For some reason i liked first Diablo always more than the second. Wth?

User Rating: 8.5 | Diablo PC
It is definitely creepier and harder, than it's sequel. Even some "death animations" are better looking.
There's not much new to tell here, because, probably, everyone knows this game. It is extremely popular? And "Diablo" deserves it IMO.
Music, enemies, cutscenes, sfx, quests (linear, but whatever?) - very well done, peoples!
There's one strange thing i can't understand - Why The LORD OF TERROR is so difficult? My mage char was laying everyone in mere seconds (well, except few bosses), but what the hell - Lord of terror - you terrify me - i had to teleport about 40 times to the town to restock on potions. Was it me that was that bad, or what was it? It just pissed me off trying to lay him down.
Anyways, extremely addicted game, sometimes trying to say to myself - time to go to sleep already, but NO, i have to finish this level... no, i'll go to sleep when i finish another one... wait, there are this monster in another level i want to destroy, i must go deeper into the dungeon..
Plus i'd really like to learn the Griswold's history deeper. Someone could create a game about his legendary deeds =)