Possibly great game somewhat tarnished by loads of crappy, frusrating chase missions...

User Rating: 7.5 | Ultimate Spider-Man XBOX
I bought this game at Blockbuster, because I liked Spiderman 2 the game, and I dont get annoyed by cel shading at all. I'd hafta say that the web swinging is somewhat improved, I especially like the zip line, and I end up using it a lot. The combat isnt as good as in Spiderman 2 in my opinion, there just arent nearly as many moves and combos you can use, Downgrade. Peter Parker is very annoying, even for being a Sixteen year old like in the comics. I like the fact that they included many other marvel characters like Wolverine, and The Human Torch, that was a good touch. The thing I really hate about this game is the over abbundance of crappy chase mission, many of which are so inredibly hard, I didnt want to play the game for many days at a time. Seriously, they are so frustrating. Im torn on this game, some things are bad, and some are good, but it would've been a much better game if not for the chase missions.