Perhaps a new heir to the Belmont Clan?

User Rating: 9 | Castlevania: Lords of Shadow PS3
As many know Castlevania is a very renowned series in gaming and rightly so since it has spanned 20 years and delivered many stellar games along the way. 2D games have always been the series bread and butter, but 3D entries have not fared as well. Now that brings us to the most current entry in the series, Castlevania Lords of Shadow which has been brought to us by Mercurysteam and Kojima Productions (metal gear fame). Rather than continue the groundwork laid by past games Lords of Shadow is more a reboot and retelling of the Castlevania lore.


The story takes place in Europe during the middle ages in the year of 1047, and stars the titular hero of Gabriel Belmont. The earth and heavens are being threatened by the looming forces of the lords of shadow and its up to our hero as part of the order of the Brotherhood of light to make the world right again. Along this journey the characters past and story unfold in a number of events, the main of which revolves around his wife and his goal to restore her to life. You will meet a number of shady characters and monsters alike along the way, the most notable of these would be his fellow brotherhood member by the name of Zobek (voiced by Patrick Stewart). He also narrates the game as well as becoming a sort of benevolent guide who's motives are unclear but never the less well he is presented well, and at certain points he will also join Gabriel on his adventure. The main aspects of the game revolve around defeating the lords of shadow and gaining sacred objects during this adventure, each will aid the character and help him continue his quest. The pacing of the overall story is great and will have you on the edge of your seat, the writing is top notch and the voice acting is even better.


Now from first glance this game would appear very similar to God of War and or Devil may Cry, but looks can be deceiving. Sure it shares similarities since the combat is very fast and frantic, but it has subtleties and nuances that help it stand apart. Your primary weapon is the combat cross, this weapon is a whip-like chain that extends and retracts. A weapon very familiar to most who have played Castlevania. Brutal combos and precise dodging is the meat of the combat and it works great, from grabbing enemies to keeping them at a distance. The holy weapon is very versatile. Sub weapons and items also play a pivotal role, such as holy water, daggers, fairies, and a very powerful summon crystal that calls forth a beast that unleashes a devastating attack. All these weapons may seem standard fare, but what really ties them all together is the magic system. This system consists of light and shadow magic, each can be applied to attacks and items. Light magic will restore your health with every blow and also allow you to attack certain enemies. Shadow magic on the other hand will increase your strength and give Gabriel incredible power. Both of these can be toggled between each other and used in many situations, but they also have a limit since they will drain with each repeated use. Gems to extend this limit can be found, along with ones that can also increase your overall life bar. Besides combat the game revolves around puzzles and parkour climbing and plat-forming sections. For the plat-forming areas you will be able to climb areas such giant mountains via small paths and ledges. One aspect of this that kinda falls short is the fixed camera angles in each area that sometime make it hard to judge jumping distance, or certain other areas that aren't positioned well enough to tell where you have to jump next. Other than those most work just fine and really add to the feeling of this epic journey. The puzzles also bring some much needed down-time and careful thinking to the game, everyone is different and will test your abilities in many ways. Some aren't very clear in their method for solving them, and explanations of how some work are vague or non existent which can become a problem at times. Most are pretty straight forward and can be worked through by trial and error though. Each reward you with currency that will aid you in buying much needed combat upgrades and magic upgrades. That money can also be collected through combat as well. And last but not least are the boss fights which are spectacular. During these battles you will use every trick you've gained along the way to deal with your foe. A major part of these battles consist of the quick-time events where you are required to hit a button when prompted to at a precise time during the battle, for the most part they work great but sometimes they can come out of nowhere and failing them may result in restarting the fight.


Music is one thing Castlevania excels in, and while this entry doesn't quite have the same kind of magic or any of the past tunes other than a remix of "Vampire Killer", it still does a suitable job of creating great atmosphere. Quiet and melodic songs are played in many areas and add to the foreboding tension the game presents. And on the opposite end of the spectrum it also has songs with big booming orchestrated sections and a lot of choir singing which are fitting for the scope of each battle and or area they are in. The sound effects are just as good with fire flickering in the background, and everything from bats wings to crushing blows can be heard in great detail with awesome quality, it also helps set an eerie atmosphere. Overall the music and sound is fantastic and it compliments the game beautifully. It brought out the best in each area and set a tone like no other.


This is probably the most outstanding part of the game, it excels in creating a believable world that completely draws the player in. First off the games menus are superb, they all take place within a book and each section is contained on a page. The combat moves are displayed on these pages via small animated sketches that show you exactly what they contain and what your in for. The biggest and most notable aspects would be the levels and worlds Gabriel will traverse. Each is enormous and extremely detailed, from lush forests to ascending castles and so on. While the path you travel is very linear, it won't detract from the sheer scale and wonder each environment and section presents. Combat is also very flashy and well done, each crack of Gabriel's whip feels like it has power behind it and is a feast for the eyes to see in action. The Magic and energy effects are well done and only add to the eye candy that is already present throughout the game. Art design is something I care deeply for in video games, Lords of Shadow is one of the greatest examples I've ever seen. Monsters and creatures you fight will ooze personality, and each are well animated throughout the game. You will encounter numerous variations of many classic and new monsters alike. The boss battles are quite the spectacle themselves as I've already stated, each is completely different from previous one and all of them are designed really well, especially the titan battles which harken back to elements and gameplay from Shadow of the Colossus.

Closing comments

From story to presentation Castlevania Lords of Shadow delivers on many levels. It may barrow aspects from other games but it definitely changes things up a bit by bringing a unique twist and flavor all its own. Combat is satisfying, the story is great and presentation is excellent. Ill admit I was very hesitant about this game at first, since Im a longtime fan of the series and this looked to deviate from the norm by changing everything most of us know about castlevania, but in time it grew on me. So for anybody who has never tried a Castlevania game, or for anyone who is a longtime fan this game series, this one is definitely worth a look for any gamer who wants a great adventure and fantastic experience.


-Well paced
-Great story and presentation
-Fantastic Atmosphere and design
-Deep and enjoyable combat


-Slight camera issues when judging jump and area distance
-lack of direction in puzzle solving and navigation

Overall Score: 9 out of 10