Dark Arisen; not quite as "updated" as i would've hoped

User Rating: 6 | Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen PC

been seeing news about the new release for PC for quite some time and was pretty happy to see it. having played a few minutes a few times on friend's consoles i thought it would be great to get an upgraded PC version.

well, that lead to some disappointment. i don't notice much difference in the graphics even with some slight added effects and some higher resolutions. still appears to be a console game from 2012, just at some higher resolutions.

the combat had appeared to be similar to Dark Souls in the bit I had played but turns out to be much more boring with less options in battle as you progress.

if you don't own and/or haven't played many modern fantasy rpg games with 3rd person action then this may be a good choice for you. but if you're used to modern graphics and any form of nicely functioning complicated rpg gameplay than this may also lead to some disappointment for you.

i would probably still recommend it for any big rpg fan that doesn't have much to play at the moment and can find it at a nice discount.