Check your bargin bin for one of the best PS1 fighters

User Rating: 7.4 | Battle Arena Toshinden 3 PS
Battle Arena Toshiden 3 is a fun game to play. Though the fighting isn't fast it still does it's job. With easy to pull off special moves, and diverse characters (atleast the ones you start off with) the fighting is fun. One character has a Chainsaw, and plays great, and uses that chainsaw great.

Battle Arena Toshiden 3 has many characters, many you have to win. Although alot of people you win have the same exact moves has the characters you allready have, which is somewhat disapointing. The graphics were pretty good for the PS1. The voice acting in this game sucked bad though, I think all the characters should have spoken Japanese for the games sake.

If you can find this game cheap and enjoy fighters, buy it. It's also fun to play with friends.