Be the War and guide him through the Earth to bring back balance, as strange this can sound.

User Rating: 8.5 | Darksiders PC
How Vigil Games managed to "steal" ideas, put them together and achieve to produce one amazing game is one question really interesting and Darksiders is one perfect example in how good one mix of "stolen" ideas can be positive, if done in the right way. I'll not name from what games these concepts were taken from, but any veteran player from the genre WILL identify from where they come.

Actually, not all aspects from Darksiders were copied. The history was nicely wrote, where the script and the way how it's told through the game deserves one special mention.

The intro movie tells all the background history and, after an introductory movie, starts to tell how the Horseman "War" was involved in one, literally, hell of a mess. Answering the call, War discovers that was no call, which would happen if the seventh seal were broken. Interfering in the three kingdoms, The Council charge War of treason and, looking for discover what happened, War convinced the ancient force to let it go behind the responsible for all the mess. From this point forward, we must help War to restore his true force, fight the legions of Hell and Heaven, pursuit the Destroyer and uncover the truth of what happened to make the third kingdom be totally destroyed.

The way how Darksiders introduce the player in its universe was just outstanding, very cinematic, showing most of the features and concepts used in the game.

Chaoseater is the legendary sword that is used by War. Being the main and most powerful weapon used by him, is really a shame that he had few movement and combo variations. Fortunately, we can chain combos using the other two weapons that War will acquire through his quest, one Scythe and the Tremor Gauntlet. Also, most we use them more experience is gained for the use of each one, making them more powerful along the way. Also, the collection of souls dropped by enemies will open new combos and movements to be purchased, making the action better and better as we progress in the quest. Is with that souls that we're able to buy consumables and unlock new wrath abilities too.

The combats are really satisfying, with a lot of violence and much blood. The controls help to keep the combats fun, being not too simple and not too hardcore, with a smooth learning curve. Also, all enemies can be killed using action commands, pressing the "use" button close to them after smash a good damage upon them will trigger one fast animation where War executes the target enemy. Not only in the "normal" enemies, but all the bosses will be killed using action commands. Bad that made the boss fights less challenging. Darksiders also make use of a great camera and aim system, being possible to easily lock on in different enemies.

Dungeons were great projected, with good number of creative puzzles and with a nice design. Each new Equipment that War get, triggers a lot of puzzles that can be solved, being possible be combined more than the use of only one equipment or passive ability. Outside the dungeons, the "world" map is open for War go to anywhere, being not a linear adventure. Well, the history is linear, but the world isn't. This make the challenge for searching the many chest and artifacts be more fun and more attractive. There's also a chest in each dungeon for the dungeon's map and another for the compass.

There others chests that we can find lifestone shards, for increase War's life, and wrath shards to increase War's wrath. Wrath is like mana or energy, needed for the use of the Warth Abilities, which can be really useful. We can also find chests with a lot of souls. Cannot forget to mention that we can find pieces of the Abyssal armor that, if completed, will give War a new appearance, drastically increasing War's defense. Enhancements can also be found too, that can be forged in any of the three weapons to increase its power.

Special mention to Ruin, one horse of fire that War will take from a demon. The power of War will greatly increase and, in some moments, War will only be successful because of Ruin. Unfortunately, War has really few movements when mounted and Ruin can only be summoned in some places or in most of the open areas.

War have what is called Chaos Form, where he transform himself in the pure expression of war, a giant form surrounded by flames and with an impenetrable defense and a much superior power attack. But I must admit that, being a great addition for War's power, after some uses, it don't give to the player reasons to use it, only in tight moments, because, in this form, War have only two variations of fight sequences. But the animation of this form is superb.

Talking about "animation", it makes me remember the way how Darksiders look. Coming from consoles, is really disappointing see no graphic options to it, being only possible to change the resolution and vsync. But I believe that no system should have problems running it. The graphics are gorgeous and beautiful, with a lot of great designs and art concepts, like rivers and transformed cities in a pos-apocalyptic view, lava flows, rain of fire, demoniac towers and even the a interesting concept of paradise.

The musical score is always cinematic it could be, creating a good atmosphere for War's path. Sound effects are just flawless in all its aspects, from the simple footsteps, to the sound of wind, blood, fights and swords hitting swords, for Ruin and demons sounds. And, for the voices, special mentions for Samael's voice and War itself, that also have a good voice too.

This should cover all the main aspects from Darksiders, even when I promised that it could be possible indentify many "stolen" ideas, some of these concepts were not mentioned, like the Voidwalker, that give to War the possibility to create portals, or the use of the pistol Mercy. But all these ideas and concepts were carefully mixed, creating not a revolutionary or a classic, but a solid and fun game. Unfortunately, the absence of extras means only a single try. At least, this single try is really enjoyable and, in the end, Darksiders do not disappoint for the try. For me, it will be always remarkable for its peculiar mixed personality and captivating art.