A brutal, visceral, violent funride.

User Rating: 8 | X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Uncaged Edition) X360
Holy smokes, hats off to Activision for having the guts to publish this M-rated gorefest. As you may know, the movie is rated PG-13 in America, and 12 in the UK. So I was quite surprised when I got to play it, because most of the trailers shy away from the brutality. But just in case you were doubting, it IS very violent. After a gory opening cutscene, you're off to Africa in one of the game's many flashbacks. A beautiful setting, though it makes the game feel like Tomb Raider, with added dismembering and mayhem.

It's awesome. You're running around slashing through waves of enemies in some quite nasty ways. The so called "lunge" attack is by far the coolest, and the most useful. You'll target an enemy far away, and leap at him, introducing his chest to your shiny adamantium claws. This move can be used in a cheap way though, it is very powerful, and most enemies in the start of the game goes down after one lunge attack. But luckily, you have some other cool looking moves you'll want to try on enemies. You can also use the environment to impale, crush and destroy.

Everything is good an well for the most part of the game, you will encounter some lazy puzzles, some cool, but too easy boss battles. The whole game is pretty easy, I didn't die once, as a result of combat. At it's heart it's just another button masher, an incredibly fun one though, but repetition does set in before the final decapitation. It does have some extraordinary action set pieces that are really outstanding. The game also looks fantastic, Wolverine can take serious amounts of damage, and at some points I was just staring at a walking skeleton covered in blood with an open chest, revealing a still beating heart.

Voicework is also outstanding, I think it's Steven Jay Blum voicing Wolverine. The story is all over the place, I haven't seen the movie yet, but I don't think it follows it to a "T". Nevertheless, the cutscenes are really awesome, with some funny dark humour. I wish they would've dropped the "In the not too distant future" nonsense. This game is, for the most part awesome for as long as it lasts, which is about 2 days. Just further proof that videogame tie-ins aren't necessarily bad.