20+ hours of boring gameplay to finally get my hands on a lightsaber.

What the heck is PS:T?

Although Peragus was kind of boring I have never played an rpg with a great begenning. As for the feel of the worlds, in a way I agree, everytime I came to a place in KOTOR II I was immidiatley dissapointed, however by the end of it they felt much more 'alive' than the planets in KOTOR 1 which left you with the same feeling.

Special credit should be given to Obsidian for coming up with original side-quests rather than ripping off other ones from their previous games, like Bioware. Not only that but Obsidian did much better with Atari as a publisher for NWN2 than did Bioware, if you remember they used TSR and Atari as excuses for the lame story. As I said I am looking forward to their SEGA published game.

   Honeslty I hope Obsidian doesn't get a hold of any more series like NWN or KOTOR..  They have proven to rush their games out before tehy are even finished.. NWN2 was one of the most linear rpgs I have ever seen, difficulty didn't exist, AI was broken with both Party members and enemies, the story was at best AVERAGE, the game was rushed with numerous repeatable bugs.. It also has one of he worse performance of any games out there..

   Honestly go look on Gamespots Vista comparison benchmark..  a 8800 GTX was the only card to get above 30fps at 1000X700 average..  The Mutliplayer is in shambles as well, not to mention the toolset has lost numerous features and has beocme way less user friendly.. In the end I hold no sympathy because BOTH KOTOR 2 (which has bugs that are unpatched to this day that some can not play) and NWN2 were rushed POS's that had average story line,  broken game play mechanics as well as other glaring mistakes..

   I was really hyped for NWN2, and in the end the game is rediuclously easy regardless of the difficulty.. Get this too, Obsidian tries to make the game harder by the enemies BENDING/BREAKING rules.  Honestly I have seen better enemy AI in Baldur's Gate 2,  a game far older..  Makes matter worse you ever try to complain this on their forums you will hear just how disillusioned both the devs and mods are in the official forum.

  Like complaining about performance.. And they claim its because of their advanced shadow system it should be that performance.. Yeah that makes sense they made a shadow system so complex that it drags systems down to their knees while giving subpar visuals that are no where even in the top 3/4s of better looking games.. IMO Half-Life 2 looks far better and that game is far older not ot mention requires far less hardware.  though they are different kinds of engines, the NWN2 engine does NOTHING new what so ever.. So in the end they have a poor engine, a poor single player (which they claimed they focused on the majority of time), with a multiplayer that has numerous oversights not to mention rediculous lag.

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#62 CMJR
Member since 2005 • 331 Posts
[QUOTE="CMJR"]How about Dreamfall for worst ending? So many loose ends... They better damn well finish that trilogy or I'm gonna be pissed off!Ein-7919

Dreamfall is going episodic too

Well how about that... Good news, I suppose! I have a feeling that the story will work well episodically, but I might be as content to wait for it to come out in the box. Otherwise I'd go crazy with the repeated cliff-hangers episodic content might present...

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#63 eitremn
Member since 2004 • 806 Posts

[QUOTE="Ein-7919"][QUOTE="CMJR"]How about Dreamfall for worst ending? So many loose ends... They better damn well finish that trilogy or I'm gonna be pissed off!CMJR

Dreamfall is going episodic too

Well how about that... Good news, I suppose! I have a feeling that the story will work well episodically, but I might be as content to wait for it to come out in the box. Otherwise I'd go crazy with the repeated cliff-hangers episodic content might present...

i donno if i'm a fan of this episodic stuff yet or not.  seems like a ploy to get you to spend more money on stuff that should have already been in the game in the first place.

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#64 CMJR
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[QUOTE="Ein-7919"]Dreamfall is going episodic tooeitremn

Well how about that... Good news, I suppose! I have a feeling that the story will work well episodically, but I might be as content to wait for it to come out in the box. Otherwise I'd go crazy with the repeated cliff-hangers episodic content might present...

i donno if i'm a fan of this episodic stuff yet or not. seems like a ploy to get you to spend more money on stuff that should have already been in the game in the first place.

Yeah, I hear ya. I've been playing through the Sam & Max episodes and haven't found them particularly satisfying...guess we'll see if THEIR ending wraps up decently through episodes 5 and 6.

Total waste of money if you're paying by the episode. But fine if you buy the entire season, which thankfully I did.

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#65 deactivated-59d151f079814
Member since 2003 • 47239 Posts

[QUOTE="CMJR"][QUOTE="Ein-7919"][QUOTE="CMJR"]How about Dreamfall for worst ending? So many loose ends... They better damn well finish that trilogy or I'm gonna be pissed off!eitremn

Dreamfall is going episodic too

Well how about that... Good news, I suppose! I have a feeling that the story will work well episodically, but I might be as content to wait for it to come out in the box. Otherwise I'd go crazy with the repeated cliff-hangers episodic content might present...

i donno if i'm a fan of this episodic stuff yet or not.  seems like a ploy to get you to spend more money on stuff that should have already been in the game in the first place.

   Well I think thats honestly false, HL2 episode 1 may have been alittle expensive BUT, Episode is coming with Portals and TF2 for free not to mention the 6 hour to possibly longer episode ocntent..   Thats more content then some games out there..

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#66 _gorgon_
Member since 2006 • 137 Posts
Far Cry ending really sucks.
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#67 Planeforger
Member since 2004 • 19604 Posts

What the heck is PS:T?

Only one of the greatest games ever made (my favourite RPG) - and a testament to the fact that Obsidian really should be able to do a hell of a lot better than what they've currently showed us.
Then again, we all know that Lucasarts was to blame for KOTOR 2's ending, so...meh.

Back on topic - I absolutely hated Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones' ending. The game was mostly decent, but the ending was just terrible.

Oh, and Indigo Prophecy's ending - it's almost as if David Cage got bored halfway through, got high, and searched his marijuana-enhanced imagination for a suitable ending to the game...and we ended up with sex'n'robots.
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#68 Makari
Member since 2003 • 15250 Posts
I can tell not many people have played Dreamfall outside of the four or five talking about it, because if you guys had played it it'd be getting all kinds of votes. The ending was just incredibly horrible in almost every way it's possible to make an ending suck. If Dreamfall were someone's first experience with video games, the ending is bad enough that it would make them never play games again. Yeah, I didn't like it. Can you tell? :D
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#69 brain20035
Member since 2004 • 2042 Posts
totally agreed!!
the ending was the worse and the most confusing one I had ever seen!
i really enjoyed playing the game but the ending was...far more than disappointing!!!
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#70 edgeofforever
Member since 2004 • 349 Posts
Hmm, personally I loved the ending. No final boss, time coming to a stop, god that was amazing, unlike anything I'd seen in a game before.
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#71 chandu83
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Personally, Medal of Honor Allied Assault was pretty unsatisfying. It was very abrupt, and after all the hard work, it doesn't give you any sense of accomplishment.
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#72 CMJR
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If Dreamfall were someone's first experience with video games, the ending is bad enough that it would make them never play games again.Makari

Hey now, that's just being plain unfair.  Yeah, the ending sucked and left pretty much everything as a loose end...but the story in general was really good.  I think it's going a bit far to say it was SO bad that it would turn someone new off games entirely.

Hell, I'd just tell them to go try The Longest Journey if they want to regain any lost faith in gaming...  Cuz Dreamfall on its own, without some of the background info from TLJ, doesn't makes a hell of a lot of sense anyway!

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#73 blacktorn
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For a pc game? maybe

But it's not really over so go download ep 1 and then ep 2 later this year liek the rest of us unles you want to wait for the 360/ps3 versions,which are goign to eb better than the pc versions imo
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#74 fiendling
Member since 2004 • 59 Posts
KOTOR 2 had a really bad ending.Vito25

I could not agree more, regardless of playing evil :twisted: (The most fun by far) or good you received the same abrupt, unfinished ending.

What is the point of offering alternate moral game paths if the ending is exactly the same unfinished crap regardless of your actions?
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#75 fiendling
Member since 2004 • 59 Posts
Endings seem to be an after thought of most game developers... the worst ive seen would be Penumbra (spelling?). Swiftstrike5

Damn, people are really getting judgmental, criticising a game’s endings before it is released
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#76 lazzy102
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omg half-life2 is the greatest fps that came out in the last 5 years.... so dont say that it sucks and if you guys played the first one it ended kind of like in the same way....its really good and if you play and understand the first one and even episode 1 you will understand why they made that ending...(i dont want to explain it) oh otherwise go check it out on the internet and plus there are way more unsatisfying endinds than this one.....i thought that FFX was way more unsatisfying... and plus wtf are you talking about a final boss???/ in half life there are no final bosses

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#77 metalfiend09
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Halo2 has the worst friggin ending ever i was so mad when i got to the end of that crap i threw my controller in frustration. Also KOTOR 2 had a pretty bad ending toBlackfriend8
Dude, it wasn't the worst ending ever, it's called a cliff hanger... I admit it wasn't the best but it def. wasn't the worst
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#79 ShaDoW56
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actually i loved the ending...i LOVE cliffhangers it adds to the nostalgia when the next chapter comes around well..for me anyway :P
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#80 metalfiend09
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I agree =] finally someone else who liked it
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#81 ShaDoW56
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omg half-life2 is the greatest fps that came out in the last 5 years.... so dont say that it sucks and if you guys played the first one it ended kind of like in the same way....its really good and if you play and understand the first one and even episode 1 you will understand why they made that ending...(i dont want to explain it) oh otherwise go check it out on the internet and plus there are way more unsatisfying endinds than this one.....i thought that FFX was way more unsatisfying... and plus wtf are you talking about a final boss???/ in half life there are no final bosses


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#82 dlobo
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Legacy of Kain: Defiance thats NOT an ending, thats a frickin cliffhanger. and a curse upon the people at Crystal Dynamics for leaving me hanging so badly KOTOR 2 come on, it just sucked...cayne_phoenix

Specially since they left you hanging in the previous two games, it seem slike this story will never end

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#83 ShaDoW56
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the reason that the ending was such a cliffhanger is because half-life 2 was never intended to finish anything infact in my opinion half-life 2 was meant to prepare the player for what was to come (it said somewhere that it was only the beggining cant remember where) but yeah half-life1 was kind of the prelogue then hl2 is the begging and the storey is still going on, you really needed to have played hl1 before you could hope to understand what was going on in hl2
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#84 cayne_phoenix
Member since 2002 • 2440 Posts

[QUOTE="cayne_phoenix"]Legacy of Kain: Defiance thats NOT an ending, thats a frickin cliffhanger. and a curse upon the people at Crystal Dynamics for leaving me hanging so badly KOTOR 2 come on, it just sucked...dlobo

Specially since they left you hanging in the previous two games, it seem slike this story will never end

if the people at Crystal Dynamics are getting tired of this particular then THEY SHOULD END IT!!! i dont know, like maybe kill of Kain or just make Kain supreme vampire lord over Nosgoth or just turn him back into human or watever...

*weep* *weep* just finish it already...
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#85 donkey35
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I thought it was the greatest ending ever. It just shows Gman walk away then the credits and the music start. It made me say "This was a amazing game". The ending made me play it three times over again.
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#86 jazzycmk
Member since 2003 • 196 Posts

The original Myst. 

It didn't really have an ending.  I had to go online to read a walkthrough to see if there was something more I had to do or if that was it.  Sort of strange for a story-driven game.

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#87 oback
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HL:2 - I wish I never even played that crappy borefest.Jack_Summersby
how could you even say that.
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#88 dlobo
Member since 2006 • 239 Posts

[QUOTE="cayne_phoenix"]Legacy of Kain: Defiance thats NOT an ending, thats a frickin cliffhanger. and a curse upon the people at Crystal Dynamics for leaving me hanging so badly KOTOR 2 come on, it just sucked...cayne_phoenix

Specially since they left you hanging in the previous two games, it seem slike this story will never end

if the people at Crystal Dynamics are getting tired of this particular then THEY SHOULD END IT!!! i dont know, like maybe kill of Kain or just make Kain supreme vampire lord over Nosgoth or just turn him back into human or watever...

*weep* *weep* just finish it already...

The logical ending would be that they restore the pillars, Kain died and razien remained the soul reaver keeping the balance in nozgoth, after turning the ancient god into sushi

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#89 KentTalbert
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Half-Life 2s ending gave me chills... seeing the g-man appear again was awesome. The worst ending in my opinion is definitely Halo 2s. Their attempt at a successful cliffhanger is laughable, the first one was SO much better.
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#90 Makari
Member since 2003 • 15250 Posts
[QUOTE="Makari"]If Dreamfall were someone's first experience with video games, the ending is bad enough that it would make them never play games again.CMJR

Hey now, that's just being plain unfair. Yeah, the ending sucked and left pretty much everything as a loose end...but the story in general was really good. I think it's going a bit far to say it was SO bad that it would turn someone new off games entirely.

Hell, I'd just tell them to go try The Longest Journey if they want to regain any lost faith in gaming... Cuz Dreamfall on its own, without some of the background info from TLJ, doesn't makes a hell of a lot of sense anyway!

Yeah, it is unfair.. it's mildly based off of what happened when I made my girlfriend try the game. I had her play through TLJ as a warmup, then she tried Dreamfall.. loved the game, up until the very end - now she refuses to touch adventure games for the time being, because it left such a bad taste in her mouth. :) Watching over her shoulder, the ending just felt horrible to me too though. I am honestly glad that some people liked it or are more ambivalent, though - it probably makes the developer feel a bit better about the choices they had to make and so on.
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#91 godofratz
Member since 2005 • 398 Posts
Half-life 2 was awesome. I guess if you hated HL2's ending then you hated HL1's ending too. Is that true? They end the same way, so it must be.

Anyways, HL2 was a great game. The Super Gravity Gun was awesome and fun to lay the smack down on the combine. That was your reward for completing most of the game. The story was good, voice acting well done, superb facial animations on Alex. You really feel like she wants you lol.

It seems like if some people don't get their "everyone lives happily ever after" ending, then its not good.BS.  
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#92 eitremn
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Half-life 2 was awesome. I guess if you hated HL2's ending then you hated HL1's ending too. Is that true? They end the same way, so it must be.

Anyways, HL2 was a great game. The Super Gravity Gun was awesome and fun to lay the smack down on the combine. That was your reward for completing most of the game. The story was good, voice acting well done, superb facial animations on Alex. You really feel like she wants you lol.

It seems like if some people don't get their "everyone lives happily ever after" ending, then its not good.BS.  godofratz

i never once said that it was a bad game, i loved the game.  i just hated the ending, the way it doesn't let you know if alex gets blown away or whatever.  and when g-man says i'll wait til the next bidder or whatever for your contract it makes you feel as if your done with alex and all them and moving onto something else entirely.  and i do agree with you about the super gravity gun, throwing those combine soldiers around was some serious fun!

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#93 SoulPsychadelic
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All ww2 games.
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#94 SoulPsychadelic
Member since 2005 • 1533 Posts

[QUOTE="godofratz"]Half-life 2 was awesome. I guess if you hated HL2's ending then you hated HL1's ending too. Is that true? They end the same way, so it must be.

Anyways, HL2 was a great game. The Super Gravity Gun was awesome and fun to lay the smack down on the combine. That was your reward for completing most of the game. The story was good, voice acting well done, superb facial animations on Alex. You really feel like she wants you lol.

It seems like if some people don't get their "everyone lives happily ever after" ending, then its not good.BS.  eitremn

i never once said that it was a bad game, i loved the game.  i just hated the ending, the way it doesn't let you know if alex gets blown away or whatever.  and when g-man says i'll wait til the next bidder or whatever for your contract it makes you feel as if your done with alex and all them and moving onto something else entirely.  and i do agree with you about the super gravity gun, throwing those combine soldiers around was some serious fun!

Well your not done with them play Episode 1 and you'll fight with Alex alongside you the entire way through.

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#95 Jinroh_basic
Member since 2002 • 6413 Posts
to me there really is no contest. Half Life 2.
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#96 Wasdie  Moderator
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i just finished beating halflife 2, and the game was great up until the ending. there was no super boss at the end to defeat and you save the world or anything of that nature. anyone else agree that it was a terrible ending?eitremn
No. It left me wondering what would happen next! I believe that the Half-Life series has the best story line of any sci-fi game ever.
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#97 Mapleleafs4life
Member since 2006 • 524 Posts
Half life 2, The worst? Definetly not, The most dissapointing? Yes. The game's story is great and always keeps you guessing and wondering whats next, the action is instense, the game truly is a masterpiece, but u gotta admit that you just kinda felt dissapointed at the end you know, you never really got that sense of accomplishment like u did in the first one, the game storys is still great, and I dont mind those mysterious cliffhanger endings half life is known for, but come on really what they did felt like they came up with it at the last minute to get the game over with you know.

Edit: Also on a second note Psi-Ops had a pretty craptastic ending too, too me it was one of the best shooters ever and was just sooooo entertaining throwing people and using your powers, it never got old, and the game was already one of the funnest shooters ever and u could see the series had so much potential, but it leaves u with a cliffhanger ending and no sequel.
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#98 KandyKornMan
Member since 2006 • 310 Posts
I didn't mind the ending of Half-Life 2, myself. The story wasn't intended to end there, as it continues episodically now.

How about Dreamfall for worst ending? So many loose ends... They better damn well finish that trilogy or I'm gonna be pissed off!


they are going to make a sequel to dreamfall but its going to be in episodes.i guess thats ok but id rather wait until the sequel comes out.long as they tie up all the loose ends in the next one and end it ill be happy.
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#99 LockeAteid
Member since 2005 • 1210 Posts
Well I might as well throw in my vote to. My vote goes to Pong, I have never been so disappointed with the ending of a game after days of trying to defeat a single enemy with as much will power to win as me.
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#100 mouthforbathory
Member since 2006 • 2114 Posts
[QUOTE="eitremn"]i just finished beating halflife 2, and the game was great up until the ending. there was no super boss at the end to defeat and you save the world or anything of that nature. anyone else agree that it was a terrible ending?Wasdie
No. It left me wondering what would happen next! I believe that the Half-Life series has the best story line of any sci-fi game ever.

Best Sci-fi story ever has to go to Xenogears sir.