Compared to Deus Ex: The Conspiracy this game is a 7.5 but compared to the other crap that's out there is a 8.5.

User Rating: 8.5 | Deus Ex: Invisible War PC
Let me start off by saying that this game let me down. this game did not live up to it predecessor; its story line feels woefully sophomoric, compared to Deus Ex 1. But so does the game play now for those of you who played the first one no that there was an extensive menu system (which at times was annoying) but allowed for a certain level of intricacy but the second one feels striped of that intricacy. the level design was also quiet intricate in the first (I've play through the first one countless times and i still find new secret areas or compartment), but in the second one there where was none of this intricacy (the most "intricate" thing i saw in that game was hiding item of use in dumpsters).

Now that may sound bad but I'm just a fan of the series blowing of steam of the failure to improve the first one rather than strip it bare. That aside it still a good game compared to crap thats out it just disappointed me and it's $20 right now so its a good buy for a bit of fun.