What Do You Think The Bible Is?

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#301 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts

I write the following out of love and deep concern for those that reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

I find the comments made by the scoffers and unbelievers on this tread both amazing and sad at the same time. I am amazed by many of the comments that show a complete lack of knowledge and understanding regarding God, His revealed Word in the Bible, or the eternal importance of what God has revealed to His creation.It becomes obvious, by reading many of the comments of the unbelievers, that they obviously spend more time researching a video game they are considering buying than seriously thinking about God's revelation to humanity and the consequences of how we deal with that revelation. When confronted by the good news of the Gospel, and the evidence for the truth of Christianity, many would rather mock the messenger than seriously consider and think about the evidence for the truth of Christianity and the eternal importance of God's revelation. This is what saddens me.

We are all one heartbeat away from eternity, and whatever state of relationship with the Lord that we die in, we will remain in for eternity. This is not a video game friends where we get another chance, life, or an opportunity to respawn and do things over.

Rather than search for the truth themselves, many unbelievers would rather just take the advice of a non-believing friend or from something they read on an atheist website and not seriously think about, or research for themselves the truth and how this relates towhat happens after our time in this temporal world ends. They are so wrapped up in their own self pride in this temporal life that they forget that our time on earth is but a grain of sand, a wisp of smoke, compared to eternity.

In their narcissism, they want to tell God how they expect things to be done. They want a holy, just, and righteous God to compromise with their feelings and emotions regarding how things should be done.They want God to "fix everything" to meet their expectations with no obligations on their part.They want God to lower His standards of holiness and righteousness to meet their standards. They want God to intervene and prevent all evil resulting from man's free will without interfering in their free will to reject Him and live in disobedience to His will.They want a one-way street, their way.

These same scoffers will think nothing of changing things about themselves to get a girl or boy to like them.They will readily accept their employers rules to keep their job. But they think nothing of rejecting God's plan for His creation. Funny thing is, these same scoffers will be the first, come judgment day, to say "why didn't someone tell me this", "I didn't know", or "give me another chance".The sad reality is that there will be no second chance.

This attitude is evidence of the damage and destruction that has been wrought on our youth by the indoctrination into the religion of secularism, self-worship, and materialism, that has been visited on our youth by the public indoctrinations centers we call schools and universities, and the rampant moral decline, perversion, and liberalism in our culture.

The Bible is God's progressive revelation to mankind with the central figure being the true living God, revealed through Jesus Christ the Messiah. Understanding the truths it reveals and applying them to our lives and beliefs is the most important thing we will ever do in our lives. We can ignore it, disbelieve it, or pretend it isn't true, but we cannot change it. Our opinion of the truth of the Bible does not determine whether it is the truth or not.Moral relativism is a lie that many have bought into to their own peril.

The entire Bible is the inerrant, inspired, preserved,revelation from God of His interaction and plan for His creation with Jesus Christ as the central revelation.

The Bible is composed of 66 separate books, written over approximately 1,600 years, by at least 40 distinct authors, from all walks of life, written in three different languages, on three different continents, all in perfect agreement and revealing a consistent message. The Old Testament contains 39 books written from approximately 1500 to 400 BC, and the New Testament contains 27 books written from approximately 40 to 65 AD.

There is no other book that has ever come close to this remarkable achievement and wisdom. Anyone that reads and studies it and cannot see the inspiration and work of God in the Bible just doesn't want to. Try getting 40 people in the same room or on the same internet thread to agree on something and it will be clear that the Bible is God's inspired, inerrant, and preserved Word. Anyone can pick a verse out of the Bible and try to discredit it but when one openly and honestly looks at all of the evidence for the truth of the Bible in its entirety, only one that chooses to remain in rebellion to the Lord will reject it. It has been said, even by secular psychologists, that if one studies the Sermon on the Mount, in the 5th, 6th, and 7th chapters of Matthew, the excellence of the words and teachings of Jesus in just those verses, surpasses the totality of all thing ever written in the history of man by all psychologists that ever lived. This is overwhelming evidence for the divine inspiration and truth of the Bible as well as the divinity of Christ.

In the Old Testament

The books of Law reveal the foundation for Christ the Messiah

The historical books reveal the preparation for Christ the Messiah

The books poetic books aspire to Christ the Messiah

The books of prophecy reveal the expectation of Christ the Messiah

In the New Testament

The Gospels reveal the historical manifestation of Christ the Messiah

The Acts reveal the propagation of Christ the messiah

The Epistles reveal the interpretation of Christ the Messiah

Revelations reveal the consummation of all things in Christ the Messiah

God has not revealed His entire plan and everything regarding the natural world to man. Man could not possibly comprehend it with our finite mind. He has revealed what He, as our Creator, wants us to know.

The truth, whether anyone wants to accept it or not, is that without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through faith in Him as your Lord and Savior, one is lost. God has lovingly provided a path to salvation in Jesus Christ but He will not force anyone to accept His plan. He respects your free will to choose him or reject Him.He does not want a single person to be lost but he will not force Himself on anyone. The choice is your and yours alone. Make your choice freely and God will be faithful in giving you the destiny you choose.

We are all sinners and unable to save ourselves. There is nothing we can do, no righteous works, that can earn us salvation. Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way. When we sincerely put our faith in Christ, our sins are forgiven and the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us.At judgment, we, though yet sinners, we are counted righteous by God based on our faith in Jesus Christ through His blood shed to pay the penalty for our sins, a penalty we deserved to pay but that Christ paid instead for those that put their faith and trust in Him.

Here is the Gospel from the Word of God.

Rom 3:10As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

Rom 3:11There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.

Rom 3:12They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Rom 3:23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Rom 6:23For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

2Pe 3:9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Rom 5:8But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Rom 5:9Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

Joh 3:16ForGodsolovedtheworld,thathegavehisonly begottenSon,thatwhosoeverbelievethinhimshouldnotperish,buthaveeverlastinglife.

Joh 3:17ForGodsentnothisSonintotheworldtocondemntheworld;butthattheworldthroughhimmightbesaved.

Joh 3:18He that believethonhimisnotcondemned:buthe that believethnotiscondemnedalready,becausehehathnotbelievedinthenameoftheonly begottenSonofGod.

Joh 3:19Andthisisthecondemnation,thatlightiscomeintotheworld,andmenloveddarknessratherthanlight,becausetheirdeedswereevil.

Joh 3:20Forevery onethat doethevilhateththelight,neithercomethtothelight,lesthisdeedsshouldbereproved.

Joh 3:21Buthe that doethtruthcomethtothelight,thathisdeedsmaybemade manifest,thattheyarewroughtinGod.

Act 16:30And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

Act 16:31And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

Eph 2:8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: itis the gift of God:

Eph 2:9Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Joh 14:6Jesus saith unto him, Iamtheway,thetruth,andthelife:no mancomethuntotheFather,butbyme.

Act 4:12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Jn 5:11And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

1Jn 5:12He that hath the Son hath life: and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

1Jn 5:13These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Rom 3:24Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Rom 3:25Whom God hath set forth tobe a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

Rom 10:9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Rom 10:10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

1Ti 2:3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;

1Ti 2:4Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

1Ti 2:5For thereis one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

1Ti 2:6Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

1Th 5:9For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

1Th 5:10Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.

You have the good news from the Word of God.I have done my part.The rest is up to you.Please consider what I have shared. I pray that the Holy Spirit will work in your heart to convict you of the truth of God's Word and lead you to salvation in Christ.

God bless

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#302 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts

[QUOTE="blackregiment"]If I may ask, to those that feel the Bible is just a book, a doorstop, or a book of myths, why do you feel that way? I am curious.Deity_Slapper

What makes you think it's not? The fact that the book ITSELF claims to be from god? That proves nothing.

And your opinion, that of a finite human, proves even less. Thanks for your opinion though but I choose to put myy trust in the Lord, rather than man.

Psa 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

Pro 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

1Jn 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

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#303 MagnumPI
Member since 2002 • 9617 Posts
It's a fictional book of myths and legends used as a metaphor to teach moral philosophy.
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#305 ClawKiller
Member since 2005 • 666 Posts

A series of metaphorical stories guiding people on how to live their life correctly.

It should NEVER be taken literally.

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#306 010dragonslayer
Member since 2006 • 574 Posts


Yeah, pretty much.

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#307 -Sniper99-
Member since 2004 • 8983 Posts

a bunch of *******

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#308 ClawKiller
Member since 2005 • 666 Posts

Also, all the people using Bible quotes trying to proove its validity is silly, because we dont believe in them.

Imagine if a world religion was based of Lord of the Rings....:S or the Dark Tower series, thats abotu as long as the bible.

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#309 Deity_Slapper
Member since 2008 • 2615 Posts

[QUOTE="blackregiment"] If I may ask, to those that feel the Bible is just a book, a doorstop, or a book of myths, why do you feel that way? I am curious.blackregiment

What makes you think it's not? The fact that the book ITSELF claims to be from god? That proves nothing.

And your opinion, that of a finite human, proves even less. Thanks for your opinion though but I choose to put myy trust in the Lord, rather than man.

The bible was written by man...you ARE trusting a man already...even worse, they've all been dead for a long time. I'm still alive. :)

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#310 MagnumPI
Member since 2002 • 9617 Posts
I have no idea where all my bibles are. They are all old hand me downs that are burried somewhere. Either that or I thew them away. But I do know all of my sister's religion junk from JCU is here somewhere.
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#311 freek666
Member since 2007 • 22312 Posts

A series of metaphorical stories guiding people on how to live their life correctly.

It should NEVER be taken literally.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

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#312 ClawKiller
Member since 2005 • 666 Posts

A series of metaphorical stories guiding people on how to live their life correctly.

It should NEVER be taken literally.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

Yay have I won?

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#313 ILK3R91
Member since 2008 • 493 Posts
I think it is a computer that needs to be updated regularly as it is so. Hahahhaha. Seriously, what a load of crap. Proves what a load of crap Christianity is.
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#314 MFaraz_Hayat
Member since 2006 • 1794 Posts

[QUOTE="MFaraz_Hayat"]Being a muslim, I beleive that Bible was God's word. However it got corrupted by human writings, which were added to it.J-man45

I respect your opinion, but how was it corrupted? Could you give me some examples?

For example.....

According to Islamic belief Jesus(P.B.U.H.) was messener of God and not son of God. We believe that he was not divine but a human like Prphet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). Further, we can observe certain errors in Bible (mathematics etc.) which can never be termed as a work of God.

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#315 dragonzomb
Member since 2003 • 80 Posts

Blackregiment you said issues are caused by that which i worship? you dont understand satanism then do you? we do not worship satan we have no prayer or congregation....we live our lives according to us and use Lucifer as our symbol as depicted in your book........see to testify that i believe the son is worthless and your god doesnt exist and to truely disreguard all your ideaology, i cant myself say that satan exists without a god for that would be succumbing to the lies of the light.....the left hand path is that of freedom and indulgence....I live as i should, doing all in respect to the animal i am. I respect nature, children, and others as long as you do not interfere with my personal happiness......in my respect if you have to say there is a god then i am it for i am my own personal god and shall live my life as i see fit....so see that because i condemn your religion does not mean i dont know it though, for i have read the bible on more then one occasion and have felt no more for it then i do a childrens book......

i see your points and i respect them, and for the reference i have no grudge against you as people i am showing my points as you are and continuing for the most part an intellectual conversation

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#316 nightshade85
Member since 2004 • 5654 Posts
a fantasy novel with many contradictions
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#317 MasterKingMP
Member since 2008 • 1740 Posts

It's 3 of those.

It is a: Fiction Book, A book of myths and legends, and a book or morality.

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#318 FamiBox
Member since 2007 • 5481 Posts
Book of nonsense.
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#319 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts

Blackregiment you said issues are caused by that which i worship? you dont understand satanism then do you? we do not worship satan we have no prayer or congregation....we live our lives according to us and use Lucifer as our symbol as depicted in your book........see to testify that i believe the son is worthless and your god doesnt exist and to truely disreguard all your ideaology, i cant myself say that satan exists without a god for that would be succumbing to the lies of the light.....the left hand path is that of freedom and indulgence....I live as i should, doing all in respect to the animal i am. I respect nature, children, and others as long as you do not interfere with my personal happiness......in my respect if you have to say there is a god then i am it for i am my own personal god and shall live my life as i see fit....so see that because i condemn your religion does not mean i dont know it though, for i have read the bible on more then one occasion and have felt no more for it then i do a childrens book......

i see your points and i respect them, and for the reference i have no grudge against you as people i am showing my points as you are and continuing for the most part an intellectual conversation


I understand satanism well enough to know that there are many version and differing beliefs in satanism. Satanist don't agree on what satanism is. These beliefs range from no belief in God or satan to belief in satan and worship of him and many differing versions in-between. For you to pretend that your particular set of beliefs define satanism is disingenuous at best.

I respect your right to believe whatever you believe but your beliefs do not define truth. The Lore gave you a free will to believe whatever you choose but along with that comes the consequences of those beliefs in eternity.

I do not know what you believe regarding an afterlife but let's assume that you or an atheist believe that this life is all there is. If that belief is correct, and my beliefs are wrong, then we will both end up in the same place. If that belief is wrong however, then we are going to end up in two very different places in eternity.

Think about that.

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#320 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts

[QUOTE="blackregiment"]If I may ask, to those that feel the Bible is just a book, a doorstop, or a book of myths, why do you feel that way? I am curious.blackregiment

What makes you think it's not? The fact that the book ITSELF claims to be from god? That proves nothing.

And your opinion, that of a finite human, proves even less. Thanks for your opinion though but I choose to put myy trust in the Lord, rather than man.

Psa 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

Pro 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

1Jn 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

Hmm... just out of interest, how do you know that the Bible is correct?

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#321 zim001
Member since 2007 • 117 Posts
I find this dicussion of the Christian Bible offensive please stop posting about christianity why dont you talk about Islam or something this forum is no place for discussing Christianity.
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#322 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts
To all those claiming that the Bible provides moral guidance - are you aware of some of the stuff in there? There's a part where God kills someone for picking up a stick on a Sunday, to name just one example!
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#323 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts

I find this dicussion of the Christian Bible offensive please stop posting about christianity why dont you talk about Islam or something this forum is no place for discussing Christianity.zim001

It's off topic. Christianity is off-topic. Therefore we can talk about Christianity. Don't like it? Here's your solution: stop reading discussion about Christianity.

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#324 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts

Blackregiment you said issues are caused by that which i worship? you dont understand satanism then do you? we do not worship satan we have no prayer or congregation....we live our lives according to us and use Lucifer as our symbol as depicted in your book........see to testify that i believe the son is worthless and your god doesnt exist and to truely disreguard all your ideaology, i cant myself say that satan exists without a god for that would be succumbing to the lies of the light.....the left hand path is that of freedom and indulgence....I live as i should, doing all in respect to the animal i am. I respect nature, children, and others as long as you do not interfere with my personal happiness......in my respect if you have to say there is a god then i am it for i am my own personal god and shall live my life as i see fit....so see that because i condemn your religion does not mean i dont know it though, for i have read the bible on more then one occasion and have felt no more for it then i do a childrens book......

i see your points and i respect them, and for the reference i have no grudge against you as people i am showing my points as you are and continuing for the most part an intellectual conversation


I understand satanism well enough to know that there are many version and differing beliefs in satanism. Satanist don't agree on what satanism is. These beliefs range from no belief in God or satan to belief in satan and worship of him and many differing versions in-between. For you to pretend that your particular set of beliefs define satanism is disingenuous at best.

I respect your right to believe whatever you believe but your beliefs do not define truth. The Lore gave you a free will to believe whatever you choose but along with that comes the consequences of those beliefs in eternity.

I do not know what you believe regarding an afterlife but let's assume that you or an atheist believe that this life is all there is. If that belief is correct, and my beliefs are wrong, then we will both end up in the same place. If that belief is wrong however, then we are going to end up in two very different places in eternity.

Think about that.

Ah, yes, Pascal's Wager. The problem is, it does not take into account the effect of religion on our lives i.e. wasting time going to church. Furthermore, it assumes that we can 'choose' to believe in God for selfish purposes. But this is impossible. I could perhaps feign a belief in God, but I cannot genuinely believe something that I do not think is correct. Besides, have you considered that maybe God would care more about how we live our lives, and whether we are good people?

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#325 GrammarKills
Member since 2008 • 887 Posts
I am a Roman Catholic, I view the bible as a book that helps you keep your faith and help you live your life.
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#326 FamiBox
Member since 2007 • 5481 Posts

I find this dicussion of the Christian Bible offensive please stop posting about christianity why dont you talk about Islam or something this forum is no place for discussing Christianity.zim001

Ohhhhhhh So bashing Islam is OK but not Christianity.

Your post has less respect for belief than any of the posts in this topic.

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#327 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts

Also, all the people using Bible quotes trying to proove its validity is silly, because we dont believe in them.

Imagine if a world religion was based of Lord of the Rings....:S or the Dark Tower series, thats abotu as long as the bible.


Exactly! It's circular logic. You can't prove the Bible is right by using the Bible itself.

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#328 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts

I am a Roman Catholic, I view the bible as a book that helps you keep your faith and help you live your life.GrammarKills

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?

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#329 Thevenin167
Member since 2008 • 768 Posts
a colection of writings that could have been true but that have been edited in ways to benifit the societies that collected those stories ie: the romans as one example.
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#330 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts

Blackregiment you said issues are caused by that which i worship? you dont understand satanism then do you? we do not worship satan we have no prayer or congregation....we live our lives according to us and use Lucifer as our symbol as depicted in your book........see to testify that i believe the son is worthless and your god doesnt exist and to truely disreguard all your ideaology, i cant myself say that satan exists without a god for that would be succumbing to the lies of the light.....the left hand path is that of freedom and indulgence....I live as i should, doing all in respect to the animal i am. I respect nature, children, and others as long as you do not interfere with my personal happiness......in my respect if you have to say there is a god then i am it for i am my own personal god and shall live my life as i see fit....so see that because i condemn your religion does not mean i dont know it though, for i have read the bible on more then one occasion and have felt no more for it then i do a childrens book......

i see your points and i respect them, and for the reference i have no grudge against you as people i am showing my points as you are and continuing for the most part an intellectual conversation


I agree with the concepts simply about enjoying your life, but why does the idea living a free, uninhibited life have to be turned into a religion?

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#331 GrammarKills
Member since 2008 • 887 Posts

[QUOTE="GrammarKills"]I am a Roman Catholic, I view the bible as a book that helps you keep your faith and help you live your life.Funky_Llama

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?

I never said I lived my life by it. It just said it helps me live my life. I read it just to get through the day sometimes reading how much Jesus suffered for us and how we should be grateful for it and I read other stories in the bible to pass the day sometimes. Btw I love how the Bible bashers always bring up stuff from the Old Testament.
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#332 blackregiment
Member since 2007 • 11937 Posts

I find this dicussion of the Christian Bible offensive please stop posting about christianity why dont you talk about Islam or something this forum is no place for discussing Christianity.zim001

For your information, that is what this topic is about. If you don't like it leave. If you want to talk about another topic, then start a different topic.

See how that works?

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#333 Deity_Slapper
Member since 2008 • 2615 Posts

a colection of writings that could have been true but that have been edited in ways to benifit the societies that collected those stories ie: the romans as one example.Thevenin167

That's a good point. We can't forget about how many edits have been made, and editions have been published. That alone should destroy it's credibility as a "divine writing". If it was perfect, we wouldn't need so many revisions. Or even one.

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#334 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts

[QUOTE="GrammarKills"]I am a Roman Catholic, I view the bible as a book that helps you keep your faith and help you live your life.GrammarKills

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?

I never said I lived my life by it. It just said it helps me live my life. I read it just to get through the day sometimes reading how much Jesus suffered for us and how we should be grateful for it and I read other stories in the bible to pass the day sometimes. Btw I love how the Bible bashers always bring up stuff from the Old Testament.

Well, obviously I'm going to go for the Old Testament, it's worse! Doesn't it make sense to go for the weak spot?

Also, how do you know that it can be trusted? It's just a book.

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#335 J-man45
Member since 2008 • 11043 Posts

[QUOTE="GrammarKills"]I am a Roman Catholic, I view the bible as a book that helps you keep your faith and help you live your life.Funky_Llama

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?

It seems you are looking in the wrong part of the Bible. Try the New Testament, perhaps? The New Testament has the most regarding good morals that should be a part of your life.

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#336 GrammarKills
Member since 2008 • 887 Posts

[QUOTE="GrammarKills"]I am a Roman Catholic, I view the bible as a book that helps you keep your faith and help you live your life.Funky_Llama

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?

I never said I lived my life by it. It just said it helps me live my life. I read it just to get through the day sometimes reading how much Jesus suffered for us and how we should be grateful for it and I read other stories in the bible to pass the day sometimes. Btw I love how the Bible bashers always bring up stuff from the Old Testament.

Well, obviously I'm going to go for the Old Testament, it's worse! Doesn't it make sense to go for the weak spot?

Also, how do you know that it can be trusted? It's just a book.

For starters the Old Testament is not the weak spot. Its just the most misunderstood by the Bible bashers. Its not written so that we can take it as being historic facts. The OT was written so that the Jews would keep their faith while walking through the desert and it was verbally passed down for years until a Jew or Gentile decided to write it down. So the Christians started to use it since they were at the beginning a Jewish religion still. Then the New Testament was written. The OT was really just a book a stories not a weak spot.
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#337 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts

[QUOTE="GrammarKills"]I am a Roman Catholic, I view the bible as a book that helps you keep your faith and help you live your life.J-man45

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?

It seems you are looking in the wrong part of the Bible. Try the New Testament, perhaps? The New Testament has the most regarding good morals that should be a part of your life.

Ah, but of course, now we're cherry-picking what parts of the Bible we should follow. And the criterion by which we do this is, of course, our own morality. So really, the Bible's not informing your morality; you just use it for justification.

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#338 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts

[QUOTE="GrammarKills"]I am a Roman Catholic, I view the bible as a book that helps you keep your faith and help you live your life.GrammarKills

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?

I never said I lived my life by it. It just said it helps me live my life. I read it just to get through the day sometimes reading how much Jesus suffered for us and how we should be grateful for it and I read other stories in the bible to pass the day sometimes. Btw I love how the Bible bashers always bring up stuff from the Old Testament.

Well, obviously I'm going to go for the Old Testament, it's worse! Doesn't it make sense to go for the weak spot?

Also, how do you know that it can be trusted? It's just a book.

For starters the Old Testament is not the weak spot. Its just the most misunderstood by the Bible bashers. Its not written so that we can take it as being historic facts. The OT was written so that the Jews would keep their faith while walking through the desert and it was verbally passed down for years until a Jew or Gentile decided to write it down. So the Christians started to use it since they were at the beginning a Jewish religion still. Then the New Testament was written. The OT was really just a book a stories not a weak spot.

So, what is your opinion on the OT? Do you agree that there's some pretty nasty stuff in there?

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Member since 2005 • 536 Posts

[QUOTE="GrammarKills"]I am a Roman Catholic, I view the bible as a book that helps you keep your faith and help you live your life.Funky_Llama

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?

You're probably talking about the Levitical law in the Old Testament. Most people who have objections to the Bible's moral authority look at that part of it and wonder what the heck is going on. I sympathize. But you have to get a few details right before you can rightly understand the Levitical law. The clear and consistent teaching of the Bible is the offense is proportional to holiness of who is offended. Leviticus and other books in the OT do indeed reflect the mind of God as far as personal holiness if concerned. But it was also inspired writing by Moses to instruct the Isralites how to minister to God's people before the Tabernacle and the Tent of Meeting. So many of the punishments are representative of the fact that, while the death penalty is proscribed for things like disobying parents, its not because parents deserve to regarded as that holy, its because God is. The Levitical law is not saying, 'since you have disobeyed your parents, who are infintely holy, you deserve death.' No, its God saying, 'Since you an Israelite, one of my chosen people whom I have raised up for the glory of my Name have disobeyed ME, for I told you to obey your parents, you deserve death because of the wiehgt of the offense toward ME, not your parents.' Between people, the model of the punishments of the law was an eye-for-an-eye a tooth-for-a-tooth. Because the holiness of people are all equally wretched. But the holiness of God is infinite. And while me stealing a cup of coffee from the till at work might get me a slap on the wrist, I have offended the infinite holiness of the 500lb gorilla in the room, God. No one at work can use the Bible to justify killing me for stealing coffee, but God is most certainly just in killing me for it. Jesus summed up the law as "Love the Lord your God with all your mind,heart, soul, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself." If you fail to do that, your neighbor doesn't get to put you to death....but God does, because an offense against your neighbor is an offense against God. You're neighbor is justified in asking the civil authority to extract a "tooth for the tooth" you take and nothing more but, God is justified in casting you out of his presense and into the Lake of Fire on Judgement Day.

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#340 Deity_Slapper
Member since 2008 • 2615 Posts

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?


It seems you are looking in the wrong part of the Bible. Try the New Testament, perhaps? The New Testament has the most regarding good morals that should be a part of your life.

Holy crap!!! HAHAHAHA!!! He actually said there's a "wrong part of the bible!" HHHAAHHAHAHA!!!

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#341 GrammarKills
Member since 2008 • 887 Posts

[QUOTE="GrammarKills"]I am a Roman Catholic, I view the bible as a book that helps you keep your faith and help you live your life.Funky_Llama

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?

I never said I lived my life by it. It just said it helps me live my life. I read it just to get through the day sometimes reading how much Jesus suffered for us and how we should be grateful for it and I read other stories in the bible to pass the day sometimes. Btw I love how the Bible bashers always bring up stuff from the Old Testament.

Well, obviously I'm going to go for the Old Testament, it's worse! Doesn't it make sense to go for the weak spot?

Also, how do you know that it can be trusted? It's just a book.

For starters the Old Testament is not the weak spot. Its just the most misunderstood by the Bible bashers. Its not written so that we can take it as being historic facts. The OT was written so that the Jews would keep their faith while walking through the desert and it was verbally passed down for years until a Jew or Gentile decided to write it down. So the Christians started to use it since they were at the beginning a Jewish religion still. Then the New Testament was written. The OT was really just a book a stories not a weak spot.

So, what is your opinion on the OT? Do you agree that there's some pretty nasty stuff in there?

I love the stories in it. I love the Cain and Abel story, The Creation Story and a lot of other stories I like in it. I find that its not a bad book once you learn how to take what is written in it.
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#342 J-man45
Member since 2008 • 11043 Posts

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?


It seems you are looking in the wrong part of the Bible. Try the New Testament, perhaps? The New Testament has the most regarding good morals that should be a part of your life.

Holy crap!!! HAHAHAHA!!! He actually said there's a "wrong part of the bible!" HHHAAHHAHAHA!!!

Wrong as in the most misunderstood and not the most suited old part of the Bible. As in before Jesus came and times were different.

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#343 hopenui
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Just a morality teaching book that has been re-writing editing over the past decades
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#344 J-man45
Member since 2008 • 11043 Posts

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?


It seems you are looking in the wrong part of the Bible. Try the New Testament, perhaps? The New Testament has the most regarding good morals that should be a part of your life.

Holy crap!!! HAHAHAHA!!! He actually said there's a "wrong part of the bible!" HHHAAHHAHAHA!!!

Word of advice. It would be a good idea to respect people and their opinions.

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#345 Deity_Slapper
Member since 2008 • 2615 Posts

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?


It seems you are looking in the wrong part of the Bible. Try the New Testament, perhaps? The New Testament has the most regarding good morals that should be a part of your life.

Holy crap!!! HAHAHAHA!!! He actually said there's a "wrong part of the bible!" HHHAAHHAHAHA!!!

Wrong as in the most misunderstood and not the most suited old part of the Bible. As in before Jesus came and times were different.

Noooope. Sorry, bud, The bible is the bible, and the bible is the perfect word of our almighty lord and he is never wrong and a blah blah blah....that's how it goes, remember? All parts are equal. If you have to make excuses, what does that say about it's credibility? A perfect text doesn't need to be defended or have excuses made for it. :)

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#346 Deity_Slapper
Member since 2008 • 2615 Posts

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?


It seems you are looking in the wrong part of the Bible. Try the New Testament, perhaps? The New Testament has the most regarding good morals that should be a part of your life.

Holy crap!!! HAHAHAHA!!! He actually said there's a "wrong part of the bible!" HHHAAHHAHAHA!!!

Word of advice. It would be a good idea to respect people and their opinions.

What dude? You can't deny that was funny. Just admit you made an error. :roll:

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#347 Tiefster
Member since 2005 • 14639 Posts
It's a book that tries to teach it's readers ways to live a good life in the eyes of god. You can say the same about almost any other holy book.
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#348 J-man45
Member since 2008 • 11043 Posts

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?


It seems you are looking in the wrong part of the Bible. Try the New Testament, perhaps? The New Testament has the most regarding good morals that should be a part of your life.

Holy crap!!! HAHAHAHA!!! He actually said there's a "wrong part of the bible!" HHHAAHHAHAHA!!!

Wrong as in the most misunderstood and not the most suited old part of the Bible. As in before Jesus came and times were different.

Noooope. Sorry, bud, The bible is the bible, and the bible is the perfect word of our almighty lord and he is never wrong and a blah blah blah....that's how it goes, remember? All parts are equal. If you have to make excuses, what does that say about it's credibility? A perfect text doesn't need to be defended or have excuses made for it. :)

I do not fully understand the Bible and apparently neither do you. I think both of us should study it more.

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#349 Funky_Llama
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I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?


It seems you are looking in the wrong part of the Bible. Try the New Testament, perhaps? The New Testament has the most regarding good morals that should be a part of your life.

Holy crap!!! HAHAHAHA!!! He actually said there's a "wrong part of the bible!" HHHAAHHAHAHA!!!


[QUOTE="GrammarKills"]I am a Roman Catholic, I view the bible as a book that helps you keep your faith and help you live your life.ATOMIC_TOAST

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?

You're probably talking about the Levitical law in the Old Testament. Most people who have objections to the Bible's moral authority look at that part of it and wonder what the heck is going on. I sympathize. But you have to get a few details right before you can rightly understand the Levitical law. The clear and consistent teaching of the Bible is the offense is proportional to holiness of who is offended. Leviticus and other books in the OT do indeed reflect the mind of God as far as personal holiness if concerned. But it was also inspired writing by Moses to instruct the Isralites how to minister to God's people before the Tabernacle and the Tent of Meeting. So many of the punishments are representative of the fact that, while the death penalty is proscribed for things like disobying parents, its not because parents deserve to regarded as that holy, its because God is. The Levitical law is not saying, 'since you have disobeyed your parents, who are infintely holy, you deserve death.' No, its God saying, 'Since you an Israelite, one of my chosen people whom I have raised up for the glory of my Name have disobeyed ME, for I told you to obey your parents, you deserve death because of the wiehgt of the offense toward ME, not your parents.' Between people, the model of the punishments of the law was an eye-for-an-eye a tooth-for-a-tooth. Because the holiness of people are all equally wretched. But the holiness of God is infinite. And while me stealing a cup of coffee from the till at work might get me a slap on the wrist, I have offended the infinite holiness of the 500lb gorilla in the room, God. No one at work can use the Bible to justify killing me for stealing coffee, but God is most certainly just in killing me for it. Jesus summed up the law as "Love the Lord your God with all your mind,heart, soul, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself." If you fail to do that, your neighbor doesn't get to put you to death....but God does, because an offense against your neighbor is an offense against God. You're neighbor is justified in asking the civil authority to extract a "tooth for the tooth" you take and nothing more but, God is justified in casting you out of his presense and into the Lake of Fire on Judgement Day.

Okay, number one, I bet you couldn't prove that God exists, and thus, what you've just said is undermined, and two, why should it follow that the holier the person against whom I commit an offence, the worse the punishment? Are you suggesting that stealing from a priest should be punished more?

Also, for someone who's meant to love all of us, "casting you out of his presense and into the Lake of Fire on Judgement Day" isn't particularly loving or forgiving, is it? It seems that God and Jesus have different moral standards. Jesus forgives; God punishes brutally.

Furthermore, have you considered that infinite suffering is disproportionately punishing for a finite sin?

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#350 Funky_Llama
Member since 2006 • 18428 Posts

I fail to see how it helps one live one's life. Which part helps with that? The bit about the death penalty for working on the Sabbath, perhaps? Or maybe when God orders an angel to murder some babies?


It seems you are looking in the wrong part of the Bible. Try the New Testament, perhaps? The New Testament has the most regarding good morals that should be a part of your life.

Holy crap!!! HAHAHAHA!!! He actually said there's a "wrong part of the bible!" HHHAAHHAHAHA!!!

Word of advice. It would be a good idea to respect people and their opinions.

What dude? You can't deny that was funny. Just admit you made an error. :roll:

Mister Deity Slapper is right. Describing part of your Holy Book as wrong was an amusing trip-up on your part.