This game requires patience

User Rating: 7.5 | Final Fantasy XIV Online PC
a lot of people are short on patience. This is greatly shown with the release of FFXIV online. It's very easy to look at this game and say it sucks. I feel like everyone is only looking at the surface of the game. I can't blame people for hating the unpreventable and unbearable lag, the odd user interface, the lack of a solid tutorial, and over crowded servers. All these things are very obvious in the first hour of game play, but not many people took the patience to wait it out. Use your heads. If the graphics of hundreds of characters are all sitting in the same general area, then don't you think its going to push your GFX card to the max, and do you think anyone's bandwidth can be high enough to receive all of that data at one time without any lag? Come on! You need to wait for people to move on to other areas of the game. I don't think anyone in their right mind would have intended the game to be that way, and Square Enix is not one to make poor quality games. Square Enix is working hard to iron out the problems. Give them time, and don't let a person's opinion about something effect your opinion. not everyone likes the same things.
The important thing is to have fun in a game. Looking for a game developers mistakes is not what i would call fun. If you don't like the game, then maybe it's not your kind of game; although, it does kinda "blow" that you wont be able to get your money back. Maybe a friend can buy it off of you.

This game plays very well with an xbox 360 controller. The user interface responds better with a controller. Also, moving around with your character while making adjustments to the camera is a breeze with the controller. The game's, out of game, options make it very easy to program the controller the way you want it. There are no hassles setting up the joysticks here.

I could tell you more about the game but i'll leave it to other sites to do a better job than me.

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