"A fun, quirky, side-scrolling shooter."

User Rating: 8.8 | Alien Hominid GC
Reminiscent of Metal Slug and the other great side scrolling shooters of the past, Alien Hominid takes an almost non-existent genre and makes you stand up and take notice. In today's gaming market, 2D graphics have inevitably given way to rendered 3D environments. Alien Hominid brings us back to those by-gone days of 2D wonder, and does so with some pretty amazing looking hand drawn backgrounds and characters. The little yellow protagonist in particular is fun to watch, and the ability to engage in Co-op play is also a plus. The characters are humorous, and the gameplay is simple yet challenging. Additionally, there is a great deal of unlockable features and mini-games that provide a great deal of replay value. In short, this is a game that should be in any GameCube gamer's library!