I loved it

User Rating: 9.5 | Ultimate Spider-Man XBOX
ok well i rilly did think this game cept me bisey
ok well i got to say its prity fun wen you get the hang of it swining about all day lots of things to colect some bits lke not being abel to jume the river all the time that rilly gets to me but still the swinging about in the big city is fun i tell you that =) lots of fun well thats wat i think =)

ok the grathink yer well good all comic like well good

o game play yer i got bored a bit and swing about the city but the game play is prity good tho but thers a big bit thats good you get to play as venem its priyt wicked i liked it =) its a shame thers not a game wer you play as a monster and get stronger that woed be call wen i rech level 6 im going to start a union about a monster game triy and get some one to pick up on it i think it woed pick up qwiyt well ( will c in the fucher a lol )

the music err i dident like it that much o well you get yous to it in a good game tho

ok well i think this is a gt to by =) but you bont have to lisen to me tho =)

my m8s stay it poop