A complex but ultimately deeply rewarding game that offers a host of ways to enjoy yourself. A sandbox fps mmo?

User Rating: 9 | Fallen Earth: Welcome to the Apocalypse PC
Word to the wise - this one's a slow burner. If you want a WoW style low learning curve / quick reward fix then this game is not for you. Having said that, if you're willing to put a bit of effort into learning how the complex crafting and levelling systems work (and there are plenty of sites out there with excellent guides) then you will discover a game that offers a multitude of deeply rewarding ways to play.

Unfortunately, the game made a poor first impression as it was very glitchy at launch (though much improved now) and many people still seem to have difficulties getting the graphics set up properly. Moreover, the tutorial is perhaps too brief and raises more questions than provides answers. However, if you push through the first confusing couple of hours (with the aid of the fantastically welcoming and active in game help channel), you may suddenly realise that at some point, while you weren't looking, you started having an awful lot of fun.

One of the main strengths of the game is the writing. The post apocalyptic setting is absorbing and believable, and feels authentically dark without being oppressive to play in. The missions mostly conform to types that anyone who has played a modern MMO or RPG will be familiar with, yet the clever set-ups manage to make them feel fresh and different. The player's character is given a 'hook' near the beginning of the game which explains why they would want to run around the wastelands putting themselves in danger and having a believable motivation for the avatar really increases the feeling of connection to their story.

Another aspect of the game which has been much publicised is the item crafting, which is deep and satisfying and very much integrated into the rest of the game, such that the player population is split between characters focused on mob killing or PvP and a sizeable chunk who are devoted to crafting as their main activity in the game. The need to gather rare resources gels nicely with the desire to explore the vast game world, and later in the game large PvP battles can develop over access to lucrative gathering areas and vendors.

None of this really describes the experience of playing the game though - the "Oh, snap!" moment when you discover a junked car and know it might contain crucial crafting ingredients, or the surprise you feel when you realise you are thoroughly enjoying yourself doing nothing more than galloping your horse through the desert.

For those of you who are tired of the grind of conventional MMOs, for those of you who enjoy the feeling of being transported to another world, for those of you looking for a deeper, more satisfying gaming experience, Fallen Earth is the game. For the rest of you? Well, there are plenty of other MMOs out there...