User Rating: 2.5 | FIFA 10 PC
It ceased to amaze me that when I finally succum to playing a soccer game, its totally pointless and unenjoyable to the point of being able to sit thru any insurance seminar not matter how long it takes.
The menu system will have you clicking around for half hour before you get to anything resembling gameplay, when you do, you'll be off to the toilet for an extended break as the gameplay wears you down like an ill-fitted tyre.
When you finally figure out how to play two player, the game takes over your player should you stop to scratch your head as to why you paid any money for this waste of programming. Attempt to control your goalie and you'll wonder if all the players have been into the drinks cabinet.
So gameplay, nil, soundtrack, get out your favourite music CD and put it in a microwave, much more fun than playing fifa 10.
sorry, just plain rubbish