What a surprise this game was? A BIG one and in a very good way.

User Rating: 10 | FIFA 09: World Class Soccer PS3
It's been ten years since i played my first fifa game and to be honest, this last game really was a 10 year celebration. I did not expect anything from it, besides better graphics and the small occasional improvement on control and game physics in general. But from the moment i started playing i was simply amazed. I don't want to exaggerate but every player move, jumping for a header, sliding for the ball, shooting, falling down, they all look so real and that just adds to the feeling so much. Then the physics, well passing, heading and shooting are all so much more real then last years fifa. Yes, shooting from a long distance is hard, but then again, so it is in real life also and trust me, it's not impossible once you get the hang of it. And talking about goals, something i really came to like is the possibility to have a celebration of your choice; to me that really is attention to detail and more important, it feels great.
And since the match itself is so interesting, i feel the game modes have fallen a bit in the shadow. I must say i really enjoyed The Lounge and Manager Mode so far, but i still have to try Be A Pro. And then you can go online and while the game seems to behave a little different online, it's even more thrilling, i can tell you that. Whether you play your friend next to you or a person from who-knows-where, the game takes on a whole new level of competitiveness.
But really, no matter what game mode I'm in, i won't get tired of scoring goals and celebrating very soon. This game really is a lot of fun, well, except when the goalkeeper just stares at the ball and the opponent scores the easy goal, but hey, it can't be perfect, it's still a software after all :).