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PS4's 5.0 Update Revealed, Here's What It Does

PlayStation 4's update 5.0 is available now for some.


PlayStation 4's 5.0 update was leaked last week, and now Sony has officially revealed what's coming in the patch. In short, there are few huge features included in the update--which is out today for select beta testers--but lots of small improvements that should improve the system's functionality overall.

Some of the enhancements center around streaming using the PS4's built-in broadcasting capabilities. PS4 Pro users will be able to stream in 1080p and 60 FPS, provided their connection is strong enough, and PSVR users will be able to see new messages and comments coming through while broadcasting. PSVR is also adding 5.1ch and 7.1ch virtual surround sound support.

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Next up, the PS4's Friends List is being updated with greater management tools, such as the ability to set up separate lists of friends. You'll be able to create a list of all the people you play Destiny with and send them all an invite, for example. This feature replaces the old Favorite Groups tab.

In another move to help reduce the amount of time spent in menus, the Quick Menu is being updated to have more options. For example, you'll be able to check on download progress and see new party invites. You can also leave a party from within that menu and see your current Spotify playlist.

Notifications are also being improved when watching films and TV, as you can now disable message and other notification pop-ups while watching media. You can also change how much of a message is displayed, as well as its color, when playing or watching any form of content.

Finally, Parental Control features are being overhauled in favor of what Sony calls "Family on PSN." This replaces the old Master/Sub account system; instead, one user is deemed the Family Manager, and they can set up other accounts and appoint them as a Parent/Guardian, Adult, or Child. Parents or Guardians can restrict Child accounts in their "use of online features and communication with other players, set restrictions for games, restrict the use of the internet browser, and set spending limits for PlayStation Store." Note that Sony says the first time any North American user tries to set up an Adult account, they will be charged $0.50 "to verify that you are an adult."

You can read all the details of the 5.0 update here. Beta testers who were selected to take part will be able to upgrade today, though bear in mind that your console may experience "unexpected issues" as a result of the beta. Sony does say, however, that you can downgrade to the current version of 4.73. The company has not revealed when the update will go live for all users, though beta invites do include two extra codes for testers to try it out with friends.

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"Note that Sony says the first time any North American user tries to set up an Adult account, they will be charged $0.50 'to verify that you are an adult.'"

How exactly is that supposed to verify someone is an adult? If it requires a credit or debit card, not everyone has one or is comfortable giving that kind of info to Sony, which is why some people buy prepaid cards.

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@Jinzo_111887: then use the prepaid info or whatever. If you have ever purchased anything its sends an email to you so there is "your" verification so if your kid did it you would get an email and be able to fix it. Thats all they really care about cause no kid is going to set that up since its default is to allow freedom you have to take steps to lock it down and all they are doing is giving some sort of oversight.

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@Jinzo_111887: just answered above - it's a process a lot of sites use - when a small payment is taken the bank sends details about address, name and age to the charger - so the system can confirm how old you actually are from that.

Usually you get the money back in a few days as they don't actually claim the money - they just want the ID info

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Edited By Jinzo_111887

@turniplord: And what about adults who don't have one or don't trust Sony with their credit/debit cards?

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@Jinzo_111887: I doubt your required to save your information, that's were any issues could happen. If it's a one time thing no info is stored and it's just like buying something online. Unless you never do that either and if your an adult without a debit card do you pay cash for everything?

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@darkelf83: Prepaid/gift cards. Steam, Nintendo, PSN, Amazon, itunes, Google, and a number of other businesses have ones they sell in stores, which would be one way for someone to purchase something online without a debit or credit card. However, if companies can verify this kind of information without a debit or credit card, you have to wonder why Nintendo decided to implement it as a requirement to do certain things with the Wii U to verify a kid wasn't doing it.

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@Jinzo_111887: you probably won't be able to use it then. I would say 99.9% of adults have a bank account with a debit card - all you need to do is use it for verification then remove the payment method after. Once you delete it, it's no longer stored on their systems

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@Jinzo_111887: No idea... I've always used prepaid cards to add funds. No way I'm giving Sony my credit card number.

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@Jinzo_111887: It's ok, they'll give us a free outdated game when they leak our information,'s worth it?

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