Oh Contra, how you make me whimper like the little (expletive deleted) I truly am!

User Rating: 8 | Contra 4 DS
This game will have you defecating blood in no time, just like the good old days. Spread shot indeed! Plus you and grandpa can play together using co-op mode, assuming grandpa hasn't permanently misplaced his Nintendo DS and/or Contra 4 game card! If you also own a Wii and have downloaded Super C on the Virtual Console, this game will make you feel foolish for doing so, as it's an unlockable in this here Contra 4! But, really, isn't that the point of the Contra series--to make us all feel foolish? All in all, a very good game to play while waiting in line at the DMV or while at the cinema during a matinee showing of Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem. This game also ended my second marriage, but I'm not holding a grudge. In fact, I rather prefer Mad Dog's company over the exes. You hear that, Tracey? Disappointingly, this game doesn't incorporate any touch functionality, so you'll have to do all of the "touching" yourself ;) Having logged over 208 hours on this game, I feel confident in saying it's the game I've played the most--and lost the most as a result of--in my life. A solid 8.0, just like my life up until this point.