Lots of fun, great potential; frustration can be compounded though

User Rating: 7.5 | Blasto PS
You are ‘Blasto’. Your mission is to rescue the ‘babes’ who have been imprisoned by aliens as you progress through the levels. The ultimate goal is to reach and defeat the lead alien who has a personal vendetta against you.
B is a third person, over the shoulder, action shooter. Run around levels blasting aliens, looking for the level exit. Later levels are hub arranged. Lots of platform jumping. Several different power-ups for the weapon: ice blaster, flame thrower, homing missiles, etc. This game favors cuteness over realism. The main hero has a huge head/upper body and tiny legs, and the voice is the legendary Phil Hartman.

+ Fun to play.
+ Phil Hartman.
+ Different weapon power-ups.
+ Pause game brings up level statistics: aliens remaining, babes remaining, lives remaining.
- Frustrating pop-up turrets - which can’t be destroyed and continually fire mines at you.
- If you get killed and already collected all the good power-ups, good luck getting through the rest of the game with your pea-shooter.
- No load option on the in-game menu which makes #2 VERY annoying.