Is it Tetris, No wait Mario with a little twist of tetris.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dr. Mario NES
This game is every bit as challenging as tetris and the fact you have to keep your stratagem to a point to where you can still knock out viruses that appear on the screen. The game was a very big hit for the early days of gaming and was the only alternative at the time to Tetris which had been running the show for awhile.

The game itself is pretty mediocre for today's standards and you really won't find anything like it in today's modern world of gaming. I thought it was a wonderful relief to the tetris run world of strategy when the game was released in 1990.

It is just so hard not to enjoy helping Mario defeat the little viruses and test your brain until it feels like it is going to fry inside your skull. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes brain teasers, or even the tetris series.

If you haven't played this game or even heard of it you should definitely check it out.