Castlevania: the way it should be.

User Rating: 9.5 | Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3
To start off this game is truly epic. By far the most detailed game I've seen on a console besides GoW3. If you guys wanted Castlevania with GoW, shadow of the colossus, DMC, then this is for you. Unlike most games, the story is very well incorporated into the game, especially for Castlevania. In other words, it won't feel like a chore playing this game and every cutscene is gratifying. Another thing to note is the cinematics. They are so well done you almost forget your playing a game. The only downside that I've found is that its not a traditional Castlevania game (i.e. big castle, going back and forth, leveling, customize weapons) Also to note that there is no map which this game could have really used at times. But the content of the game more than makes up for that. So if you are looking for the next Darksiders-ish game, or one like GOW, then pick this up, especially if you are a Castlevania fan.