Not So Bad

User Rating: 7.2 | Blasto PS
After reading Gamespots review I just had to write one of my own. I really enjoyed Blasto, especially voiced by Phil Hartman, it was a fun game that all be it has it glitches but reading the review here made them sound worse then they really are. The pop up enemies really don't hinder your game play as much as it is let on. Yes some do pop up in front of you if you just run through but if you take your time and check an area out they will generate and not give you much of a problem. I found the jokes to be extremely funny and the levels fun to explore to find all the hidden items, just be careful cause yes it is very easy to fall to your death when climbing around some area's. The character is pompous and really full of himself but that is part of his charm and Phil Hartman did a wonderful job in brining that out in the character.
It's simply a fun game to play for one of those rainy game days. I think back to my experience playing the game and can think of how much more fun I had playing it then it was frustrating which it is at times but don't all games have those.